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Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – Dr. Deva Khalsa – March 2015

Holistic veterinarian Dr. Deva Khalsa answers veterinary questions from readers – March 2015. Send your questions to [email protected]

Devajan2015img1Each month Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. will answer selected questions on veterinary issues. Dr. Khalsa is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog.

Good Morning,

I have a female Chihuahua who was abandoned at a young age. Whoever had her, opened the car door and threw her out because she had mange and worms.  She healed quite nicely. But now she is 13 years old and has cataracts that are now causing glaucoma. I had her to the vet who specializes in cataracts and he said he couldn’t help her.  She is very independent.  She still loves her walks and ping pongs down the road from one side to the other but she loves to be independent.  I have tried Silica and I am now using Arnica which seems to be helping her.  Do you have any suggestions to relieve the ocular pressure?

Thank you very much for your time.

Jean Anaya 

Dr. Deva Khalsa:  First of all, cataracts do not cause glaucoma.  Unless your dog is a very unusual case they are separate problems.  Oftentimes, something called nuclear sclerosis, in which the lens accumulates water (not affecting sight) and causes a pearl like look when a light is shined in the eye, is mistaken for cataracts. Glaucoma can be very uncomfortable and even painful for a dog. There are many medications conventionally that reduce the pressure and provide relief.  The remedy phosphorus can be helpful in mild stages but I suggest finding another ophthalmologist.

Dear Dr. Khalsa

I am writing about our 16 year old white, long haired, male cat named Winston who is suffering with basel cell carcinoma on the ears and face. This began about four years ago. We live in sunny Mexico and he has spent his life free to wander and be in the sun. All veterinary consultations in our area have resulted in suggestions of amputations (ears and chemo therapies which we have declined. With the help of our local homeopath, he has been given Arsenicum and Phos along
with a nosode he told how to make from scabs left off by the tumors.
      I wouldn’t say all has been to no avail, but the cancer, though it has been held back for about three years is gradually taking over with small tumors, scabbing and bleeding around both eyes, nose tip and both ear tips) and a large area of tumor virtually eating into the edge of one ear. He has a large hard, swollen gland under each ear.
    He is mostly ill humored and when approached will cry out, as if to complain of life , but responds lovingly tobeing held and petted yet at times but goes off and stays by himself. He often  has sudden bursts of energy, climbing the tree, jumping up on the wall running, scurrying about, considering his age.
     The homeopath who, surprised to see that he is still alive said we could put him down. We are not capable of that. However, I do not know where to turn and it is awfully difficult seeing his face being eaten away as it is. Perhaps you have suggestion for us.


Diana M.

Dr. Khalsa :  If the problem was addressed early with some external cancer salve like Cansemma or Blood Root, the masses would have resolved and not spread. This has spread into the glands and body. Cancer is not easy to cure in any way, shape or form.  If there was an easy homeopathic remedy that would handle this kind of thing we homeopaths would be either placed on pedestals or all imprisoned or shot for competing with Big Pharma. There is really nothing that can be done in this case.  There is the wisdom to know what you can do and what you cannot.  I know how hard it is to put an animal to sleep.. maybe if he was put on some steroids or some pain meds he would not hide as much and he can live his life more comfortably till you are ready.

Hi  Dr. Khalsa,

Our cat Sox is 3 years old, timid and petit. She is black, short haired with a white bib. She is obsessed by food, constantly demanding food ever after eating everything in her bowl.  She gets very angry if she is not given food immediately, she screams for more food. The excessive demand for food  started about 18 months ago and was triggered her being given a packet of “dreamies” cat treats.  Since she tasted them she demands food constantly. We have stopped giving her those treats.  Her favourite foods are meat based with cheese being her second choice for eats.   She screams loudly for food and spends a lot of time in the kitchen in search of food. She will occasionally drink milk.  She is aloof unless she is familiar with the person.  She will only drink water from a tap with running water.

Many thanks    


Dr. Khalsa:  Has Sox had fleas recently, such as during the summer? Fleas carry tapeworm eggs which then become tapeworms that live in the gut and eat away at the food you feed your cat. When they are really bad they segment and tiny rice like things come out of the anus and sometimes dry on the pillow the cat is sleeping on. It doesn’t have to get that bad for a cat to have tapeworms and they are hard to find on routine fecal tests. In fact, they are not found in routine fecal tests.  If Sox did have fleas, worm her with Droncit which is a special wormer for tapeworms. See how she does after this. You can also get her on a good supplement as she may be craving nutrients she does not get in her food.  Deserving Pets :  makes an excellent supplement.  (continued on p. 2)

I would not expect this in a cat of her age. Hyperthyroidism which increases appetite is usually found in cats older than she is. But it might not be a bad idea to test her T4 and Free T4 which are basic thyroid tests.

As far as a remedy, I would need more data on her to choose the right one for her.  But such a dramatic change is a bit odd.  Or else she really, really, really loved those “dreamies”!

Dear Dr. Khalsa,

My 14 lb Javanese dog, 12 years old has two 1 cm big cysts, on back and head.  The cysts were hard and bone like protrusions initially, but now seem sebaceous though still quite firm. They do not move. They are protrusions from outside skin, not under the skin.  How can I reduce/ treat them without surgically getting them removed?  The first one developed on back more than a year ago, second one two months back

He likes human visitors to give him attention but charges at dogs during walks. Is anxious and wants me to pick him up when we have a gathering. Settles down after a bit. Wants to be near me all the time. His siblings, ie my children left home for college and he gets lonely. 

Does not like rain and cold or too hot. Will often stay inside even when I am gardening outside.  Also has a delicate stomach and diagnosed with IBD, so gets diarrhea often. Had blepharitis once which got cured by pulsatilla and silica in alternate doses. Since he cannot tolerate fat, I have given him pulsatilla 30 c periodically.



Dr. Khalsa:  Read the article on my site about Nixing Allergies with NAET which is relevant as far as IBD is concerned.   The cysts sound like sebaceous cysts which have a soft top and are filled with cottage cheese like black or white sort of debris. (Think pimple stuff). You can’t do this but in my practice I would lance them with a tiny #11 blade and then pull out the lining and they would totally go away. This saves surgery and anesthesia on the pet and they clear up fine without leaving a long scar. Baryta carb is one remedy for sebaceous cysts.  Honestly, they are walled off and filled with gunk and remedies do not work so well with sebaceous cysts. You can also try Silicea low potency if the top is very soft and it looks like it is going to burst

Hi Doctor,

My little mixed breed is allergic to bees. He also seems to be allergic to fleas. He just needs to get bitten once by a flea and he ends up in a frenzy of scratching and itching. I have dipped him, put fancy shampoo on him, conditioned his coat. His skin is now dry from all the dips etc and he is losing his fur. The last two baths there were no fleas but he still scratches and chews. There are tiny blood spots on my bedding from him – smaller than pin prick size. His skin is not abraded anywhere – just getting baldish. This happened last summer as well – I live in SA and the summer is very hot.  Apart from giving him a weekly bath which seems to help a bit (for about 6 hours) How can I help my boy?  PS he does not eat store food. I cook for him and add biscuits.


Thank you so much

Marilyn Muller 

Dr. Khalsa:  You still have fleas if you are seeing tiny blood spots on his bedding. One flea lays 800 eggs at a time.  You can use Ticked Off Unscented all over him which is an all natural contact killer for fleas and flea eggs that works like a miracle. Also get scented Ticked Off and after vacuuming really, really well you can spray the bedding and baseboards and it will work to kill the eggs. You have to keep up with it and be very dedicated in order to avoid having to use the toxic chemical products. Spring is on the way, so it’s really best to do it before it gets warm, as eggs tend to like to hatch then.   Also, check his thyroid with the thinning coat. I do not know his age, the younger he is the less likely it is to happen.  Remedies like Apis mell, Ledum, Hypericum and Urtica urens are good for sensitivity to insect bites.  NAET can cure bee allergies and flea allergies. Regardless, you still have fleas for sure.

Dear Dr.

I’m wondering if there’s a homeopathic medication to avoid pregnancy in my 5 year old Chihuahua dog. I have the pair, but every time she gets pregnant she suffers for a lot of hours, sometimes a couple of days. Her puppies are usually born dead because they come out feet first and suffocate. Then when some manage to be born head first they only live a few days because they are very weak and don’t suck the milk from the mother. If there is some medication I could use instead of spaying please let me know.

Thank you.

Joel Paz Cavazos

Dr. Khalsa:  Why don’t you SPAY her?  Female dogs are different from people as far as their fertility cycles and most people think dogs’ hormones work just like ours. She could die in one of those episodes. She will be much happier and likely live a longer and healthier life.



The second edition of my book is coming out early next year.  Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog   – It a great and useful holiday gift!


Nutrients for Cats and Dogs

Using her 30 years experience treating animals holistically, Dr. Khalsa designed nutrients just for dogs and cats. VITAL VITIES contain specially selected vitamins, minerals and super-food granules in a delicious base.   Learn more about nutrition for your pet:

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website and for consults:


All information provided on this site, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, homeopathy, homeopathic medicine, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment, nor all health-related issues.


About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.


  • Is there any homeopathic treatment for Nuclear Sclerosis in a 14 year old dog? He also has some diminished hearing but is in good health otherwise. He had 2 back teeth extracted due to decay.

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