Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Veterinary Homeopathy

Homeopathy And Our Pets

Pets have a special place in our hearts and greatly benefit from homeopathy, when kept and raised under natural conditions. The author Michele Demaree writes about our relationship with animals and and how they can live as healthfully as possible.

How many of us consider our pets to be one of our children? I am sure most pet owners would say “Yes! I do!“ Our pets seem to snuggle their way right into our hearts and right into the family hierarchy of our home. They do this by using a thing called “unconditional love“. That means that they love us no matter what. They love of us for just the way we are. They love us without expecting anything in return. All they want to do in life is make us happy.

For this reason, it is around our animals that we feel the most at ease, the most comfortable and many times, the most loved. This gift of unconditional love that they give us is so rare and priceless, that we pet owners somehow want to preserve it forever. As a veterinary homeopath, I have found that pet owners, in an effort to make their animals live forever, will, in actuality, cause some damage or imbalance in their loved one. By trying to shelter their pet from the harsh realities of the world, pet owners, in essence, have robbed their pets from being themselves. By adding fad foods and diet supplements or sheltering them from the great outdoors, we have somehow lost sight of the fact that our pets are animals.

I will give you an example. I have recently encountered cases in both cats and dogs where pet owners have fed them pumpkin due to the latest report of its benefits. The daily feeding of pumpkin caused irregularity in bowel movements, constipation and/or diarrhea. Pumpkin also caused some animals to become extremely gassy and uncomfortable, especially straining while having a bowel movement. In homeopathy, we always choose a remedy according to the totality of symptoms, but some of our top remedies used for digestive disturbance are: Nux Vomica, Lycopodium and Carbo Vegetabilis. Lycopodium will aid the animal when the animal is passing a lot of flatulence. If the animal seems to be “gassy“ overall, Lycopodium many times fits the picture. One must always investigate Phosphorus (and Sulphur for that matter) when there is a yellowy, watery stool. Phosphorus is indicated when there is vomiting immediately after ingestion of food. Phosporus is also an overall wonderful remedy for the elderly dog or cat when it fits the picture. It aids with stiffness due to old age and upper respiratory problems that come into play for the older animal. Nux Vomica is indicated when the animal is constipated and generally agitated from over eating or eating something that didn’t agree with them. Carbo Vegetabilis is indicated when there is so much gas that it begins to cause shortness of breath and blueness in color of the gums.

An animal’s diet is of upmost importance for a healthy life, but we need to keep in mind what foods our animals would seek out naturally, if they were left to fend for themselves. For the most part, animals will show us through signs and symptoms what they need and what they don’t need. They are much more in tune with their biological needs than we humans are. We just need to learn how to listen to them. Here are some cases I have had to give you some examples:

When we try to prevent something bad from happening to our pet, we sometimes do the opposite and cause them grief and anxiety, which eventually leads to physical symptoms. I will give you an example. I had a case in which a pet owner confined her dog to the kitchen and only walked her on the pavement to go to the bathroom, due to a diagnosis of an allergic reaction to something outside. The dog eventually became “down on life“ and would refuse to go anywhere. In all cases, we look at the animal holistically, meaning we look at each animal as a whole, unique individual. We look at the overall picture, research all the symptoms the animal is showing and then choose the remedy. In this case, the correct match of remedy not only cleared the animal’s depression, but it cleared up her initial “allergy“ symptoms, giving the pet owner security in letting her enjoy the great outdoors.

Some of the top allergy remedies that pertain to the skin are Sulphur, Rhus Toxicodendron and Natrum Muriaticum. I have had success with Nat Mur when the underlying cause of a skin eruption isn’t so detectable. Also, the animal will not seem to be as itchy or uncomfortable as with Sulphur. Sulphur is needed when the animal is in extreme discomfort from constantly itching. Rhus Tox is always indicated when there is stiffness in getting up that shows up simultaneously with the skin rash. In a situation such as this in which grief, anxiety and/or fear exist, we must also take into consideration some of our top grief and anxiety remedies. For a deep seated depression in which the animal has lost his or her zeal for life, I look to Aurum Metallicum. Remember, Aurum Metallicum is gold. Gold is the color of sunshine. Those of us who need Aurum may have experienced the loss of their “sunshine” in their life. For depression with anxiety we can look into Ignatia Amara and Phosphorus. For anxiety with fear and the animal constantly wants to take flight, think Aconite. However, the greatest remedy of all is to allow your pet to be who they really are: a fun loving animal who loves to play in the great outdoors.

I am not going to tell anyone not to worry about their pet, because I know we all do. It is because we love them so much. I can, however, tell you this: in homeopathy we have many beautiful remedies that will help with many different situations. Let this ease your burden of worry. Don’t put worry first in your life with your pet. Put your pet’s happiness with life first. Share that happiness for life with your furry little friend. Because ultimately it is the love and happiness in which the two of you share that becomes the greatest remedy of all.


About the author

Michele Demaree

Michele Demaree was born and raised in New Jersey, U.S.A. Having a love for animals her whole life, she went to Cook College, Rutgers University to study Animal Science. She received her B.S. in Animal Science but never took a liking to the inhumane treatment of animals needed to become a veterinarian. In 2003, she suffered from a severe bout of bronchitis and was hospitalized due to an adverse reaction to the steroid inhalers and antibiotics originally prescribed for the illness. After her release, she began her studies in homeopathy. In 2004 she began studying with the British Institute of Homeopathy and went on to take her advanced studies in veterinary homeopathy. She is the proud recipient of the Hahnemann Award 2007 for her work in veterinary homeopathy. Michele is now on the faculty of the British Institute of Homeopathy International. Her clients and students range from New Jersey to California and from Australia to Africa.


  • Hi Michele,
    I have a cat that has Cushing’s Disease and I was wondering if you could suggest some homeopathic/natural remedies.
    Thank you,

    • Hi Tania,

      There isn’t just one specific remedy for Cushing’s Disease. What I do in cases such as Cushing’s is look at the animal overall and the disease picture and choose the remedy that will fit both. What I have learned from animals is that more than 75% of the time, in difficult diseases such as Cushing’s, the animal’s constitutional remedy will fit the picture and bring about the most success.

      Look at your cat’s personality and then choose the remedy that match’s that. Next list the disease symptoms showing and see how strong the remedy scores. When we choose the remedy that will help the animal overall, the body gets stronger to naturally heal itself.

      Two beautiful remedies that come to mind for Cushing’s are Lycopodium and Phosphorus but it is all unique onto each specific case.

      Does this make sense?


      • Thank you so much for your response. I do understand what you are saying. How would I go about scoring these remedies?
        Thank you,

          • Yes. Let me know. I like Kent’s the best but let me know which one she has. Have you had any training in homeopathy?

            Are you a student of homeopathy?


          • I have no training in homeopathy nor am I a student of homeopathy. I have been using homeopathy for myself from a young age due to my allergies. I can’t seem to find my mother’s repertory, however I will be looking for one. Once I get the book, the next step is to list a bunch of symptoms my cat has and cross reference it with homeopathic remedies?

  • You will list the symptoms showing and then you will score them in the Repertory look for your Mom’s repertory or order Kent’s Repertory.

    Let me know when you have it. You can email me at [email protected]


  • Hello Michele!

    I have 3 4-month old male cats (not yet neutered), one of whom is very vocal. He is worse than he has ever been (he used to just talk a little with some lovely throat noises), but has now taken to meowing during the night either outside our bedroom door or from the basement where we have had to put the kittens since they’ve been up to no good while we sleep. BUT he also meows a lot during the day.

    He is honestly affecting my own health because I am a busy mom who really needs some sleep!

    Anyway, Michele, aside from some of the things we can do to encourage better behavior and making sure he is tired out before bed, is there a homeopathic remedy you can suggest to calm him?

    Thank you!!

    • Dear Carla,

      There are many remedies that could possibly help your cat. We look at his vocalization as a symptom. Because animals cannot actually tell us what is happening, we have to look at solely what they give us. So, they give us symptoms but they also give us their personality. Every animal, just like people, has one.

      Can you describe your cat’s personality?

      Also, when did the vocalization begin to heighten?

      Was it when the kittens came?

      The answers to these questions will help us choose the proper remedy.


  • Dear michele

    my parrot ,more than an year old is suffering from repeated eye infection with following symptoms

    infection in right eye
    swollen& red lids
    profuse lachrymation
    sticky discharge thin yellow forming crusts
    lids agglutinated in the morning
    the infection recurs in cold damp weather, after bathing , in sunlight
    he doesnt talk & bites when he is suffering
    appetite is not affected
    I tried euphrasia ,belladonna, rhus tox, merc sol with inter current sulphur without permanent cure
    please guide , also on potency for birds

    Thank you

  • Dear Ashi,

    I sent you an email under your email address. Let me know when you receive it. In the meantime look at Pulsatilla.

    Check your email.


  • Michelle,
    My 5 year old Cattle Dog has been diagnosed with pneumonia. No x-rays because of his breathing, so heart disease has not been ruled out although his heart “sounds fine”. Heartworm negative. His only relief is Lasix, which is moving the fluid in his lungs. Since I don’t know what is the cause or even the problem, what can I give him for the symptoms? This has been going on for almost 2 weeks, the antibiotics are not working and I am in a panic. So far I have come up with Aconite and Phosphorus, any suggestions?

  • Dear Darlene,

    Sorry just seeing this now. Phosphorus would be my suggestion. I would suggest starting with a 30, aqueous. Succussions to the bottle before each dose. The most I would succuss is two times. You should see improvement. Be patient. Always remember that when we dose a remedy we are kicking the immune system into gear so we may have a heightening of symptoms. That is why it is important to go gently. Animals pick up the remedies quite nicely. Much more easily than people do so less is more.

    Make sense?


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