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Homeopathy Book Reviews

Book Review:  How Aphorism 27 Changed the World  

Ellen Kire reviews Grant Bentley’s book, How Aphorism 27 Changed the World  

How Aphorism 27 Changed The World

by Grant Bentley

Reviewed by : Ellen Kire


ISBN: 9781620303559

Publish Date: August 2012

Price: $29.95


Grant Bentley’s book, How Aphorism 27 Changed the World is a wake-up call to homeopathy and has the potential to change the evolutionary face of homeopathy. Grant’s purpose is to advance homeopathy by making it more usable, understandable and relevant for contemporary practice in the 21st century. Grant examines selected writings and aphorisms from The Organon, to clarify and update the principles of homeopathy given to us by our founder, Samuel Hahnemann. His basis for putting forth this updated, contemporary work comes from years of clinical practice using his miasmatic diagnostic tool, Homeopathic Facial Analysis (HFA) that he has written about in previous books.

Grant tackles all the controversial beliefs encountered in homeopathic practice and cites numerous examples from his clinic to back up his affirmations. Is a single dose of a high potency with the watch-and-wait method as effective as daily repeated doses for chronic disease? Is a healing crisis necessary, or is it a negative sign and possibly dangerous? Are coffee, chemotherapy, radiation, antibiotics, steroids, contraceptives and painkillers preventing remedies from working and suppressive? What is a miasm? Can all miasms be removed and health permanently restored? Are the universal laws of energy and motion the key to understanding what a miasm is? Is all chronic disease caused by an external, infectious agent? Does chronic stress and exhaustion lead to chronic disease? In chronic disease is symptom totality the only factor in selecting a remedy, or is the miasm required? Is the multi-miasmatic theory that led to the layers approach of prescribing valid? Are stereotyping, essence prescribing and remedy pictures limiting us from understanding our remedies’ full range of potential to cure? Are the subjective mentals, delusions and dreams necessary for successful prescribing and are they more important than the objective generals?

Grant believes it is vital to reflect on why homeopathy has been so successful in acute disease and epidemics, but not to the same degree in chronic disease. He asks us to look at current methodologies embraced in contemporary homeopathy that are speculative in nature and border on the realms of fantasy, mysticism and parapsychology. Have we replaced the objective, rational thinking Hahnemann passionately advocated with speculative medicine? Has this contributed to the ongoing struggle of homeopathy to become mainstream? Has homeopathy kept pace with scientific advances in the medical field? What factors have contributed to the negative skepticism that plagues homeopathy and its lack of acceptance? Is it being held back by our inability to address its shortcomings? These are questions Grant asks us to contemplate and act upon if homeopathy is to grow and remain viable as a healing modality.

This book is not for the fainthearted. Some will be amazed, some will be shocked, some will be offended and some will call it blasphemy, but many will applaud and recognize its wisdom. Can we be the unprejudiced observer and put aside the commonly held beliefs that are limiting our vision? Can we examine the homeopathic principles and weed out facts from fiction to discover the real truths that work and are reproducible in good, clinical practice?

It is time for homeopathy to do some soul searching in its struggle to be accepted and keep pace with modern conventional medicine. Can we all do our part so the wonder and power of homeopathy will be revealed, acknowledged and practiced in this very skeptical era where evidence-based science is called for?

About the author

Ellen Kire

Ellen V. Kire l has more than 15 years of experience in classical homeopathy and completed all HFA courses offered by the Victorian College of Classical Homoeopathy with Grant Bentley, including both the 2010 and 2011 Homoeopathic Facial Analysis and Soul and Survival Principles online courses. In 2012 Ellen hosted an HFA seminar for Grant and Louise in Portland, Maine. She graduated in 2011 with a certificate in Foundations of Classical Homeopathy from the Caduceus Institute of Classical Homeopathy, CF Hom. She has used HFA exclusively since 2009 for treating children and adults. By applying the principles of homeopathic facial analysis, she has been successful in treating animals as well. She has a BS in Forestry from the University of New Hampshire and is a member of the National Center for Homeopathy, the Maine Association of Homeopaths and is a group coordinator in Maine for Science of Spirituality. Her other interests include organic gardening, kayaking, and meditation.

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