Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Veterinary Homeopathy

Ask the Holistic Vet – May 2021


Dr. Deva Khalsa answers veterinary questions each month. This month she answers questions about a dog with arthritis, a dog with persistent cough, dental plaque in a whippet, teeth rotting after anesthesia, a cat with a hairline fracture, one with parasites, and one with Bartonella and a Belgian Shepherd that may have whipworms.

Dear Dr. Khalsa,
I would love to get some help for my 10-year-old whippet male. Last year he developed meningitis and was put on a course of steroids (predisonalone 5 mg X2 twice a day for over 6 months). After the very first tablets he started to improve.

He is now better and no longer on the steroids, but since the steroids one of his back teeth has gone black and looks like it may have a hole in it, and plaque has grown up tooth and is sticking into his gum and it sometimes bleeds.  His teeth were immaculate before the steroids, the vet checked them.

I have bought fragaria as I have read it helps to soften plaque. Is there anything else you can recommend as our vets have been closed since covid last year and we are also scared of him getting a general anesthetic in case it destroys his chest and breathing. Any advice will be most welcome, with gratitude,
Lisax   [email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Lisax,
There is nothing about anesthesia that I have ever been made aware of that destroys the chest and breathing. In fact, over the years, anesthesia for pets has become only more safe and more sophisticated.

Dental work usually entails intubation and the products that are used now are exceptional and very safe.  The chronic infection caused by a rotten tooth has a very debilitating effect on all the organs and the entire body as a whole.  You can try Silicea 6x four times a day for a month to see if it pushes the rotten tooth out.  Fragria is a preventive and it does not suddenly cause the plaque to fall off the teeth. In this case, I highly recommend complete dental work of the mouth.

Dear Dr. Khalsa
The vet said that my cat had a hairline fracture of her leg that was really small, and that since he’s is only 11 months old it would just heal by itself in a month. It’s only been 6 days, but he still doesn’t look like he’s improved all that much. He’s limping and not barely putting weight on it.  Are there homeopathic remedies I could give him?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Rina
Symphytum 6x or 30x or 6c in the drinking water and maybe 5 or so times a day for a few days then 4 times a day for two weeks then 3x a day will greatly accelerate healing.

Hi Dr. Khalsa,
I have an older cat who has frequent diarrhea. She has been to the vet and was diagnosed with SIBO and parasites. She has been dewormed, put on probiotics and antibiotics. This has only slowed the diarrhea for a short time. She is also on CS 10 ppm- which has also slowed it down but not eliminated it. She has lost a lot of weight. Anything I should be doing to help her absorb what she is eating?
Thank you
Carla Williams Woelcke

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Carla,
First of all, it can be easy for cats to reinfect themselves with intestinal parasites.  Ivermectin is a good wormer for cats but they need very little of it for it to work. I suggest you worm her without any other meds and see if there is a positive change just from that.

Worms in the gut work to disrupt the normal balance of intestinal bacteria just by their presence.  Two very nice remedies for diarrhea are Aloe and Podophyllum.  That said, I do not have enough information to prescribe a more exact remedy.   Losing a lot of weight can also mean Lymphoma which is very common in cats.  There is a Feline Cancer Panel at VDI labs that can differentiate between IBD and Lymphoma.  Here are two URLs of articles: One on IBD and one on Lymphoma.

Hi Dr Khalsa,
My 8-year-old cat had a bad IBD flare up recently and had to see a conventional vet. The vet ordered bartonella testing since my cat has a history of chronic IBD and gingivitis. It came back strong positive. She’s now on azithromycin at a dose of 10 mg/kg every 24 hours for 3 weeks. Does this sound like adequate treatment? I’ve read so much conflicting info on which antibiotic should be used and for how long. She’s also on 3 seeds combination, rehmannia 6, S. boulardii and CoQ10. She’s raw fed. I also do JMT for bartonella on her. She seems much happier since starting treatment.

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Heather,
I also recommend azithromycin for cats with Bartonella.  I often use it transdermally.  Note: People get a “Z pack” and can be on a 3 day or 5 day pack and it has a long term effect and stays in a humans system for a few weeks after stopping. This is even more so with cats.  I usually do a much lower dose than you are using as it has a long tissue life and hangs around in their system. You can ask your veterinarian to research this and perhaps adjust the dose accordingly. Good on doing the JMT and the other modalities!

Hello Dr. Khalsa,
I have an 11year-old very healthy crossed German and Belgian Shephard mix who has been having inconsistent stools in the past few months.  Once every second day or so, his stools are wrapped in an opaque white/yellowish jelly. There is no presence of undigested foods, no gas passing, no diarrhea or anything else abnormal or visible.

At the end of January, I proceeded with a treatment for parasites.  (Abrotanum 30 K, Artemisia vulgaris 30 K, Cina 30K, Filix mas 30K, Indigo 30K, Natrum phos 30K, Sabadilla 30K, Teucrium marum 30K).

He has phases where he is tossing his food, tipping the bowl full of his top- of- the -line dried food that he sometimes refuses to eat (Acana – we live in Quebec).   Last winter, he started eating dog poop and now the darkest black soil he can find so I started giving him a trituration for the minerals (Calc. Carb, Phos fluor aaD1, Parathyroide 5CH, Silicea D3) which he started two weeks ago.

Also, last winter I started emptying his anal glands at least twice a week and I gave him Sequoia (gemmotherapy) and things quickly went back to normal.

All else is great. His coat is beautiful, he is a well-balanced, very joyous and playful by nature.

I have been wondering about stomach issues such as diverticulitis or maybe an  alkaline/acid imbalance… I will be taking a sample stool to the vets for any confirmation, however, any thoughts about that jelly in his stools or treatment would be very helpful.
Thank you
Dominique P. Gervais  [email protected]

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Domnique,
The first thing to worry about is whipworms. They rarely show up in a routine fecal examination and the DNA testing of the stool will show them up. They will cause the kind of mucous in the stool your dog is experiencing and this is indicative of whipworms.

Why don’t you just worm your dog with Fenbendazole in the food as powder for three days. You can get it over the counter at 1-800 Pet Meds with no script needed.  It’s also known as Panacur but the ingredient is Fenbendazole. It is very safe, and Fenbendazole is all the rage as it is curing cancer (just google it). You may have to worm more than once as your dog will reinfect himself if your yard has been contaminated.  You have to cut out the lifecycle.

Greetings Dr. Khalsa,
My dog is 11 years old. He has been coughing for months now and nothing has come out. He’s eating and drinking just fine, but the cough won’t go away. Problem is, he gets seizures and is extremely terrified of going to the vets. We tried so hard to muzzle him and were unsuccessful every time. Tried muscle relaxers as well and it didn’t help. We want to get him help. Is there a remedy we can give him?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi Sandy,
If your dog is a smaller breed and the coughing begins at times when the velocity of air changes in the trachea, it is likely he has collapsing trachea.  It sounds like a short cough ending in a gag. Quite a number of things cause a change in the velocity of air in the trachea. Someone at the door. Inhaling quickly. Waking up. Getting up.

Just as a vacuum has a hose with circular rings around it to keep it from compressing in on itself when you turn on the vacuum, the trachea has circular rings.  Many small dogs have partial rings or missing rings and as the general structural tissues weaken with age the partial tracheal rings get weaker and this shows up as collapsing trachea. You cannot diagnose this with a regular x ray you need a fluoroscope and no one has those now. You just look at the symptoms and the type of cough

Hi Dr. Khalsa,
I have 2 senior dogs with arthritis. One is currently on Adequan shots every 3 weeks. The vet has recommended I start laser therapy on both. Is there a more holistic approach to this problem?
Thank you

Dr. Deva Khalsa:

Hi James,
I like Myristin for Dogs. Works a miracle. From Katies Pet Products on line.

Visit Dr. Khalsa at her website for information and consults:

Editor’s note: Dr. Khalsa’s new book was just released:

The Allergic Pet –Holistic Solutions to End the Allergy Epidemic in Our Dogs and Cats

Dr. Khalsa shows how to strengthen the immune systems of dogs and cats without invasive techniques or pharmaceutical drugs.

Available from:


The second edition of Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog is now available. It’s an exceptional book with information not offered in any similar work. I recommend it highly!

About the author

Deva Khalsa

Dr. Deva Khalsa V.M.D. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, a Fellow and Professor of the British Institute of Homeopathy and has lectured both nationally and internationally. She is the co-author of ‘Healing Your Horse: Alternative Therapies’ and Dr. Khalsa’s Natural Dog‘. Her practice includes homeopathy acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, nutrition, N.A.E.T, J.M.T. and other modalities. Her philosophy is to use whatever it takes to restore health. Dr. Khalsa’s practice is in New Zealand but she consults by internet and phone with pet owners from the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Europe and the UK.

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