Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Case Management of the Influenza and Pneumonia Patient with Homeopathy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Andre Saine gives a most exhaustive webinar on the treatment of pneumonia in homeopathy, with a broad overview of success of homeopathy in treating previous epidemics and a focus on the current pandemic of Covid-19

About the author

Andre Saine

Dr. André Saine (D.C., N.D., F.C.A.H.) has been Dean of the Canadian Academy of Homeopathy since 1986. He has taught homeopathy to health care professionals in North America and Europe for over 25 years and is considered one of the world's foremost experts on the subject of homeopathy. He has specialized in the treatment of patients suffering from very serious chronic diseases, including cancer. Dr. Saine is author of : Lessons in Pure Homeopathy From the Writings of Adolph Lippe, M.D. Hahnemann's Best Student and Medicine's Most Successful Practitioner


  • Dear Dr Saine hello
    I’m an ardent supporter of homeopathy and agree with your views.
    Homeopathy can cure any disease, it is safe and the cure is permanent.
    I use pendulum dowsing by Radiesthesia(The science of vibration) and find the correct homeopathic remedy the very first time and it save time and is fast.
    I have used this system to cure many serious conditions including Cancer.
    I’m sure that we can use homeopathy very effectively to treat Covid-19 and save lives.

    • Hello, I have known people who can successfully prescribe using a pendulum but many more who can not. Is there a secret to your success, or is it simply some kind of innate skill? Amy thoughts?

  • Will a printed version be available.
    Marvelous content, Brilliant in fact,
    Want to share with Medical colleagues but they would find it easier to read a document.
    Thank you Jean

    • In fact a written version of Dr. Saine’s COVID-19 recommendations can be found online at
      He is continually updating it. As of 4/8 the third version was posted.

  • An wonderful store-house of relevant information on treatment of epidemic viral diseases in general and COVID-19 in particular. Sincere regards !

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