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Baryta Carb ends its action soon. Why is that?

Baryta Carb ends its action soon. Why is that?

Posted by: Jane Christian, USA

Baryta Carbonica is best medicine for my symptoms. When I started using it in 30 C it improved all of my symptoms but after one week it stopped working. Then I started using it in 200 C, and result was same. What should I do? Please respond, I will be really thankful.
Jane Christian

Dear Jane,

It is possible that Baryta Carb is not really the right remedy for you. It may be similar, hence the short-lasting amelioration you find.
It is also possible that if it is the right remedy, you may require a higher potency. The energy of the remedy needs to be matched to the patient. Has a homeopath prescribed it for you? Prescribing something for yourself (except in acute ailments) is rather difficult because we always have a blind spot regarding ourselves. In such a scenario, you need a homeopath to take your history, then select a suitable remedy and properly manage your case.

(check our height calculator for boys and girls)

Good luck!
Dr. Firuzi Mehta

About the author

Firuzi Mehta

Dr. Firuzi Mehta qualified in homeopathic medicine in 1997 and then completed her HMD from the British Institute of Homoeopathy, London. In 1998, she also attended an Introductory Course in Anthroposophic Medicine and Iscador Therapy for Cancer at the Lukas Klinik in Arlesheim, Switzerland now known as Klinik Arleshim. After working for over 5 years with an eminent homeopath in Mumbai, to gain work-experience, she started her own practice in 2001. She reviews homeopathic books as and when the opportunity arises and firmly believes that one's knowledge is always incomplete and needs to grow. She is currently enrolled with—and studying for—the 2 year E-Learning Programme offered by Prof. George Vithoulkas' International Academy of Classical Homeopathy.


  • Whether Baryta Carb 30 is excellentmedicine for PE and ED. HOw long it need to be taken; will it universal for male having such problem.

  • Please tell me if baryta carb can increase my height iam 17 and half years old height is 5.8 inches father height is 5.11 and mother is 5.2inches….
    Please tell me if it has any side effect because I have learnt that baryta carb is an cardiovascular poison…can it demage heart muscles….please guide me….thankfully…

  • Sir i am 18 years old and my hight is 5.3 so plzz tell me i can use bryta carbonica 200ch and tell me it has aby side effect so plzz tell me i am waiting your comment

  • Dear sir,

    My doctor told that my constitutional remedy is Baryta Silicate . I do not see any medicine available with these combination, but separately. How to get this and where? if not how to use separately in what potencies? Would it be 30 c for each one or any other ratio? Please suggest.

  • I am 29 years now, my growth was stopped when i was 9th standard. My height is 5.2. My dad is 5.10 mom 5.2. In my 9th standard my dad had an accident. It was a shock to me at that time. I think from that time onwards i stopped increasing height. I think it’s a shock. Is there any chance of starting my growth again? If so please give prescription. Thank you

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