Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

First International Homeopathy Short Story Contest

win amazing prizes

A new contest for our readers with very exciting prizes! Who’s going to win?

First International Homeopathy Short Story Contest

Organized by

$6000 worth of prizes to be won!

In association with Complete Dynamics

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I was watching an old motion picture about a possessive mother who keeps her grown son at home and away from women, by feigning a heart condition. One day he calls in a doctor to examine her. The doctor tells the son that the mother is in perfect health. The son confronts his mother: “The doctor said there is nothing wrong with you!” The mother replies “That homeopath!”

In all my years, that was the first reference to homeopathy I ever saw in a movie. In fact, I couldn’t think of any references to homeopathy in any fiction I had read. Every subject seems to have been explored in fiction, except homeopathy. There are stories about allopathic doctors, cowboys, fireman, lumberjacks, farmers, mathematicians, dancers – you name it, but nothing about homeopathy.

There are still millions of people for whom homeopathy is just a curious word that doesn’t evoke any particular images. The surest way to introduce a subject to any culture is through its fiction. Therefore, Hpathy is holding a contest to develop fictional stories about homeopathy. They could be about romance, adventure, crime, mysteries, etc. The winning stories will be published in this journal, and the writers will receive fabulous prizes in addition to our praise!

So, fellow homeopathy enthusiasts, here’s your chance to make history! Dust off that typewriter and create a new genre!

Alan Schmukler

Chief Editor,

Homeopathy for Everyone



The story could be about romance, adventure, drama, science fiction, or a thriller, fantasy, horror or mystery, but must involve classical homeopathy or have a main character who is a classical homeopath. It can be set in any time period from the past to the future. The length should be between 2000 to 10,000 words.

The story should be written in English, typed in double-space and justified aligned in font size 12.

All documents should be submitted by email in Word format to [email protected] with the subject “Fiction Contest”. A person can submit more than one story, but only one story from one person will be considered for prizes.

The story should include a bio of the author, contact details and a photo if possible.

All entries will be judged by the Hpathy Team.

The winning entries will be published at and in a book published by There is no financial remuneration/compensation offered if your story is selected for publication. The authors will retain the copyrights for their work and will be free to publish it elsewhere too.

Entries should be received no later than 31st May 2013.

Results will be announced in June 2013.

Amazing Prizes!!

Worth $6000 !!!!

1st Prize (One): Lifetime license of Complete Dynamics. Worth $2000!

2nd Prize (One): Ipad license of Complete Dynamics (ipad not included) plus Five-year license of Complete Dynamics PC version. Worth $700 approx.

3rd Prize (Four): Five-year license of Complete Dynamics. Each worth $465 approx.

Runners up (Ten): One-year license of Complete Dynamics. Each worth $150 approx.

The Complete Dynamics Practitioner Edition  is an amazing homeopathy software that contains the Complete Repertory and additional modules for Case Management, Analysis and Materia Medica. The Complete Dynamics software program offers you the ultimate experience in computer based reading and studying of the Complete Repertory. Amongst homeopathic professionals, the Complete Repertory is renowned worldwide for its completeness, accuracy and coverage of original sources. Besides the powerful browsing and searching facilities, the Practitioner Edition enables you to do professional analysis of your cases. Available for Apple OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux and iPad!

If you have any questions or comments, please email us at [email protected]

About the author

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  • Wow! This couldn’t get better! Fabulous chance for homeopathic writers like me to venture into fiction world with our very own homeopathy-based stories! Count me in as a participant! 🙂

  • I really like this idea. I’d love to see more fictional writing and movies on Homeopathy.
    Not sure if anyone is familiar with Chris Bohjalian. He’s a great writer “in my books” he wrote
    Midwifes and The Law of Similars two great fictional novels that you won’t be able to put down so much so that I got them on tape ( a few years back) to listen to on a long family driving trip and we didn’t want to stop for gas or bathroom breaks , we’d just all run in and out of gas stations so we could get back to listening…. I’d love to see them both on film. So kudos to Hpathy for this great endeavor.

  • The plot of The Law of Similars by Chris Bohjalian revolves around an allergy-induced coma possibly due to a prescribed homeopathic remedy. Not exactly a positive message about homeopathy…!

  • Hi
    Have you read ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ (or seen the film)? The characters mention ‘Nux Vomica’ ….

  • Julio Cortazar a belgian writer who has lived in Argentina, wrote a story “headache” he took information from Margaret tyler, when i was very young i read it , knowing anything about homeopathy, it was a crazy story for me , who loved Cortazar, and now love homeopathy! thank s for this invitation …great idea

  • Hello there! I am almost done with my story, a romantic one.

    Just wanted to know if we need to give it a title too, and if yes, if the word limit is inclusive of the title words.

  • Dear Homeopathic Fokls

    Dr.Manish Bhathia, Mr.Alan Schmuckler and their active group deserve the best lives for their deep concern on spreading the Divine Method of Homeopathy. Their innovative idea of holding the First International Homeopathy Short Story Contest, is another artistic step to reach their Godly goal of increasing human being, animals and plants’ well being with homeopathy.
    I have taken part in the contest by authoring a short story titled “Defeat Horror”. I hope our other colleagues take part in the great contest, too.

    • Yes all! I intend to write a story for kids about a dog who is a Wizard of Homeopathy! LOL… and I hope it’s okay to do that. We cover so many different venues with a story like mine: we create a SUPERHERO dog who is a WIZARD and he travels the planet to heal other dogs, cats and animals in distress. He awakens kids to the WORD Homeopathy, and he has fun while he is buzzing around healing pets and sometimes their people. I hope they accept my idea. 🙂

  • Ever since this story project has come up, i have tried to rack my brain to find where homeopathy has been mentioned even casually.

    I remember in a very latest Bollywood film TALASH by Amir Khan,there is a scene where a retired police officer who was associated with the case of a murder says when asked what he would do after retiring, says that i will ” do Homeopathy”.The way he mentions it shows the hope he has in future of homeopathy. I may not be remembering it accurately but Homeopathy is the question there.

  • I think this is a wonderful opportunity for Homoeopaths to express their creativity and dive deep into the world of Homoeopathy.Really a very interesting thing!I hope such contests,quiz get organised frequently so that interested Homoeopaths gets chance and get appreciated and their talents arouse!

  • The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolsty has a part about homeopathy in it. Unfortunately, the character tries it but still ends up dying. The book is about a man who lives a shallow life. It would have been nice to see his state change.

    In the first Charmed episode there is a comment from one of the actors stating “this isn’t homeopathic.” I know not a story, but it is fictional writing.

  • this is an innovative step taken by hpathy….hats off to you…i an not a writer but i tried writing a small story….

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