Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets June 2011

Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Our editor compiles another interesting and valuable round of Tips and Secrets!

Saved by Vanadium

I have been using Vanadium as a remedy in certain cases of atheroma of the arteries, and fatty degeneration. I had been in the habit of using Phosphorus, Antimony, Arsenic, and the like, but was not satisfied with my results. I had a case of fatty liver, atheroma of the arteries, much pain corresponding to the course of the basilar artery, large, deeply pigmented patches on forehead, profound adynamia, and so forth. Well, my patient was then over seventy, and was going to pass the big bourn whence no man returneth. Thanks to the use of Vanadium (the soluble ammonium salt) in homoeopathic preparation, that lady got quite well, and remains so, being now hard upon eighty years of age, and hale and hearty.

J.Compton Burnett – Fifty Reasons for Being a Homoeopath

Camphor Caution

Camphor is not to be given if there is perspiration or should not be given as soon as perspiration appears.

Systematic M.M. of Homeopathic Remedies – K.N.Mathur

Bromine or Iodine?

“The chief distinction between Bromium and Iodium is, the former cures the blue-eyed and the latter the black-eyed patients.”- Constantine Hering

Thanks to : Veronique

China in Asthma

Indicated when there are suffocative fits in the evening in bed ; the patient appears as if dying ; cough, with difficult expectoration of clear, tenacious mucus ; worse at night ; better every other day.

Eaton’s Domestic Practice for Parents and Nurses- Morton M. Eaton MD

Calcarea Carbonica Fears

Calcarea carbonica fears : bugs, people observing her confusion, consumption, public places, hearing of cruelties, death, going to the dentist, impending disease, contagious diseases, evil, falling, heart disease, infections, insanity, that something will happen, narrow places, poverty, seeing wounds.

M.M of the Mind – H.L. Chitkara

Partial Antidote

The antidotal relationship between drugs may be general or partial….thus, camphor antidotes the effects of cantharis only so far as these concern the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, while the same tissue elsewhere is not antidoted by it.

A Compendium of the Principles of Homoeopathy -Wm. Boericke, M. D.

Ailanthus in Scarlet Fever

Ailanthus Glandulosa is an important remedy in Malignant Scarlatina, especially where there is a foetid discharge from the nostril, accompanied by cracking at the angles of the mouth. It should be administered early, in a strong form, and frequently repeated till amendment sets in.

The Homeopathic Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery – E. Harris Ruddock, MD

Nux in Hemorrhoids

Nux is indicated, if the hemorrhoids had been excited by the use of strong, heating beverages- wine, brandy, heating beer, and coffee; or by mental labor, deep studies, sedentary life, hard faeces, worms, and finally, by the pressure of an impregnated uterus, swelling of the abdominal organs, organic defects of the rectum, or of adjoining parts.

If the patient complains of large-sized hemorrhoidal tumors, with burning, stinging pains; if they experience a sensation as if the rectum were constricted, and the passage for the transmission of feces were too narrow, accompanied by jerking, dull stitches in the small of the back and the ischiatic bones; if the least movement of the body causes a pain in the small of the back, as from a bruise, which causes the patients to exclaim, to walk and stand bent over; if after or between the evacuations pure blood is discharged, attended with urging to stool, Nux vomica is the remedy.

The Science of Therapeutics – Dr. Bernhard Baehr


Mercurii iodidus is perhaps the best form of preparation for syphilitic throat affections. In cases of ozaena, when the Schneiderian membrane is attacked, Nitric acid, Aurum and Mercury are the chief homoeopathic remedies.

Syphilis – Its Pathology and Treatment, John Deummond, M.E.C.S.L.

Conium in Cough

One other of the uses of conium should be considered, and that is its effect in relieving bronchial irritation. The cough is very persistent, frequent and tormenting. It is periodical, dry, excited by itching, grating, tickling in the throat and behind the sternum and is especially evoked by lying down, talking or laughing. Old people often have a very troublesome dry cough at night, seeming to originate in a small irritated or dry spot in the larynx.

The Clinique -A Study of Conium Maculatum. – E. Oilman, MD

When to Give Cuprum in Cholera

Give Cuprum when the cramps are very severe and extend to the chest. Vomiting and purging, but lacking the cold sweat of Veratrum.

Essentials of Homeopathic Therapeutics -W.A. Dewey MD

Detachment of the Retina

Recent, (1) Apis 6c every 2-4 hours (2) Gelsemum 1c, every 2 -4hours. Afterwards, Aur muriaticum 3x, every 2 hours.

The Prescriber – John H.Clarke MD


I want to mention a case of epithelioma of the lower lip, which had been treated by arsenic paste but which returned after several years. The patient did not wish to have the paste used again so I gave him Kali ars 3x, three grs. morning and evening for eight weeks. The result was a complete success.

Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica – George Royal, M.D.

Kali Carbonicum

Kali carb. is the most prominent member of the Kali family in weakening the heart and causing profound anemia; also in promoting tissue waste, increasing the amount of uric acid and urea. The patient takes cold easily (Hepar, Hydrastis) hence he dreads a draft of cold air. There is a marked lack of reaction. Next to Sulphur it is the best general energizer we have. The Kali carb patient, especially the child, has a lifeless expression, a sickly look, marked pallor, pale lips, haggard and exhausted countenance.

Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica – George Royal, M.D.

Ammonium Carbonicum

It has a cough of elderly people, rattling, loose, yet difficult to raise anything; after much effort raises mucus, at times slightly tinged with specks of blood. Also, night cough, worse at 3 or 4 a.m. from tickling in the throat, as though there were dust in it.

First Lessons in the Symptomatology of Leading Homeopathic Remedies – H.R. Arndt, MD


It is rarely the case that any hemorrhage proves immediately fatal, except from injury or following pregnancy and confinement. Looking backward, I cannot recall a single case. The patient should be kept very quiet and as much of the mental excitement quieted as is possible.

Aconite – If the pulse is full and strong with excitement of mind and fear of not recovering. Hemorrhage from the throat or lung in acute disease or from organic heart disease.

Arsenicum – Weak, exhausted, anaemic condition with pain, burning and cutting about the stomach and bowels. Thirst for small quantity of water with nausea and vomiting. In ulcer or cancer of stomach.

Arnica – Hemorrhage after injury, fall, blows or concussion. Feet and hands cold, head hot. Also in typhoid.

Belladonna – Nosebleed, with throbbing and fullness about the head and face which is flushed. Patient sensitive to anything like noise or light. Inclined to stupor with sudden starting.

Bryonia – Useful when the bleeding of the nose is rather passive, or if it occurs in threatened typhoid. Also for vicarious hemorrhage with suppression of menses.

China – The loss of blood has reduced the patient greatly, sight dim, with roaring in the ears, face pale and bloodless.

Hamamelis – Has been used in the form of tincture, especially in venous hemorrhage.

Ipecac – Symptoms somewhat similar to China, with nausea perhaps vomiting and cutting pain about the stomach. Ipecac. in uterine hemorrhages after labor or miscarriage, especially if the blood is bright red with persistent nausea.

Phosphorus – Every cut or wound bleeds persistently. Nosebleed or other hemorrhages which recur often and no visible cause for the same, with much difficulty to control, even slight ones.

Pulsatilla – Hemorrhages at change of life, patient constantly chilly and weeping. Hemorrhages vicarious in young women with suppressed menses from getting the feet wet.

Practical Guide to Homeopathic Treatment Designed and Arranged for the Use of Families, Prescribers of Limited Experience and Students of Homeopathy. Myron H. Adams, M. D., 1913

Learn to Wait!

Perceptible and continued progress of improvement in an acute or chronic disease, is a condition which, as long as it lasts, invariably counter-indicates the repetition of any medicine whatever. Under these circumstances every new dose of any medicine, even of the last one that proved beneficial, would disturb the process of recovery.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann – Organon 5th edition

Lapis Albus – Silico-Fluoride of Calcium

I have used the remedy in many cases of scrofulous enlargement of the cervical glands, and find that it is almost specific where the glands have a certain amount of elasticity and pliability about them, rather than a stony hardness, such as might call for Calcarea fluorica, Cistus or Carbo animalus.

New Old and Forgotten Remedies – Ed. Dr. E.P. Anshutz

Tetanus in Horses

In the fully-developed stage, with intense rigidity and exacerbation of spasm on the least excitement, I would give Nux vomica alternately with Arnica in traumatic cases.

Horses Ill And Well: Homceopathic Treatment of Diseases and Injuries James Moore, M.E.C.V.S.


He cannot read, because the meaning of certain letters is not clear; errs in speaking, because he cannot get the right words; this when talking about every-day matters ; whereas when the subject is very important, so as to call forth the most energy, the words are correctly chosen.

Bad Taste in the Mouth

Bitter taste in the morning – Sulphur, Mercurius vivus, Bryonia, Calcarea, Silicea,

When solid food tastes bitter – Sulphur, Bryonia, Rheum, Rhus tox., Hepar, Colocynthis, Ferrum met.

Food and drink both bitter – Pulsatilla, Cinchona.

Bitter taste after eating or drinking – Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Arsenicum

For sweet taste – Mercurius vivus, Sulphur, Cuprum, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Bryonia, Cinchona, Ferrum, Spongia.

For salty taste – Carbo vegetabilis, Rheum, Phosphoric acid, Nux vomica, Sulphur, Arsenicum, Natrum muriaticum, Cuprum.

When food tastes salty – Carbo vegetabilis, Sulphur.

Salt taste when coughing – Carbo vegetabilis, Cocculus.

For sour taste – Rheum, Phosphoric acid, Nux vomica, Cinchona, Sulphur, Capsicum, Calcarea, Natrum muriaticum, Cocculus, Cuprum.

Acrid, biting taste – Veratrum, Rhus tox. Burnt, smoky taste Pulsatilla, Nux vomica, Sulphur; taste like herbs: Veratrum, Nux vomica; taste like peppermint: Veratrum.

The Homeopathic Domestic Physician – Dr. Constantine Hering

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • Hemorrhoids: I too agree with the author`s remidy NUX is apt & also most cases I recommend Hemamaellis + BICO-17 IN CASE OF PILES

  • Detachment of the Retina
    Recent, (1) Apis 6c every 2-4 hours (2) Gelsemum 1c, every 2 -4hours. Afterwards, Aur muriaticum 3x, every 2 hours.
    The Prescriber – John H.Clarke MD

    That’s all well and good, but the retina needs to be SURGICALLY REATTACHED first. This is not mentioned, and too many lay practitioners lurk here for that not be made clear.

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