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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Reach for a Remedy by Clodagh Sheehy & Svetlana Pavlova Heywood Jones

Reach for a Remedy by Clodagh Sheehy & Svetlana Pavlova Heywood Jones

Reach for a Remedy by Clodagh Sheehy & Svetlana Pavlova Heywood Jones is reviewed by Rochelle Marsden, who finds it useful for the complete amateur who has heard of homeopathy, or anyone who uses it for various complaints but wants to know more.



Authors :Clodagh Sheehy & Svetlana Pavlova Heywood Jones

Pages – 213

Format – Hardback
Publication 2018 by Narayana Verlag
Weight: 565g
ISBN: 978-3-95582-196-8

Price – 16.80 Euros

18.00 Euros  – Free postage



My first opinion when receiving this book was what a substantial book it is for the money. It is a solid hardback. The pages and printing are of the best quality and the format is a delight to the eyes.It is subtitled ‘Homeopathic Home Prescribing for First Aid and Minor Ailments’, and this exactly describes the book. It will be easily understood by the complete novice to homeopathy.

It begins with the authors describing who they are and all about themselves. Then comes the ‘Introduction’ with the usual,“all about homeopathy”, which you would expect for a book for the general public. It explains in a simple manner how to use homeopathy e.g.’ How to pick your remedy’, ‘What to look for’, ‘Potency’, ‘How to take your remedy’. The following section explains when to see a professional and the next about ‘Creams, flower essences and tissue cell salts’ as these are mentioned in the book.

Next is an important ‘Rapid First Aid Guide’ section which is exactly what it says. It is the place to go for common ailments such as acute ‘Allergies’, ‘Anxiety’, ‘Food Poisoning’ etc. Within each of these are the go-to remedies and a quick differentiation between them. Also are warnings in red – ‘If serious seek immediate medical help’ within conditions like Head Injury in which it advises Arnica and Nat Sulph. All the headings in this section are a red colour and in the next section on ‘Coughs, colds and wheezes’ the heading are in green, which makes for easy reading. How refreshing to see a section entitled ‘Dental’ as everyone seems to need this at some time or other.

To give you a bit more idea what is contained in this book I will go through some of the sections. ‘Ears’ is there complete with ‘Blocked Ears’calling for Kali Mur which I can’t do without during descent in an airplane. Even the potency is suggested as 30C for all ear problems which is the one I have found most successful for me on a plane by trial and error. There is a great section on ‘Emotional Upsets’,which is very comprehensive, covering subjects like ‘Shock’, ‘Anger’, ‘Anxiety’ from various situations as well as ‘Fears’, ‘Grief’ and even ‘Humiliation’. I am pleased to see that in the Fevers and Flu section there is printed in red again, an alert, giving warning signs of when to seek medical advice. The section on ‘Hay fever’ gives the usual 3 remedies and also suggests Mixed Pollen which I have found useful with patients. It is interesting to see ‘Pregnancy-labour-breast feeding’, covering all the usual ailments and more besides, which makes this book more comprehensive than I would have expected. Likewise, the chapter on ‘Skin Conditions’ also contains everything you can think of.

I love the section on ‘Children,’ and am impressed with the advice given for‘Head Lice’.  Eight possible remedies for Sleeplessness are in this section and the remedies for’ Sticky Eye, Teething and Worms are all there!! There are ‘Specially for teenagers’, ‘Specially for men and ‘Specially for Women’ sections.

Also, there are sections on ‘Sports Injuries’, ‘Throat’ and ‘Travel’ and to be quite honest I can’t think of anything that has been missed out!

To finish there is a large section on ‘Common Remedies’, so it is possible to look up more information on them. Lastly, other than the Index, is a small section on ‘Creams and tinctures- cell tissue salts-flower essences and herbs’. This describes all the 12 cell tissue salts, some of the restand how they should be taken.

Who is this fully recommended, extremely comprehensive and easy to use book written for? I would say the complete amateur who has heard of homeopathy, or anyone who uses it for various complaints but wants to know more.  It is the best book of its type I have come across. I would be more than happy to buy it for a present for any family.  This copy I was sent to review is going to my daughter in law. I hope that the number of times she is forced to contact me from Singapore wanting to know what to give my granddaughters, from the kit I have given her, will lessen!!

About the author

Rochelle Marsden

Rochelle Marsden MSc, RSHom, MNWCH, AAMET is a member of the Hpathy team, a registered classical homeopath (Society of Homeopaths), and has run Southport Homeopathic Practice in the UK SINCE 1999. Rochelle completed a 2 year post-grad course with Dr. Ramakrishnan and another with Dr. S. Banerjea, and an intense Clinical Training in India with Dr. Ramakrishnan. She is a tutor for The British Institute for Homeopathy (BIH) and is a regional tutor for local homeopathic colleges. She is also a practitioner in meridian therapies, EFT (Cert. Advanced) and Matrix Reimprinting. Visit Rochelle at :

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