Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets Sept 2014

Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Tips and Secrets from the Masters – Sept 2014

Email That Remedy

Dr. Bill Gray writes : “It turns out that the energetic signal in homeopathic remedies can be extracted via a device consisting of a simple coil connected to an amplifier and digitizer, and the resulting signal can be stored on a computer as a .wav file or MP3 file.” He has developed a method of turning homeopathic remedies into electronic signals that can be converted into MP3 files. He calls these Coherence Apps. He’s developed one to support the body in case of Ebola symptoms:

Dr. Bill Gray :



Three Cardiology tips from Dr. J.H. Clarke

In recent cases of heart valve affection, it has frequently been my lot to observe the disappearance of all signs of disease under treatment.

Arsenicum iodatum seems to act on the heart muscle, arresting degeneration and restoring vitality. The co- existence of a chronic cough or chronic lung affection is the chief indication of preference over Arsenicum.

In patients whose pulses are hard and unyielding from calcareous deposit, there is often found the mental condition of Aurum, and in such patients it will do excellent work.



Five Cardiology Tips from Dr. Parkash Vakil

Throbbing through chest and abdomen, as if heart occupied the whole body: Sepia.

Sadness and despondency accompanied with a sick feeling as of weakness about the heart: Petroleum

Heart overfilling – Aching pain in region of the heart as if from overfilling : Asaf

Sensation of falling drops in the heart, through whole heart into the chest: Thuja.

Nightly attack of vertigo with slow violent beating of the heart, roaring in the ears, heat, anxiety as if he would die: Natrum carbonicum

Homoeopathic Therapeutics – Diseases of the Cardio Vascular System



Five Opthalmology Tips from Dr. John L. Moffat

Cinnabar (Mercuric sulphide) is an important remedy in blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, scleritis and severe ulceration of the cornea, if accompanied by the characteristic pain through the brow to ear or temple. Pain from inner to outer corner of the eye in the bone around the edge of orbit.

Thuja is the most prominent remedy for scleritis, episcleritis, sclerochoroiditis anterioris and commencing sclera staphloma.

Silica is indicated in ciliary neuralgia with darting pains through the eyes and head upon exposure to any draft of air, or just before a storm.

Senega is useful valuable for absorption of lens fragments after cataract operation or injuries.

Onosmodium virginianum is one of our very best medicines for muscular asthenopia, and headache from eyestrain.

Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Opthalmology



Some Cautions on Aconite

The sudden inflammations that come with thick discharges would never be Aconite.

J.T. Kent

Do not give Aconite in advanced cases of hypertrophy of the heart.


In the first stage of typhoid fever, Aconite is nearly always injurious, unless indicated by exciting causes.


If there is suppression of Lochia, do not give Aconite.

J.T. Kent

Caution On The Use Of Remedies – M. Fayazuddin



Dogs Who Bite

The neurotic type of dog which is prone to biting is a very unpleasant dog to have around. These animals will bite suddenly and with no warning growl. They are highly sensitive to noise, light and touch. Belladonna 30x administered for a period of 10 days should deal with this, concluding with a single dose of Calcarea carbonica 200c.

Dogs who give advance notice of biting by growling or barking, require Hyoscyamus 30x once a day, with the 200c or 1000c given at longer intervals as the condition improves.

Homoeopathic Medicine for Dogs – Dr. H.G. Wolff



NCH Represents Homeopathy at Annual Conference

U.S. National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) board member, Loretta Butehorn and NCH member, Renita Herrmann will lead a session about how homeopathy can be used to help the homeless at the Annual Conference of Collation for Integrative Medicines for the Underserved in Portland, Oregon on September 6, 2014. The conference brings together medical doctors and members of holistic healing professions working to bring integrative medicine to underserved populations



Bryonia in Rheumatism

Bryonia is a capital remedy for rheumatism attacking particular muscles, as those of the loins, neck or diaphragm. It is also a remedy when serous membranes are inflamed in the course of rheumatic fever.

British Journal of Homoeopathy – Vol XXV – Editors Drysdale and Dugeon


Vaccine Critic Dr. Andrew Wakefield Vindicated

CDC (Center for Disease Control ) Whistleblower Dr. William Thompson has apologized to Dr. Andrew Wakefield

CDC Whistle-Blower apologizes to Andrew Wakefield

for omitting crucial information in a CDC report that would have vindicated Dr. Andrew Wakefield 10 years ago. He said he felt “great shame” for his part in a data scrub aimed at hiding “sensitive results” that pointed to MMR vaccines spiking autism risk

Meanwhile, 28 studies from around the world now support Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s findings about brain injury and autism resulting from the MMR vaccination.



Thuja is one of our best remedies for Acne Facialis. Calcarea picrata is also a useful remedy for Acne and clinically, has been found one of the best remedies. Obstinate cases with tendency to pustulation are curable with Antimonium tartaricum. Acne rosacea yields to Arsenicum iodatum or Sulphur iodide.

Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics – W.A. Dewey M.D.



Anemia in the Natrum Mur Patient

Natrum Mur is one of our best remedies for anemia. It does not matter whether it is caused by loss of vital fluids, menstrual irregularities, grief or other mental ailments.

The Pacific Coast Journal of Homeopathy, Volume 24



Proving of Bambu

In 1997 Berndt Schuster conducted a proving of a species of bamboo, Bambusa arundinacea, The key mentals were: deserted, forsaken, alone in the world, she is poor and helpless in the world everything is insecure, meaningless, wrong and everything will fail, held captive by a life situation, desires change and support. One important physical symptom was: This painful wooden stiffness felt in the bones, joints and muscles. Worse after rest and better for warmth.

British Homeopathic Assoc.



Essence of Saccharum

Dr. Tinus smits saw the essence of Saccharum officinalis as lack of self love, leading to a fear that the person does not deserve his mother’s love and that he will be abandoned by her. There is a desire for any kind of sweets, especially chocolate, licorice and pastries. There is a great need for cuddling, exaggerated sucking of fingers and biting of nails, putting everything in the mouth and touching everything. Dr. Smits found Saccharum effective for certain ADHD children.

Tinus Smits


Digitalis in Urine Retention

When we mention digitalis we think of a heart remedy. Yet homeopathic Digitalis is the most important remedy for urine retention caused by an enlarged prostate. There is a strong desire to urinate but it is impossible for the patient to do so. He also feels his heart beating in his bladder and has a constant urge to urinate at night. Also, feeling that the bladder is always full, even after urination. The above symptoms should alert the vigilant physician to the use of digitalis.

Dr. Luc De Schepper



Oral Candida

Borax is an important remedy for oral candidosis and apthous ulcers. Nervous, timid, sensitive to loud noises and downward motion.

A Textbook Of Dental Homoeopathy – Dr. Collin Lessell



Mercurius is a very important remedy for a stuttering which comes out of hesitancy. Often there is a trembing of the mouth and tongue. The person may feel quite agitated at being asked a question and become overly excited, hurried, and embarrassed.

Stramonium is more appropriate for a violent, choppy type of stammering, where the words seems to shoot out with harshness. She may have to exert herself a long time before uttering even a word.

Judyth Reichenberg Ullman –



Three Tips From J.T. Kent

Alumina Acts Slowly

Alumina effects tissue changes slowly. While the patient himself with deep seated psoric affections feels better generally after the remedy, it will be months before his symptoms go away. He may say: “I feel better, but my symptoms all appear to be here. I can eat better and sleep better.” Then it would be unwise to change the remedy.

Ammonium carb

Ammonium carb has a state analogous to blood poisoning, such as we find in erysipelas and in the most malignant forms of scarlet fever, with prostration, great dyspnoea, so that it seems as if the heart were giving out. There is quite an absence of symptoms and a lack of response to remedies. The patient must lie in bed because of the palpitation and difficult breathing on motion. It is a matter of mere weakness.

Sulphuric Acid

The face of the Sulphuric acid patient is pale, sickly and sometimes jaundiced. The expression of long suffering is marked with deep lines of pain, depletion and emaciation. The exhaustion, excitability and hurried feeling are constant factors.

J.T. Kent M.M.




Given early it is very efficacious. To cut short the manifestations of influenza, it is necessary to use one dose of Oscillococcinum 200c every 2-3 hours or repeat only if necessary.

Robin Murphy N.D.


A Knighthood for Jan Scholten MD.

Homeopath Jan Scholten MD, was decorated as Knight in the Dutch Order of Orange Nassau by the Mayor of Utrecht on 25 April 2014. This was granted for dedication to advancing the science of homeopathy through exploring the realms of the natural world and the connection with the ills of mankind and animal-kind.

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


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