Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets October 2011

A useful article about Tips and Secrets October 2011.Full details about Tips and Secrets October 2011


Aconitum must be given in all those cases where the patients are almost frantic with pain, which is indescribable, and which Coffea has failed to relieve. It is particularly suitable for children and may be repeated several times. When it is no longer efficacious, give Chamomilla or Belladonna.

The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician- Constantine Hering, M. D.

Sixth Reason for Being a Homeopath

I procured some of the Cundurango bark, made an infusion, and drank quantities of it. I found that it causes (inter alia) cracks in the angles of the mouth. Subsequently I had to treat a case of cancer of the left breast in a middle-aged woman, and the patient had a deep crack in the angle of her mouth on the left side…. The patient took a homoeopathic preparation of the remedy steadily for about three years, with gradual, slow amelioration, and eventual perfect cure. Since then eight years have elapsed and she is still in excellent health.

Fifty Reasons for Being a Homoeopath: J. Compton Burnett, M.D. 1888


The poison differs in so many points from all present known venoms. In the first place it is alkaline, and all other poisons of reptiles are acid. Second, its effect is not always sudden but is lasting, causing sickness for months and death even after a year. It does not seem to excite but to depress.

New Old and Forgotten Remedies – Ed. Dr. E.P. Anshutz

When to Take Anti-psoric Remedies

Pregnancy offers a most favorable time for the administration of anti-psoric remedies, the organism being then in a specially receptive state for the eradication of chronic and inherited disease tendencies.

Samuel Hahnemann


Causticum has checked the progress of Meniere’s disease when the ranking symptom was the re-echoing of one’s own voice. The second symptom in importance is vertigo, amelioration getting up from the reclining position in P.M.

Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica – George Royal, M.D. – 1920


Don’t forget to at once examine the pulse at the wrist and ankle in fractures of the humerus and femur, to ascertain if an artery has been injured.

Don’t keep elderly patients in bed trying to secure union in hip fractures. They are almost sure to develop pulmonary edema, pneumonia, sloughing from pressure of splints, or from bed sores, and nearly all of them die.

Hahnemannian Monthly Vol. II – I917 G. Harlan Wells, M.D.


Most of the deaths occurring soon after receipt of burns or scalds are due immediately to shock. A potency of cantharides in water, given in repeated doses, combined with a local application of the same substance reduces the death list amazingly and is unequalled as a curative agent.

Homoeopathy in Medicine and Surgery – Edmund Carleton, M. D. -1913

Gallstones Removed Without Operation

Dr. Speidel speaks of giving strontium salicylate for several weeks, followed for some time with the tincture of chionanthus virg. For the extreme spells of colic he resorted to the use of Cuprum Arsenicosum every half hour until relieved. The gallstones, many of large size, passed gradually into the bowels and were eliminated by regular stools. He claims that his patients under this treatment invariably make a good recovery.

The Clinque of the Clinical Society of the Hahnemann Hospital of Chicago – Jan, 15, 1899.

If the Shoe Doesn’t Fit

Allium Cepa is useful for ulcers on heel from friction of shoes (also Paeonia).

Dr. Sultan M. Bihari

Carbo veg and Cinchona

Carbo vegetabilis has more pronounced cold breath, throat, mouth, teeth and extremities and greater desire to be fanned than has Cinchona, while the latter has greater ringing of the ears than the former has.

Homoeopathy in Medicine and Surgery – Edmund Carleton, M. D. -1913

A Family Affair

Dr. Frederick Ehrmann was a physician of Wurtemburg, Germany, and the son of a physician. He had five sons, all of whom became homoeopathic physicians. They were Benjamin, Frederick, Christian, Louis and Ernest Ehrmann. Dr. Ehrmann, the father, came with his family to Pennsylvania and settled in York County (U.S.) about 1833.

History of Homoeopathy and its Institutions in America – William Harvey King, MD -1905

Cutting Your Teeth

Normally, dentition should begin not before the fourth month nor later than the seventh, and should be completed during the first month of the third year. But it has been remarked that tuberculous and syphilitic children cut their teeth early, while in rickety infants, the teeth are slow to appear.

A System of Medicine Based Upon the Law of Homeopathy Vol I- 1885 -Ed.- H.R. Arndt, M.D

Skeletons in the Closet

You may suppose that you have done with the dry bones now that you have left the dissecting room. But, gentlemen, the proverb teaches us that “There is a skeleton in every house,” and the skeletons in your patients’ houses will often intrude themselves between you and your cure, and must be the subject of your anxious study if you would do all the good you may in your profession”.

Valedictory Address To the Graduating Class of the New-York Homoeopathic Medical College, by Prof Carroll Dunham, MD., Dean of the Faculty. February 29th, 1872.

An Important Cholera Remedy

Acidum Hydrocyanicum is indicated if the attack at once assumes the highest degree of intensity, so that but a few hours intervene between the commencement of the attack and the moment when death seems to be lurking on the threshold ; Carbo veg may be sufficient if the failing of the strength is less rapid.

The Science of Therapeutics According to the Principles of Homeopathy – Bernhard Baehr, M. D. (1872)

Tips on Cataract

Under certain circumstances the best and quickest relief can be afforded only by an operation, but homoeopathic treatment has succeeded not only in checking further development, but also in clearing up existing opacities of lens and capsule. The following are the most important remedies :

Ammonium carb (right eye) ; Baryta c; Bell (after acute inflammation of the eye); Calcarea carb., (scrofulous individuals); Cannabis, Caust, (constant inclination to touch and rub the eye, which seems to relieve a pressure in it); Conium, (old persons); Euphrasia after Sulpur, (congenital cataract); Lycopodium, (after typhus; suppressed menses); Mag. carb., (from left to right; previous disposition to headache and furuncles) ; Phos ; Sepia ; Silica, (after inflammation of the eye ; preceding ringworms ; suppressed sweat of feet) ; Sulphur (from right to left ; after cutaneous eruptions, especially suppressed itch.

Special Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints – C.G. Raue, MD (1882)


Effusion left behind after inflammation, if the inflammation has been recent, Apis 3X, 3h. If the effusion is of any standing, Sulph. 3, 4h. When secondary to heart disease, Arsen iod, 3X, gr. ii. three times a day immediately after food. Anxiety, thirst, chilliness, prostration, Arsenicum 3, 2h.

The PrescriberJohn H. Clarke, M. D.

Some Lactation Tips

Undue engorgement of breasts, Bry 3, 2h. Milk late in appearing, or afterwards diminishing in quantity, Asaf, 3, 2h. When the milk is poor in quality, in pale lymphatic subjects, Calcarea c 6, 6h. In thin rickety subjects, Silica.

The PrescriberJohn H. Clarke, M. D.

You’ve Got to Have Grit

If a doctor has not the grit to withstand the cries of the family, the criticisms of the friends, the threatening of his pocketbook and of his bread and butter, he will not practice Homoeopathy very long.

James Tyler Kent – Lesser Writings

Sulphur Eyes

Bear in mind that in all eye troubles of Sulphur ,the lids are red, the pains are sharp, sticking, cutting, splinter-like, the photophobia is marked and the modality “worse from the touch of water “is usually present.

Textbook of Homeopathic Materia Medica – George Royal, M.D. – 1920


What drugs have suppression of menses from violent emotions such as fright? Aconite, Lycopodium, Opium and Veratrum.

Essentials of Homoeopathic Therapeutics W. A. Dewey, M. D.

Arnica in Boils

When is Arnica the remedy in boils? It produces crops of boils all over the body, beginning with great soreness and going on to suppuration. Boils which have partially matured become sluggish.

Essentials of Homoeopathic Therapeutics W. A. Dewey, M. D.

Pin Worms

Teucrium is the remedy for ascarides or pin-worms. There is much irritation caused by them in the rectum. Hughes prefers the tincture or lower dilutions, saying that it rarely fails in this condition. Another remedy for pin-worms is Sinapis nigra.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics Ed. W. A. Dewey, M. D. (1901)

Two Remedies in Orchitis

Aurum has chronic orchitis, worse on right side with neuralgia of the cord.

Staphysagria has a burning and stinging pain in the right spermatic cord, with drawing in the right testicle.

Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics Ed. W. A. Dewey, M. D. (1901)

Dropsy of 10 Years Cured by One Dose

Dropsy : Mrs. B., for ten years suffering from general anasarca, especially of the lower limbs. When the swelling is greatest she has nightly fever and restlessness, driving her from place to place. Loose cough in the morning, or when lying with the head low. On going upstairs she has to stop often to recover her breath. During the fever constant thirst, drinking often, but little at a time. Ars, 40m., one dose, cured. – Dr. J. G. Gilchrist

Constitutional Therapeutics – The Patient Not the Disease – Alfred W. Woodward M.D. 1839-1902

A Succession of Remedies Needed

In non-venereal chronic diseases, which originated from psora, it is often necessary to employ several antipsoric remedies in succession, each of which in its turn had been homoeopathically selected, in accordance with the group of symptoms left uncured, when the preceding remedy (given in single, or in repeated doses) had terminated its action.

Aphorism § 171 – Organon 5th Ed. – Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Agony Before Death

Arsenicum , Latrodectus M., Tarent H. (3), Tarent c. Rhus t. , Veratrum (2), aconitum, alumina, coccullus, cuprum, pulsatilla (1)

Robin Murphy – Homeopathic Medical Repertory

Where Can the Remedy Be Applied?

It is quite immaterial what sensitive part of the body is touched by the medicine in order to develop its whole action…immaterial whether the dissolved medicine enter the stomach or merely remain in the mouth, or be applied to a wound or other part deprived of skin. …Its introduction into the rectum or application to the lining membrane of the nose, fulfils every purpose.

It is only the thicker epidermis covering the external surface of the body that presents some, but not an insurmountable obstacle to the action of medicines…

They still act through it, though somewhat less powerfully. .. The epidermis is however thinner on some parts, and consequently the action is easier in those situations. Among these are the abdominal region, especially the pit of the stomach, the inguinal regions and the inner surface of the axilla, the bend of the arm, the inner surface of the wrist…are the parts most sensitive to the medicine.

Rubbing in the medicines facilitates their action chiefly on this account, that the friction of itself renders the skin more sensitive.

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann -Lesser Writings

Lithium Carbonicum

Chronic rheumatism connected with valvular heart troubles should call our attention to this remedy. Rheumatic soreness in the cardiac region. Violent pains in the heart when bending over. Pains in heart when urinating or at menstrual period. Fluttering of heart with mental agitation, ….are all valuable guides to its selection. Then if we have the rheumatic symptoms, swelling and redness with great tenderness of the small joints, the indications are very positive for its use. There are often heavy deposits in the urine of mucus, uric acid or pus.

E. B.NASH, M. D. – Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Aurum and Sepia

In Aurum there is melancholy with depression because of supposed loss of friendship ; in Sepia there is indifference to friends. Anxiety in Aurum is precordial, must move from place to place ( Ars ), a mere noise makes her anxious. Anxiety in Sepia comes… with disturbed circulation, but it is not especially cardiac, and is accompanied with flushes of heat.

Both produce weariness of life, with desire to die, even with suicidal tendency ; Aurum, because she has lost the affections of her friends; Sepia, from sheer loathing of life.

A Clinical Materia Medica -E. A.Farington, M.D., Clarence Bartlett, M.D., S.Lilienthal, M.D.

Searching for Aspergillis Niger

Last month Frank Hartman sent in a tip about Aspergillis Niger being useful for sinus infection in Florida.  Some readers asked about where to buy that remedy.  The answer:  Ainsworth Pharmacy in the UK.

Sabal Serrulata In Cystitis

It has been my experience that Sable serrrulata in 4 c will clear cystitis in one dose within 24 hours in 90 percent of the cases.

Thanks to Frank Hartman

Some homeopaths say that homeopathic remedies have no use in prevention, or only act when they are able to produce similar symptoms during provings in the “healthy”. Both statements are wrong. The latter are the so called “breech presentation” symptoms of remedies, as Hering called them, coming from clinical experience and empiricism, eg. the alae nasi fanning of Lycopodium in pneumonia. This keynote is not to be found in the provings, and important as it is, only comes from clinical empiricism.

Kent wrote that so called preventive and prophylactic remedies need not to be so similar as their curative counterparts. Here is one from clinical experience : What we nowadays call stress ulcera of the duodenum in patients seriously injured with second and third degrees burns, is handled with Stramonium. One could even extrapolate this to polytraumatic as well as comatose patients with high risk of bleeding and/or perforation of those gastric or duodenal ulcera, that appear a few days or weeks after a very serious traumatic event (writer’s comment).

Thanks to Eddy Thielens MD
Source: Homeopathy in Medicine and Surgery, page 186, by Dr. Edmund Carleton.

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • I always enjoy the Tips and Secrets. Dr. Shmukler. These bits of information are often valuable, and to discover them all on one’s own would take hours that not everyone has to spare, no matter how much we labor to improve our understanding of homeopathy.

  • Your article is extremely helpful to one and all. More people should trust homeoppathy cos there are no side affects. I would like to know what should be taken for insomnia. Thank you for your knowledge

  • Very interesting and very helpful. Can we start a course for those of us who want to learn homeopathy to help ourselves and help others? Thanks a million.

  • Dear Sir,
    The issue of Oct,2011 is very knowledge-full, informative. You are requested to kindly publish a full information and detailed alongwith treatment of Renal Failure as soon as possible.
    With regards,
    Dr. Abdul Razzaq
    Lahore Pakistan

  • Informative – expands knowledge of remedies -will try Sabal ser. in cystitis if other symptoms fit – instead of relying on cantharis which I have found useful.Thanks

  • good edition thanks, please publish authentic clinical cases of dr praful vijaykar,dr sankaran,dr mallik,dr mavi,dr kisore mehta

  • Dear Sir Thanks for the very useful article. It would b highly appreciated if you kindly report remedy of asma acute and chronic. Dr rahman


  • Dear Alan Schmukler

    Thank you so much for such an informative article and nice edition of the site.

    All the Best Wishes,S.Sadeghi

  • While going through the Tips & Tricks Oct 2011 I find it quite informative and the articles are much awaited every time. It will certainly benefit to one and all always.

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