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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – June 2021

veterinary support assistant

Holistic / homeopathic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers questions from readers each month. This month she gives answers about a cat with a tumor, a Labrador Retriever that may have hypothyroid, a ten year old cat with progressive inappetence, kitten with flatulence, a non- thriving kitten, and a cat, a dog with dysplasia and one with seizures. ( Send your questions to [email protected] )

A Word About Dr. Deva Khalsa,

Dr. Khalsa is one of the most innovative veterinarians I’ve ever known.  She’s mastered cutting edge holistic methods that have saved many pets who would have perished otherwise. When my dog was poisoned and the conventional vets said it was too late to save him, she gave him IV vitamin C, acupuncture and homeopathic treatment and by the next day he was playing in the park again. She’s always discovering new resources and has worked similar miracles for the most hopeless cases. She also lives the dictum “first do no harm”. Dr.Khalsa also does phone consults and will work with your current vet.
Alan V. Schmukler – Chief Editor – Homeopathy for Everyone

Hell Dr. Khalsa:

Jingo, my 12 year old male cat was diagnosed on May 20th with a “mass within the nasal region closely associated with the left eye, pressing on it as it grows, causing an increase in pressure. The intraocular pressure within his left eye is almost 3x the pressure within the right eye. The abnormality is most likely non-surgical due to its location.”

I was told the best diagnosis would be an MRI of his head; without this, palliative and supportive care is the best recommendation. After the diagnosis, Jingo started receiving prednisolone and veraflox.

He still is very agile, jumps to a bed he has on top of the washer, or sleeps on another bed on the floor. Also, I have another cat who has grown up with Jingo, absolutely loves him.  I believe his presence is helping Jingo.

Is there anything you can recommend?

Thank you
Joan   [email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa

The most common kind of cancer in the cat is lymphosarcoma. VDI has a Feline Cancer Panel that may help discern this.

I use a stem cell activating product to treat lymphoma in cats and it does work very well but the owner has to give IM injections at home or get a nurse to come to the house.

Here is an article on this.

Hi Dr. Khlasa,

I’m hoping to get some insight on my sweet Lab. She is 13 years old and has severe arthritis. It’s been a problem for the past 3-4 years for her, and is getting progressively getting. She was once a spunky, happy dog that loved to run and play. Now she lays around all day not moving much.

She has accidents (both number 1 and 2 multiple times a day). She can’t control her #2, it just comes out when she walks. She is lethargic and looks sad (in pain). Sometimes she also just pees on herself because she doesn’t want to get up. Her liver count was up recently so we took her off the meds (that were not helping much anyway).

At this point I’m hoping to use homeopathy to manage her pain. If we can’t get her pain under control, we are having to consider putting her down, which we don’t want to do since she is pretty healthy besides the arthritis.

The meds the vet had her on is what made her liver counts go up. I am so appreciative of any suggestions you may have for our sweet girl.

Thank you,
Kristy Riese [email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

First of all, the Labrador Retriever breed commonly becomes hypothyroid and this should be checked for a number of reasons. If she is hypothyroid, which is very likely, this could be the reason for her incontinence and weakness in her joints.  Laying around all day not moving much could also be due to hypothyroidism.

Concerning her liver count, she was likely on Rimadyl which was originally made for people and it was destroying their livers so they made it for dogs and script it to dogs all the time. Veterinarians are supposed to require liver panels every 3-6 months for dogs on Rimadyl and I see no vets doing that in recent times.

The liver destruction is also a reason for tiredness. Now, usually in the geriatric panel the veterinarian would choose a panel which does have a T4 and a Free T4 which would measure thyroid function. I do not know if that was done.

When it added into an existing blood test, it becomes much cheaper in price. That said, if it has not been done it is not too expensive and you should do it and then treat with thyroid meds if this is the problem. They take 6 weeks to reach levels but the improvement becomes very noticeable by two weeks into the treatment. She would be on these meds all her life.

All of her symptoms suggest hypothyroidism and so this should be checked first. I would be glad if she was, as you will have a new dog after she has been on thyroid meds for a few weeks. Until we rule this out, I cannot suggest other options as this is a bottom line kind of thing. If the thyroid is not working and this is the cause, nothing will work well at all.

Dear Doctor Khalsa,

I am writing as I did 7 years ago about our dear, now ten-year old kitty. She has had progressive inappetence the past three weeks which resulted in the ultrasound finding of pancreatitis and intestinal inflammation. The radiologist wasn’t overly concerned and offered that this was not uncommon in cats.

She is a hypersensitive, high stress kitty who had an ultrasound ~ age one – two which revealed a thickening of the intestinal wall. The concern at the time was to rule out FIP and it was hypothesized that she may eaten houseplants that had sickened her.

Leading up to this most recent situation, she has an erratic history of elevated kidney values on blood labs and is overweight. Her urines have been normal.

My question is, what is the best diet for her and what other recommendations do you have? What is your feeling about short term steroid treatment to get over the hump?
Many thanks, once again,

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

With this kind of problem, short term steroid treatment is never short term. There are two things that may be going on here. One is IBD and the other is lymphoma of the gut. Often the radiologist wants a biopsy to tell for sure but VDI labs has an easy blood test to help discern which is the Feline Cancer Panel.

As far as the diet, there is so much cross reaction in food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances that it is impossible to avoid foods. Phenolics are present in foods which cause this and they cross react. The only protein that does not have the aggravating phenolic is rabbit. So rabbit as the protein is the safest choice.

Food intolerances and food sensitivities are 15x more common than food allergies. Food allergies cause an immediate reaction. Eat a peanut and get hives. The others are delayed reactions of 7- 30 days.  I would get my book, The Allergic Pet, and read it.  I would also read these articles.

The best thing to do is to make an appointment with me as I have a way to test accurately the problem foods and eliminate the allergies and intolerances causing the reaction in the gut.  Easy, non-invasive and very effective.

Hi Dr. Khalsa,

I rescued a kitten and her sibling about a month ago and they have the most horrendous farts since I got them. It’s getting better but it still happens multiple times a day. I’ve given them probiotics, a deworming treatment and antibiotics that help bacterial infections in the gut as well as uti’s and started them on a partially raw diet. At first they just had straight diarrhea but now they have some solid poops. Their health has improved but something is still going on in this one’s tummy at least because her farts are just the worst I’ve never smelled.
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

There has to be a gut imbalance still. An excellent product is “Inner Garden” by Go Beyond Organic and cats LOVE it in their food.

It is made up of a bunch of symbiotic bacteria and it is light years ahead of probiotics. Here is an article about how this kind of thing was invented in Japan.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

I have a new kitten who is supposed to be 8 weeks old but she’s but much smaller than the rest of the litter. Her stomach stays somewhat bloated but I have not seen any worms in her poop. When she falls asleep her eyes cake shut. I read a holistic website about the eyes and started using Chamomille tea to clean the eyes and also applied diluted acv to the back of her neck (not eyes!) for that and have seen slight improvement. How to get her stronger? How to clear up her eyes?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

The best remedy for a non-thriving infant with these symptoms is Lycopodium and you can give 6c or 6x potency four times a day for a month or so. She could have been born with a portal shunt, also. This is not common in cats and can only be discerned by a very good board certified veterinary radiologist.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My chihuahua was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and was prescribed furosemide. Ever since he began the medicine, he has started having seizures so I’m in desperate need of finding a substitute and wanted something natural. I also give him CBD oil.
Thank you
Carly M.

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

This is hard to answer as I have no idea how bad the heart is. Usually, furosemide is prescribed when a pet is in congestive heart failure. Interestingly, furosemide has also been used to treat seizures at times.  It may be that he is on too much furosemide and that he is losing too much potassium.

You would need to have that checked in a blood test. Dandelion root (it has to be the root and not the leaves) is an excellent diuretic that also replenishes potassium  (dandelion is high in potassium) so you could try reducing the furosemide after adding in the dandelion root to his regime.

Oftentimes, the veterinarian prescribes a higher dose of furosemide and it is not hard to slowly reduce it to what they actually need on a daily basis. I use stem cell activating products for heart problems such as his with great success in rejuvenating the heart muscle.   The weakening of the heart muscle is the reason everything deteriorates in the heart.

You can also try the remedy Cactus grand 6x three times a day. Call your veterinarian as usually the initial furosemide dose is reduced if they do well.  If, for some reason he starts coughing again, you just increase the dose a bit. That way you can keep the dose as low as possible. And adding in the dandelion root will most likely help to reduce the furosemide, also.

Hi Dr. Khalsa,

My one-year-old Australian Shepard was diagnosed with elbow dysplasia. I’m switching him to Hill Science Diet Healthy Mobility and am giving him Dasuquin Advanced per the vet’s recommendations. I know it’s genetic but is there anything else natural I could be giving him to be proactive?
Thank you
Marvin G.

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Adequan injections can often help with this.

Hello Dr. Khalsa,

I have 4 fur babies, 3 of whom I need advice and all have been let down by conventional medicine. I am a homeopath graduating in June and would much prefer them not to have to take conventional medicine where possible, but I know I don’t have the expertise to treat them precisely enough myself.

Poppy – Cat, mixed short hair, female, 5 yo, spayed:
During a very hot summer about 3 years ago she suddenly got fleas, towards the end of August/beginning of September and we’ve never been able to get rid of them completely. The only thing that helped was a strong prescription-only spot-on from the vet but it clearly aggravated her as she would dart all over the house for at least an hour after application.

I stopped using it and tried over the counter brands, diatomaceous earth, combing her with a nit comb, washing her with Neem shampoo (only twice – didn’t scratch or bite, just very sad and howling). I did at one point before my son was born comb her twice a day for 3-4 months but despite getting many fleas out each time, it didn’t seem to make any long term difference.

We try to spray the house every few months, but this is difficult as the spray is highly toxic and we don’t want to cause harm to the animals or children. Over the winter she was grooming herself so much that the fur began thinning around the underside of her tail towards her bottom, but it didn’t look sore and there were no obvious flea bite marks. She was also biting fur out of her sides and back. She has not been doing this for the past month or so, though.

Dr. Deva Khalsa
Fleas are an Alfred Hitchcock nightmare now a days and when you have them for so long you have so many eggs that it becomes never ending. I don’t know what your entire animal family is but I will give you an example.

A family has two dogs and 4 cats. Two of the cats are elderly and have some health problems. The other pets are very healthy. If Advantage works in this example person’s area (different fleas in different areas have become resistant to different products) then give the two healthy dogs and the two younger cats each a dose once a month for two months and they become the flea killers. Vacuum like crazy- paying attention to crevices- and throw out the bag.

If you catch the fleas early, one dose for a month on each pet works but in your case I hope 2 months does it and you do not need three.  Also, pets develop bad bacterial infections when fleas are present for a long time. Flea Bite Dermatitis.  Whatever you are spraying is likely far more dangerous than dosing enough of the pets so they act like flea killers. The fleas jump on and die, they do not get a blood meal so they can lay eggs and the whole cycle stops.

Pumpkin – Rabbit, dwarf lop, female, 7yo, not-spayed:
About 3-4 years ago I noticed she was very wet around her mouth and that she must be dribbling. She also did not seem to want to eat any food and she lost about 500g of weight. The vet gave me a high calorie powder to mix with a little water and feed her with a syringe but she didn’t really take to it. She had blood tests which showed some imbalances with her liver counts and on this basis, I gave her Lycopodium 30C in trit tabs which she loved and was happy to take.

I was bringing her inside to monitor her food intake and give her some one on one attention. She was soon eating much more confidently and her weight piled back on within 2-3 days of taking the Lycopodium and her bloods also came back normal – vet was very impressed and happy to acknowledge that the remedies had done something positive, as the results were so quick.

She hasn’t had any dribbling for the past 6-7 months and the fur is all grown back. Eating fine but now has a preference for juicy fruits and bunny nuggets, won’t eat harder hay treats or leafy vegetables like she used to before the dentition. She is also much more timid than she used to be, won’t hang around for stroking, and will no longer take a remedy from my hand like before.
Many thanks,
Gemma Dean [email protected] 

Dr. Deva Khalsa
I’m glad she is doing well as I know very little about rabbits! Sorry

Pickle – Rabbit, dwarf lop, male, 7yo, neutered:
Pickle has always been more ‘jumpy’ than Pumpkin or Ezra. Quite fidgety and difficult to hold. He’s quite a stocky boy and since having to be held more frequently has become very avoidant of people, and even if there is food out he will run back into the hutch and hide until we have left the garden.

Around the same time that Pumpkin was dribbling, Pickle started having loose ‘raspberry poos’ which I recognised to be cecotropes (from when Pumpkin had itwhen she was very small). He would not take remedies at all, very suspicious.

I now regularly check him to ensure there isn’t a build up collecting around his genitals, but if there is then it has to be soaked and cut away.
He eats well and is well built.

Dr. Deva Khalsa
Once again… I do not know enough to give you an intelligent, well thought out answer.


Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults (including phone consults) :

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.

Available from:


The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

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