Case Quizes

Sinusitis Sayonara!

Our patient got an acute sinusitis attack. What was her remedy?


Hello, little Shana….

The writer of “You’re 16, You’re Beautiful, and You’re Mine” by Johnny Burnette and later by Ringo Starr, died.  He was 95.

Who was it?

Richard M. Sherman

(famous movie composer).  He passed away in May.  He also composed the scores to Disney movies alongside his brother, Robert B. Sherman.  There’s a documentary about them on the Disney + streaming service.  They wrote the scores for movies such as “Mary Poppins”, “The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh”…

Shana, you know how I feel about the fake Pooh!

Yes, Mom, you’ve made your feelings known many times and obviously we are never going to agree on this because I like Pooh.  I mean… Sure, A.A. Milne (author) and Ernest H. Shepard (illustrator) may not have had anything to do with the Disney version, and “Gopher” was never in the books…

 Oh Dear God!

…but, “The Many Adventures” was an adaptation of those stories by Milne that you read to me as a baby; like, “In Which Piglet is Entirely Surrounded by Water.”  Do you remember what I used to call it?

“Piglet Tarry A-Go-Go”.

Right!  But as I was saying, the Sherman Brothers also wrote the scores to non-Disney films that are favorites of mine too, such as “Charlotte’s Web” and “Snoopy Come Home”.  Didn’t we use a song from that movie to demonstrate Calc-carb?

Yes.  “It Changes”.  Calc-carbs have a hard time adjusting to any sort of change.

Anyway, the Sherman Brothers are also famous for writing “It’s a Small World After All” which was made for Disney’s theme parks and referenced in another Disney movie that turned 30 this year, which I’ll get to later.

Um, Shana….  We’re getting far afield from “You’re 16”, which is all I really care about.

Excuse me, Mom; I believe I’m still talking.  Now, if people aren’t familiar with “It’s a Small World”….

Oy vey

It was an ear-worm type of song and it was actually referenced in another Disney movie, “The Lion King”… which turns 30 this year!

That’s nice, but, shouldn’t we be starting the quiz now?

Also, you want to know something funny?


James Earl Jones (voice of Mufasa) has apparently done stage acting and he’s performed several Shakespearean plays, one of which was “Hamlet”.  The funny part?

You mean we haven’t gotten to the funny part yet?  Then why did I laugh?

“The Lion King” (which he is best known for) is basically “Hamlet”, as it’s about the prince character exacting revenge against the uncle.  You know how in the movie Mufasa was murdered?  It’s the most tragic scene of the movie and just like the plot of “Hamlet”, Scar (Simba’s uncle) killed his own brother to seize his throne.

Too much killing if you ask me.  OK, are you trying to say it’s “funny” that James Earl Jones played the lead role in “Hamlet”, but also played “Mufasa” in “The Lion King”?  And P.S., isn’t James Earl Jones famous for saying:

“This is CNN.”

James Earl Jones

Speaking of Mufasa, remember when you wrote about him in “Can Somebody Pick Me Up at the Airport?”  (Click below and scroll down to “Aurum”):

Tidbits 23–Can Somebody Pick Me Up At The Airport?

But you know, what’s really the most famous thing about “The Lion King”, is Elton John’s performance of “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” sung over the credits.

I knew it!  I knew it!!!!  I knew that secretly, this was all about Elton John!!!!

Mom!  For one thing you can’t mention “The Lion King” without mentioning this song!  It won awards — an Oscar and an Emmy; so, as you can see, “The Lion King” did very well because of Elton John!


OK, now that we’re done wasting everyone’s time… it’s time for:

The Hpathy Quiz!!!!!

Well, I did have one more thing to say–

Oh no!!!!

…a hint to drop for Christmas.


Remember the Sulphur article I helped to write based on Dr. Luc’s book?

Tidbits 104- What You Didn’t Know About Sulphur

Well, there’s a DVD coming out later this month on the very thing we wrote about!  There’s NEVER been a complete series DVD of “Dexter’s Laboratory”, and it is legit with a pre-order page on Amazon.  Also,  keep in mind that you wanted me to stop aging; so technically, I found the perfect loophole to indulge in Millennial Era (official name for people in my generation, like yours is the Baby Boomer generation) Nostalgia, without “Mom-complaints” about me needing to grow up; so, remember you wrote that on my cousin Jon’s (our Maryland Correspondent’s) Facebook page.

What on earth are you talking about?  Are you trying to say you want me to buy you “Dexter’s Laboratory: The Complete Series” for Christmas?  Fine!  Are there any more “announcements”?

I don’t think so.  Who’s in the Quiz this month?

Marla Marbles.


Marla Marbles.

Isn’t that Donald Trump’s 2nd wife?

No, Shana; you’re thinking of Marla Maples.  This is Marla Marbles.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you now, the one and only ………………….. Miss Marla Marbles!

Good grief.



Dear Elaine,

I am having an acute sinus episode.

My sinuses are hurting with a mild headache to the top of my head, popping and itching in the ears with post nasal drip.  I am at great discomfort, please suggest a remedy.

I would try ________________.

thanks so much,



Good morning Elaine,

I just took one dry dose of _______________200c (that’s what I have with me).  This is how I felt right after:

  1. My throat felt dried up, like I want to run for water. This was for 10 seconds at max. Now it’s normal.
  2. There was a sensation behind my left eye from frontal face traveling all the way to the foot, like a singular nerve and then into the left pelvic area. It right now feels like it’s still working on that line.
  3. The itching in the ears disappeared, the popping is still present. The post nasal drip is there.
  4. The dull sinus headache is gone.

I will update you as I notice any improvements.

Yes, please do, I have to think it’s going to keep on working.  Headache being gone is a very good sign!

Good morning again, Elaine,

Here is the update:

All symptoms have vanished except popping in the ear; no issue with sinuses.  It worked like magic!

Thanks so much!

Happy Valentines day!


Well, Marla, looks like we know what the next Quiz is gonna be….


If you know the answer, write to me at [email protected].  See you in July!

Wait Mom, I think we should go out with the award-winning “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” by Elton John!


I guess it’s not really a bad song after all.


Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Elaine takes online cases. Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website: 

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

About the author

Shana Lewis

Shana spices up the Hpathy Quiz with her timely announcements and reviews on the latest in pop culture. Her vast knowledge of music before her time has inspired the nickname: "Shanapedia"!

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