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Veterinary Homeopathy

Deserving Pets gives you the scoop on supplements

Deserving Pets gives you the scoop on supplements

In order to understand why complete supplementation is essential, let’s begin with a story about the Maytag Man. The Maytag Man evokes the consummate image of a kindly repairman, eager to help get your washer or dryer up and running again. Our dogs and our cats (in fact all of us) have the equivalent of the Maytag Man in all of our cells. Cells are bustling, busy miniature cities filled with ‘homes’ having lots of activity going on constantly. While the Maytag appliance company brags that they have no work for their repairmen, our cells’ Maytag Men work constantly. It’s how we all stay healthy! Cells run a race against time, disease and aging. They need specific tools to run this race and win. Imagine if the Maytag Man came to fix your washing machine and you found him leaning against the wall doing nothing. “What’s the problem?”, you might ask. And he might answer, “I forgot my tools, so I can’t fix your washing machine.” Just so, our cells must have their necessary tools to create health and stave off disease. We all think of food in terms of carbohydrates, fats and protein and search labels to find out how much of each is in the package we are buying. The cell wall is made up of protein, and carbohydrates are used for energy. However, they don’t repair and maintain the health of the cell.

Let’s look at it this way: to maintain your home you need cleaning solutions, a broom, a mop, paint, screwdrivers, a hammer, nails and all manner of tools. This needs to be a complete set of tools too. Imagine our now familiar Maytag Man leaning against your dryer, once again failing to fix it. “I see you have tools today- so what’s the problem?” “I don’t have the right tools for this job. I didn’t bring a complete set of tools with me.” Vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals are the tools needed to actually keep our dogs and cats -via all the cells in their bodies- healthy. Too many of us have forgotten this. That’s not so hard to do because, for years, vitamin/mineral supplements for pets have been grossly inferior. They contained the cheapest ingredients from the cheapest sources. Brewer’s yeast, still a common ingredient, is left over from the beer brewing industry. It’s cheap and pets like the taste. These kinds of supplements don’t provide anything close to the complete set of tools needed for health, and neither does dry or canned processed pet food. Somehow, we all expect our pets to stay healthy and disease free even though they have very few of the necessary tools to accomplish this task. Pet foods don’t provide the minerals and vitamins pets need to maintain health. Quality vitamins and minerals are essential to supply components necessary for metabolism.

When pure human-grade vitamins, minerals and super-foods combine to create a balanced and complete formula you’ll visibly see the difference in just a few weeks!




The beautiful colors in fruits and vegetables are created from some very healthy compounds, called phytochemicals. Certain fruits and vegetables, because of their powerful disease preventing effects, have been dubbed ‘super-foods’. Phytochemicals have been shown again and again in scientific research to protect against disease! In 1992 John Hopkins Medical School researched thefirst phytochemical in Kale. Since then hundreds of powerful phytochemicals have been found. That’s why health magazines write about a 30% reduction in cancer risk from eating foods rich in phytochemicals.

Vitamins last for a few hours. The cells grab what they need and rush off to do their jobs. Phytochemicals can last for days dumping toxins and promoting health. Hippocrates never dreamed that his words, “Let food be thy medicine.” would be proven true in the research laboratories of the 21st century! These super-foods also provide additional vitamins.

ALFALFA (concentrated extract) is a source of Vitamin A,C, E and K, carotenoids, isoflavonoids, calcium, potassium, phosphorus providing direct support for the cardiovascular system, heart and joints. Alfalfa is also an excellent source of Vitamin K2-newly discovered to be so important for bone health.

BEETS (concentrated extract) contain betaine, glutamine and high levels or folic acid. It helps detoxification of the liver an also supports cardiac function.

BLUEBERRIES have a diverse range of micronutrients, including manganese, B 6, vitamin C and vitamin K. Blueberries have so many health benefits that a 2007 Symposium was held just on “berry benefits”! Their positive effects range from preventing urinary tract infections and cancer to decreasing brain damage.

BROCCOLI is high in the Vitamins C, K and A and contains potent anti-cancer nutrients such as selenium along with powerful anti-cancer phytochemicals. Compounds found in broccoli act as modulators to the innate immune response system with anti-viral, antibacterial and anti-cancer activity.

CRANBERRIES are excellent as a general health tonic and help keep the acid-base balance in the body at a more healthy alkaline level. They’ve been shown to have great efficacy in preventing and helping with bladder problems. Cranberries acidify the urine making it difficult for bacteria to survive. And cranberries have a special polysaccharide called mannose, which decreases the ability of bacteria to adhere to the lining of the urinary bladder.

DANDELION has unique properties and is one of the best foods/herbs for the toning the liver. (Milk thistle simply protects the liver) It’s been used for joint, kidney, digestion, liver and gallbladder problems. It is a great source of potassium. It helps cats with chronic constipation by stimulating their digestive system and helps dogs and cats with chronic diarrhea because it works as a prebiotic providing ‘health food’ for the good bacteria in the intestine. In fact, some studies have shown that prebiotics work more quickly than probiotic supplementation to restore a healthy intestinal balance. Dandelion is a very rich source of vitamins and minerals.

KALE is a super nutritious vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals that have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is high in beta-carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C and calcium. Kale also contains sulforaphane in addition to numerous other phytochemicals believed to have potent anti-cancer properties. The phytochemicals in Kale help cells dump toxins about six times faster. Kale is also an effective prebiotic, the ‘health food’ for the ‘good bacteria’.

LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS is one of the good gut bacteria and now Deserving Pets includes this in the mix. Our healthy prebiotics (kale and dandelion) support and feed their growth.

The Pharaohs of Egypt as a sacred food prized PALM OIL. That’s because it’s one of the world’s healthiest oils. It protects against cancer and heart disease, boosts immunity, improves blood sugar control and aids in nutrient, vitamin and mineral absorption. Palm oil also supports healthy liver function and eye, bone and teeth health.   In fact, Palm Oil can affect your pet’s health in so many positive ways it can be regarded as a health tonic. The rich nutrient content in palm oil makes it ideal for coat health. Palm fruit oil contains 46% gamma tocotrienols. A study published in a 2008 issue of the “British Journal of Cancer” found that they trigger cancer cell death and block the spread of cancer cells.   In another study published in a 2010 issue of “Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,” researchers found that they also decrease the invasion and spread of cancer cells. We use Palm Oil from the Green Palm Sustainability Project.


In vitamin supplements, the source directly affects bioavailability. For example, desiccated bone meal is a common source for calcium. Calcium in this form is poorly absorbed through the gut. I believe there is today a discrepancy in the proper balance and bioavailability of common minerals in most pet foods Calcium has to be water soluble (calcium from leafy greens) and in a acidic environment to be absorbed by the gut or it has to be chelated to an amino acid chain which gets absorbed and then pulls the calcium into the system along with it. Poor quality sources are difficult to detect from a labels. Vital Vities incorporates calcium citrate, which is in an acidic form along with bio-available, water-soluble calcium from green leafy greens. Our B vitamins are 99.9% pure. We use an extract of alfalfa concentrate, not dried alfalfa.



You may use multivitamins or B complex vitamins and notice that the smell and color of these tablets change several days to a few weeks after you open the bottle. That’s because these vitamins are degrading due to oxidation after they are exposed to the air. They’re losing their potency, day by day. This does not happen with Deserving Pets vitamin and mineral preparations because every single healthy vitamin is coated with environmentally friendly Palm Oil and this process of micro encapsulation protects all of the ingredients from exposure to the air and the decay that occurs because of this. They stay as fresh as the day they were packaged- even after the bag is opened. Imagine an M & M coating keeping all the ingredients protected and safe.

Urinary Tract Health

Cranberry concentrate acidifies the urine and helps prevent infection. Blueberries and dandelion play a role in bladder health. Vitamin C is a great anti-oxidant and acidifies the urine, but only for a few hours. Cranberry works to acidify the urine for almost an entire day. Remarkably, phytochemicals from food are present and working in the body to promote health for a much longer time than vitamins and minerals, the latter getting used up more quickly. Vitamin K1 and Vitamin D3 work synergistically together to prevent minerals from unnecessarily being flushed into the bladder. Vitamin K1 has been known for its clotting functions and is now known to prevent calcium from unnecessarily flushing into the bladder. Most pet supplements include a small dose of Vitamin D. Deserving Pets includes a very generous dose for both dogs (300 IU) and cats (100 IU). Concentrated Alfalfa extract is an excellent source of Vitamin K. Milk thistle was used thousands of years ago to flush crystals out of the bladder.

Liver Support and Detoxification

The liver performs hundreds of functions and the cells of this organ work hard to remove toxins from the body. Kale contains phytochemicals that ‘clean up after the party’ about ten times faster. Kale has also been shown to flush carcinogens out of cells significantly faster. Dandelion tones, cleans and supports the liver, along with supporting digestion and gall bladder function. Dandelion is a prebiotic and increases the numbers of friendly bacteria in the intestine. Kale is also a prebiotic. Concentrated alfalfa juice is an excellent source of Vitamin K, which is needed in animals with chronic liver problems. Beetroot has betaine and glutamine, which help with hepatic detoxification. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and grape seed extract also work to increase liver health. Vitamin E has a special role in preventing and treating Hepatic Lipidosis in felines.

Skin and Coat Support

There is usually a noticeable improvement in the coat of a dog or a cat after just a few weeks on these vitamins. Of course, the new shining coat is only a reflection of their better internal health. The DP Vitamins mix contains biotin, zinc, Vitamin C and grape seed extract all excellent for the skin and coat. Animals who have skin allergies have been shown to need more vitamin C and zinc. Zinc is a component in over 70 enzymes. Recent research in Sweden showed that children who begin supplementation at an early age with a multivitamin/mineral have a 39% less chance of contracting allergies. The digestive support provided by dandelion also helps with allergies and skin problems. Deserving Pets Canine Everyday Essentials and Vital Vities excel in assisting with chronic skin problems and ear infections.


There are many cats and dogs with diabetes that is difficult to regulate. Vanadium is a mineral that in trace amounts facilitates the uptake of glucose by the cells. Additionally the D3 and Palm Oil, along with other ingredients, work to prevent diabetes.

Cardiac Health

Vitamins C and E work together synergistically. Cats cannot produce taurine, an important amino acid. Therefore, Deserving Pets included a generous portion of taurine for it is important for retinal and heart health. In 1994 Morris and Rogers identified taurine deficiency as causative factor in feline cardiomyopathy. Deserving Pets included 200 mg in each feline dose, and the best part of it is that cats truly like this vitamin in their food. Alfalfa extract and beet extract also provide a direct benefit to the heart.

Cancer Preventing Ingredients

The dark vibrant greens in Kale leaves are rich in cartenoids, which travel throughout our pet’s bodies to scavenge free radicals and clean up ‘after the party”. Kale is also rich in elements that reduce the risk of cancer. Scientists have found that compounds called glucosinolates, cysteine sulfoxides and sulforaphane found in kale will boost your pet’s bodies to clear carcinogenic substances more quickly. One study found that animals with cancerous tumors who were fed kale had tumors that were smaller and grew more slowly. Berries and broccoli have also become famous for their health benefits and their cancer fighting abilities. Of course, Vitamin E and Selenium have a role in cancer prevention.




Canine Everyday Essentials (Vital Vities)

Vitamin A (as Betacarotene)……………………………. 200 IU

Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)………………………… 400 IU

Vitamin E (as d-alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate)…………15 IU

Biotin …………………………………………………………… 75 mcg

FolicAcid……………………………………………………… 0.1 mg

Niacin (as Niacinamide)………………………………….. 5 mg

Vitamin B1 (as Thiamin Mononitrate)……………….. 10 mg

Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin)……………………. 15 mcg

Vitamin B2 (as Riboflavin)……………………………….. 10 mg

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine HCl)………………………… 10 mg

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid)……………………………. 75 mg

Vitamin K1 (as Phytonadione)………………………….. 15 mcg

Boron (as Boron Amino Acid Chelate)………………. 0.2 mg

Calcium (as Calcium Citrate)…………………………… 160 mg

Chromium (as Chromium Chloride)…………………. 10 mcg

Copper (as Copper Gluconate)………………………… 5 mcg

Iodine (as Kelp Powder)………………………………….. 20 mcg

Magnesium (Magnesium Citrate & Magnesium Phosphate)…. 75 mg

Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate)………………… 1 mg

Molybdenum (as Sodium Molybdate)……………….. 10 mcg

Phosphorous (as Magnesium Phosphate)…………. 25 mg

Potassium (as Dipotassium Phosphate)……………. 10 mg

Selenium (as Sodium Selenite) ……………………….. 10 mcg

Vanadium (as Vanadyl Sulfate)………………………… 5 mcg

Zinc (as Zinc Sulfate)……………………………………… 5 mg

Inositol…………………………………………………………. 4 mg

Choline (as Choline Bitartrate)………………………… 10 mg

Cranberry Concentrate…………………………………… 50 mg

Alfalfa Juice Concentrate……………………………….. 50 mg

Apple Pectin………………………………………………….. 50 mg

Beet Juice Powder…………………………………………. 10 mg

Blueberry Powder………………………………………….. 50 mg

Broccoli Powder…………………………………………….. 50 mg

Carrot Powder……………………………………………….. 50 mg

Dandelion Powder………………………………………….. 50 mg

Kale Powder………………………………………………….. 20 mg

Pumpkin Seed Meal……………………………………….. 50 mg


OTHER INGREDIENTS: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Palm Oil from Green Palm Sustainability Project and natural, human-grade flavoring of liver for dogs.




Blissful Bacon VITAL VITIES

Vitamin A (as Palmitate)…………………………………. 200 IU

Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol…………………………. 100 IU

Vitamin E (as d-alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate)………. 10 IU

Biotin (USP)…………………………………………………… 4 mcg

Folic Acid (USP)……………………………………………… 25 mcg

Niacin (as Niacinamide)………………………………….. 50 mcg

Vitamin B1 (as Thiamin Mononitrate)……………….. 5 mg

Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin)……………………. 7 mcg

Vitamin B2 (as Riboflavin)……………………………….. 5 mg

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxine)………………………………. 5 mg

Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid)……………………………. 40 mg

Vitamin K1 (as Phytonadione)………………………….. 10 mcg

Calcium (as Calcium Citrate)…………………………… 35 mg

Chromium (as Chromium Chloride (6 H20))………. 5 mcg

Copper (as Copper Gluconate)………………………… 30 mcg

Iodine (as Potassium Iodide)…………………………… 0.1 mg

Magnesium (Magnesium Citrate & Magnesium Phosphate)…. 15 mg

Manganese (as Manganese Sulfate)………………… 0.25 mg

Molybdenum (as Sodium Molybdate)……………….. 3 mcg

Phosphorous (as Magnesium Phosphate) ………… 5 mg

Potassium (as Dipotassium Phosphate)……………. 0.3 mg

Selenium (as Sodium Selenite)………………………… 3.5 mcg

Vanadium (as Vanadyl Sulfate)………………………… 1 mcg

Zinc (as Zinc Sulfate)……………………………………… 0.2 mg

L-Glutamine …………………………………………………. 10 mg

Apple Pectin………………………………………………….. 20 mg

Alfalfa Juice Concentrate……………………………10 mg

Beet Juice Powder…………………………………………. 3 mg

Blueberry Powder………………………………………….. 15 mg

Broccoli Powder…………………………………………….. 15 mg

Carrot Powder……………………………………………….. 5 mg

Cranberry Concentrate…………………………………… 30 mg

Dandelion Leaf Powder………………………………….. 25 mg

Grape Seed Extract………………………………………… 5 mg

Kale Powder………………………………………………….. 10 mg

Pumpkin Seed Powder……………………………………. 25 mg

Taurine…………………………………………………………. 200 mg

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Palm Oil from Green Palm Sustainability Project and natural, human-grade flavoring of bacon and liver for cats.

Deserving Pets  [email protected]  727 447 1776


About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.


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