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Homeopathy Book Reviews

The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model by Drs. Mirjana Zivanov, Stojan Primovic and Andreas Kelemen

Professor Vladimir Holodkov reviews the book “The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model” by Drs. Mirjana Zivanov, Stojan Primovic and Andreas Kelemen.

The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model

The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model

Reviewed by Professor Vladimir Holodkov, PhD.

Paperback: 178 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (June 28,


Language: English

ISBN-10: 151475925X

ISBN-13: 978-1514759257

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.5 ounces

Price: $25.00 on (book or kindle)


The Matrix Method with Tetractys Model              

Homeopathy is a complete medical system based on omnicausality of problems, ie. holism. It is a system open to any innovative contribution which may be used in practice. Why? Let’s assume that there are 7 billion ailing people on the one hand, and, on the other hand, there are 3000 known homeopathic substances. Reaching the simillimum, which most closely covers the dysfunctional vital force, is a demanding activity even for the most experienced homeopath. Nowadays, homeopaths base their practice both on the art of Hahnemann (Heilkunst) and on innovative systems, verified in practice, from the classical approach (Kent, Hering, Beninghausen, Boger, Boericke) to modern approaches (Vithoulkas, Scholten, Sankaran, Vijayakar).

The authors of this book gradually introduce us to their interdisciplinary system for arriving at the simillimum. They are aware of the irreplaceable tools of classical homeopathy, and are aware that it takes much time to unlock the patient’s vital force during the interview. In heavily populated India, some homeopaths see as many as 150 patients on a daily basis. Knowing this is sufficient to stimulate one’s thinking towards more efficient prescriptions based on aphorisms 1, 2, and 3 of Hahnemann’s “Organon”.

The authors want to step beyond classical case taking and connect with miasm theory to reach the simillimum in a simpler and more efficient manner. Let’s be reminded of Hahnemann’s important publication “Chronic Diseases” where he explains the simillimum:

“For between IDEM and SIMILLIMUM there is no intermediate for any one that can think; or in other words between idem and simile only simillimum can be intermediate, Isopathic and aquale are equivocal expressions, which if they should signify anything reliable can only signify simillimum because they are not idem (Lat. same).”

Sometimes we fail, and therefore, we need a step further. Everyone within his own development is in search for the solution. One of the potential routes is the method explained herein. The authors use their knowledge about the biochemical processes of human homeostasis and incorporate such knowledge into homeopathic practice. They show the relationship of three key hormones secreted by the human body when processing emotional perceptions of the environment: dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline. They document these relationships and take us a step forward. They are aware of the historical understanding, from ancient times, that the vital force, vital energy, dynamis, contains both spiritual, intangible, and “invisible” components. They relate it to man’s physical being and gradually introduce us to their system of homeopathic understanding of vital force disruption.

The authors do not neglect Hahnemann’s explanation of vital force genetic damage expressed in the notion of miasms. Hahnemann provided clarification for three basic miasmas. The authors discuss the interrelation of miasms and the above-mentioned hormones. They propose a matrix method of understanding the vital force in space, the coordinates of which include the above-mentioned hormones and miasms, and they fit such method into the tetractys model.

Notionally, tetractys comes from the time of Pythagoras. He and his followers considered the cosmic harmony of man and the Universe, which they wanted to express in specific symbols – through a special figure called tetractys. In this model, decad structure is expressed through the equilateral triangle. Ten points may be assigned various meanings, which is also done by the authors. For the time being, it will only be suggested that the tetractys model is also the basis of Judaic kabbalah, and Mircea Eliade. It deals with the sociological and cultural meaning of such symbolism to develop a therapy for ills of modern, and proves that myths and rites are not only the memories of the collective unconscious, but also a subconscious part of man’s vital force.

The authors also base their approach of the matrix method aspect of the tetractys model, on the researches of the Serbian psychologist and mystic Z. Mihajlović – Slavinski who expressed his method in the PEAT model. Mihajlović acquired his PhD in psychology, based on researching the possibility of applying kabbalah and/or hermetism to therapeutic purposes. Mihajlović stated that man’s vital force has got one illness (major problem) which was also noted by Hahnemman. Therefore, a MAIN theme connects the conscious and unconscious parts of man. Such connection is expressed using the notion of Ki – the most elemental system of connection within the sphere of the existence of everything. The special concept of the authors “Matrix Method with Tetractys Model” is that through their practice, they reveal that a MAIN theme occurs in various homeopathic substances. Thus, e.g. Aurum and Naja share the topic of “happiness – sadness”, but in view of the homeopathic kingdoms (minerals and animals), the essence of feeling happiness and sadness with Aurum and Naia are not the same.

The matrix model with hormones as coordinates and miasmas as the areas of chronic disease, are transformed in the tetractys model with ten points, enabling us to recognise relations among the behaviour patterns through the patient’s miasm. Thus, there is a multidimensional approach to the vital force through the understanding of the disorders of mental, emotional, psychological, and somatic components of the person. The authors find that the vital force may be understood using a simpler approach, where the tetractys characteristics are related to the characteristics of the remedy. Through many years of practice the authors have strived to reach the simillimum and have verified their concept in practice. They include many cases as examples.

This book is not a product of speculation, nor is it based on eclecticism. It is a documented scientific modelling of vital force behaviour. Therefore, it has been written in the scientific language of homeopathy based on the knowledge of the biochemical system of man’s homeostasis.

Two of their cases of Argentum nitricium are reported where the patient’s stories are completely different, but who have the picture Argentum nitricum. Those two persons fit into the tetractys model of Argentum nitricium at the global level. When the symptoms of these two cases are considered, and the dynamis of these two persons and Materia medica of the above-mentioned remedy are considered, it is seen that these two persons are covered by the simillimum. At the same time, the individualisation principle has been observed.

The authors have feedback from patients confirming the efficacy of their method, as in : “My child does not use an inhaler anymore”, “I have returned to my life, my job, I am fulfilled”. The authors have repeatedly verified their method in practice. They indicate that this system may also be applied to animals, plants, and the planet Earth. This book is understandable and very usable for homeopaths. I am confident that their method will become an important addition to homeopathic practice and will help overcome the obstacles finding the simillimum. I congratulate them for offering this contribution to the field of homeopathy. It is up to us now, to apply their methods in our own homeopathic practices.

About the author

Vladimir Holodkov

Prof. Vladimir Holodkov, PhD., B.Sc.Hom is headmaster and co-founder of the Simillimum School of Homeopathy in Belgrade, Serbia. He completed a four-year study of classical homeopathy at LICH (London International College for Homeopathy) in 2003, and received the status of a graduate homeopath. Together with a group of enthusiasts led by Branislav Bad Domić, in 2003 he formed the Association for the Spread and Improvement of Classical Homeopathy "Simillimum" in Belgrade with four tasks: organization of quality education of homeopaths (lasting 3 + 2 years), cooperation with health institutions of Serbia and media and publishing activities of a non-commercial nature. Through the "Simillimum", since its founding until today (Feb 2018), about 350 active members have been educated - students distributed in five years of study (three years of basic and two years of specialist studies). Vladimir is the education manager and the president of the Board of Directors of "Simillimum". He also helps in the development of the professional magazine "Simillimum Times". In 2011 he graduated from medical high school and received the title of "medical technician" and passed the state exam. He is a co-organizer of many international seminars of world-famous homeopaths at "Simillimum".


  • Congratluations. More then interesting paper on the field of allopathic background, and maybe, finally something that prevales the Homeopathy from art to science, step forward for the Homeopahty in the real world. Wery nice

  • I think it is good book my congratulation and more progress and good quality for the best and have a nice time to provide me more valuables useful information

  • I canot read your book,because you have mentioned about the child care and woman care, how development the local NGO People were doing awarnees camp about the rural poor people awarmness.
    I think it is good book my congratulation and more progress and good quality for the best and have a nice time to provide me more valuables useful information

  • I am very glad to know about book
    by my colleague friend Dr.Mirjana Zivanov.

    ” Vital force’ is the revolutionary spiritual concept in the field of therapeutic which was genuinely realised and applied by Master Hahnemann as a basic principle of Homeopathic medicine.

    Many disciples of Master Hahnemann applied it through individualisation on the basis of different logic and philosophies to find out remedy of the patient as a Similimum – most suitable Homeopathic medicine to individual patient.

    The efforts taken by Dr.Mirjana for realisation and clinical application of ‘law of similia’ through her new approach ‘ The matrix method’ is really Appreciable. I would
    like to read this new approach of individualisation by the matrix method with tetractys model. Definitely it will be interesting.
    Congratulation !
    All the best !!

  • Dr.Mirjana Zivanov is symbol of excellence in Homeopathy. She is one of the Great Doctor in Modern Homeopathy.She has discussed her theory”Tetracyts Model” in a scientific and spiritual way.Her book based on new idea and way of specific treatment and how to choose specific remedy for everyone. she explained it with her new theory beautifully and step wise manner. It is easy for everyone to learn such great , valuable work. She has written many things including her all experience.We can learn many more from her work. The best book I ever read. Wish you all the Best. You are the Hope for the World….Carry On.

  • Dr Mirjana Zivanov is Excellence in Homeopathy. She is one of the Great Doctor in Modern Classical Homeopathy. She has discussed her theory”THE MATRIX METHOD, WITH TETRACTYS MODEL” in scientific and spiritual way. Her book based on specific way of treatment and how to select perfect remedy for everyone and she has explained it beautifully and step wise manner. She has shared her many experience in her book with her daily practical work . I think her book is very important for everyone to learn many things because this theory is very powerful.The Best book I ever read. You are Hope for the World ..Dr. Mirjana. Wish your success. Carry on.

  • Hello dear Congratulations I think it is so good and so useful to us and who’s know as very well about Homeopathic medicine.I am very glad to know about book.
    by my colleague friend Dr.Mirjana are really great .I am proud of you dearMore then interesting paper on the field of allopathic background, and maybe, finally something that prevales the Homeopathy from art to science, step forward for the Homeopahty in the real world. Wery nice

  • The book by Dr Mirjana is very interesting and usuful. It gives us a chance to find Simillimum quicky and easily…It meaby a great contribution to making Homeopathy closer to science. The book is also spiritual conecting ancient symbol of Tetractys to modern Homeopathy. GREAT WORK DR MIRJANA…carry on!!!

  • This is price worthy. Hope this will open a new horizon in the field of mankind. I wish her to be successful in every step of life. Hats off to Dr.Mirjana Zivnov.

  • THE MATRIX METHOD WITH TETRACTYS MODEL is very good book. Dr.Mirjana Zivanov is symbol of excellence in Homeopathy. Congratulation Dr.Mirjana Zivanov.

  • This beautiful review intrigued me, so right after I read it I went to Amazon and started reading the part of the book available for preview. I couldn’t stop reading it. This is an amazing new theory, connecting the classical homeopathic principles with contemporary scientific research. Congratulations to Dr Mirjana for opening a new direction in development of homeopathy. Carry on the good work.

  • This book will be very helpful to find simillimum and it will provide useful information to all homoeopath.I congratulate to Dr.Mirjanan for her great work.This work Will be also helpful to promote homoeopathy in the world.Nice work Dr.Mirjana.

  • Heartly Congratulation to
    Dr. Mirjana for your New Book “THE MATRIX METHOD WITH TETRACTYS MODEL” & your Colleagues too.
    You are one of the Precious Stone in the World of Homoeopathy.
    In your book you explained beautifully the Scientific & Spiritual way to understand patient’s problem.
    Easiest way to find Similimum.
    You have shared your Experience in your book, i thought it will also very useful for the learners.
    Your Matrix Theory is very powerful in this modern time.
    I would like to follow this new approach of individualization by “The Matrix Method with Tertactys Model” to cure my patients.
    Homoeopathic Vital Force Dr. Mirjana wish you ALL THE BEST.

    Dr. Kunwar Shatrughan,
    Ayush Medical Officer,

  • Excellent book by Dr. Mirzana. Dr Mirzana is really too cooperative and share his cases that how she cured the ailments. She helped me in many cases . Loads of blessing to you 🙂

  • Congratulation to Dr Mirjana, I read the book and it is anchanting! It is very usuful for finding Simillimum and for improving the Materia Medica! It was a deligte to read it! I recomed it to all Homeopaths.

  • I wish to thank Professor Vladimir Holodkov on this great review.
    Only the truth lasts, while time runs over everything else. An insight into the connections of laws of nature in the field of Homeopathy, with ancient wisdom, proves once more that Homeopathy is a scientific discipline. Dr Mirjana Zivanov illustrated this in her book very nicely.

  • I love this book and find it very interesting. It gives a solid background information in homeopathy related to the new MATRIX method based on years of practical experience in clinic that uses the three-dimensional tetrahedral model that associates the three monoamines with a general behavior and emotional states of individuals.

    The MATRIX method also highlights general overview how are the patient’s general behaviour and emotional state changing during the process and case taking.

    The outcome is a perfect understanding of the patient case leading to a precise diagnosis and simillimum prescription. A must have for someone that wants to use homeopathy to better their health and also to professionals in the area.

    I highly recommend it !

  • I would like to thank my dear colleague Professor Vladimir Holodkov, for this beautiful review. I would also like to thank to all of my friends and colleagues from all over the world, who supported the work on Matrix method and Tetractys model, as a new way of finding the Simillimum. Special thanks for all warm and hearty comments – “Vinculum quippe vinculorum amor est”.

  • Congratulation to the author. She opened a new approach with her revolutionary Matrix method. This amazing new theory will open a new horizon in the field of homeopathy. I highly recomand it.

  • Not only is Dr Zivanov but a friend of mine, too. I wish to express my admiration and respect in regard to her work and this book, which is a major breakthrough in the field of homeopathy. I find this book extremely useful and a must-have!
    Excellent job! Congratulations!

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