Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Elaine Announces Her Own Contest!

The homeopathy Short Story Contest has inspired Elaine to offer a contest of her own!

Does everybody remember how exciting the Short Story Contest was? I had so much fun reading the entries that I think it’s time for a second contest, only this one will be a little different, and the winners will be all of us!  Here’s why: I am proposing that we all write the speech we would give if we were asked to speak at “Career Day” on homeopathy!  In fact, let’s call it:

“The Hpathy Career Day Contest”!

(And Dr. B has just offered a book prize to the top winners!)  Sooner or later we are all going to have to explain to a group of people what homeopathy is!  What will we say?  Consider what you’re up against: an audience that probably believes whole-heartedly in orthodox medicine!  How do you get through to them?  How do you tell them that the medical path they’re on causes more disease than it cures?  It’s even possible that many in the audience will have illnesses exacerbated by prescriptions they’ve taken and really need to hear your message!  How do you explain that what we do is much more effective, much safer and less costly than what they’re doing now?  What can you say that will sound convincing and also entertaining?

I say we all will be winners because when our turn comes to make such a speech, we will only need to turn to the best entries in this contest for guidance!

So let’s give ourselves 3 months. Figure you’d have to speak for 15 minutes before taking questions; so, however long that is in writing, plus, feel free to make a video if you’d like; and send them to me at [email protected].  We will post the best ones in the Hpathy ezine.  Let’s have your submissions by April 1, 2014.  OK, so let’s be creative, interesting and compelling–and let’s get started!

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:



About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


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