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Homeopathy Book Reviews

A New Era: Homeopathy and the Human Spirit by Dr. Paul Anderson Theriault, BSc, ND, is reviewed by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg

A New Era: Homeopathy and the Human Spirit by Dr. Paul Anderson Theriault, BSc, ND, is reviewed by Dr. Joe Rozencwajg

Softcover, 299 pages, self-published by the author at, 2017, no ISBN.

I did follow a few conversations and discussions involving Dr. Paul Theriault on the net. I knew he has a personal and very specific approach to homeopathy and triturations instead of dilutions. Therefore, when I decided to review his seminal book, I expected some interesting surprises. I was not disappointed. And at the end of the book, more intrigued than anything else.

Paul starts his text with a succinct introduction to the world of triturations, which he has led to the 12th level, C12, an apparently long and painstaking enterprise, which immediately led me to my first question: why stop there? Why not reach C30 unless it is for practical reasons? Then, clinically, he uses the C12 in the 30th potency… why? I could not extract that information at all, and I read every single page… maybe I missed something.

Twelve substances are made into remedies, some new to homeopathy, others well-known, or so I thought: Rosa acicularis, Prunus amygdalus, Nelumbo nucifera, Emerald Lake Water, Thuja occidentalis, Hierochloe odorata, Artemisia frigida, Artemisia ludovicana, Artemisia cana, Santalum album, Artemisia cina and Lac human, in that chronological order.

There were other remedies triturated before those twelve ones. Again, there is no obvious explanation (at least to me) about the choice of those remedies and their order; as the triturations develop, it appears that each remedy “directed” Paul towards the next one.

In the first chapter introducing his work, Paul informs us that he is trained in esoteric works and deep meditations, especially following the work of Easha Deane, who seems to have created (with others) a very different worldview and energetic approach to life and the universe, totally dissimilar to those I have been exposed to until now, which might explain my confusion.

Each remedy is succinctly described and explained, its traditional, herbal and homeopathic (if any) use presented; then the triturations’ effects on the prover are described in detail. C1, 2 and 3 combined, each of the following ones separately.

Each level of trituration leads us to a parallel universe of auras (not really similar to those we are mostly familiar with), reincarnations and their reasons, evolution of the human being and of humankind towards an ultimate outcome of fulfilling one’s destiny.

Needless to say, without some insight into that esoteric philosophical approach, one would immediately lose the plot; mercifully, many times there are a few paragraphs giving the reader a lifeline that allows at least a minimal basic understanding of what is going on and to follow the evolution of each trituration proving and the passage from one remedy to the next one.

That is where the biggest problem hit me: with one exception, every remedy has been proved “solo”, by Paul himself, and by Paul only; being deeply immersed in his personal, social and philosophical approach to life, what comes out, as in every proving, is his own interaction with the remedies, according to who he is.

None of those triturations have been accomplished by anyone else, then this book is in fact the notebook of provings of one single prover. We do not know what any other prover would have been able to describe, therefore it seems to me that this work is incomplete to say the least.

Provings, collections of symptoms and rubrics construction are statistically based; here we have one single approach, based on which a full programme for treating patients is developed. Reading the cases presented, it becomes obvious that those patients have approaches or problems in life similar to those of Paul: no wonder they were successfully treated.

What am I trying to say here?

Paul Theriault has developed or expanded a methodology that unravels hidden aspects of potentised substances. Excellent! But more provers are needed; with different backgrounds, with different physical problems (none is described in any of the 12 triturations!), with different ways of life, political opinions, philosophical or religious practices.

Another approach would be to group provers from the same belonging and training than Paul’s and see if they produce the same symptoms and conclusions, making those remedies and the protocol described at the end of the book a specific tool for this population, then compared with, for example, a group of very materialistic people not at all into esotericism, compare the outcomes… that would be fascinating.

At least for me, this book has been a window into a world very much foreign, a walk into a strange territory, that maybe one day, or in my next incarnation should I decide to come back, I might be keen to explore.

Thank you, Paul.

Addendum: I sent this review to Paul, out of common courtesy as it is relatively critical of his work, for his input. I am glad to report that he agrees with what I wrote! Moreover, it is indeed a work in progress and some modifications already appear in his further works and will also be implemented in future triturations.

Basically, we have here a new methodology using homeopathic remedies and principles. As with every new, different approach, at first it will interest a minority of practitioners who are already immersed in the esoteric work I described; then in time, it will be simplified and percolate to many practitioners.

Keep an eye on him…

Dr. Joe Rozencwajg, NMD – New Zealand   

About the author

Joe Rozencwajg

Dr. Joseph (Joe) Rozencwajg, MD, PhD, NMD, OMD was born in Belgium in 1951. After medical school, he went on to fulfill his childhood dream of becoming a surgeon. He subsequently learned Acupuncture, Homeopathy, TCM, Nutrition, Flower Remedies, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy, Reiki and other modalities. He has a PhD in Homeopathy and one in Natural Medical Sciences as well as a Doctorate in Naturopathy and one in Osteopathy. Dr. Joe lives in New Plymouth, New Zealand where he practices exclusively Natural Medicine at his clinic, Natura Medica Ltd. He developed a entirely new series of homeopathic potencies and is the author of numerous articles and the books :The Potency. Advanced Prescribing in Homeopathy, Homeopathy through the Chinese looking glass: Homeosiniatry revisited,. Dynamic Gemmotherapy and, Drainage, Detoxification and Organotherapy. His books are available from Visit Dr. Rozencwajg at his website:

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