Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
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Homeopathy for Heart Disease

heart diseases

Heart disease is a general term used for pathology related to heart musculature, blood vessels, valves etc. Some of common prevalent heart diseases are discussed below. Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for heart disease? This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of heart disease along with the best homeopathic medicine forHeart disease treatment.

Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for heart disease? This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of heart disease along with the best homeopathic medicine for heart disease treatment.

Heart disease is a general term used for pathology related to heart musculature, blood vessels, valves etc.

Some of common prevalent heart diseases are discussed below.

Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) refers to a mismatch between myocardial oxygen supply and demand.

Pathophysiology – Myocardium is the muscular layer of heart responsible for contraction and relaxation of heart. Arteries supplies to the heart are termed as coronary arteries. Any abnormality in thses arteries eads to decrease blood supply to the heart muscles. Most common cause of CHD is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic changes in coronary vessel walls lead to a narrowing of the lumen and prevent vessels from dilating. As a result, an increase in oxygen demand (e.g., during physical activity) can no longer be satisfied.

Symptoms – Acute chest pain (angina) is the cardinal symptom of CHD. Other symptoms include difficult breathing, dizziness, anxiety and nausea. Oxygen crises progresses it leads to cell death of myocardial cells which is termed as myocardial infaction.

Diagnosis –It is diagnosed via a cardiac stress test (possibly provoking symptoms and instrumental findings) and/or coronary catheterization (e.g., measurement of coronary blood flow).

Management and treatment – It involves primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis (e.g., weight reduction), antianginal treatment (e.g., beta blockers) and, in some cases, revascularization

Cardiac arrhythmias

Cardiac arrhythmias are accelerated, slowed, or irregular heart rates caused by abnormalities in the electrical impulses of the myocardium. Heart has own wire system includes SA node, AV node and purkinje fibers. Any defect in this wiring system leads to improper propagation of impulses and irregular heart beat. Two types of arrythemias –

  • Bradyarrhythmias – characterized by a resting heart rate < 60/minutes.
  • Tachyarrhythmias (heart rates > 100/minute)

Valvular heart diseases

Heart valves are leaflet like structures normally allows blood to flow in only one direction through the heart. The four valves commonly represented in heart determine the pathway of blood flow through the heart. A heart valve opens or closes incumbent on differential blood pressure on each side.

Pathophysiology – Pathology related to heart valves are comes under the heading of valvular heart disease. Pathology of valve includes Stenosis  (narrowing of the valve), insufficiency (regurgitation), or a combination of the two.

Causes of VHD -. These defects are typically acquired as the result of infections, underlying heart disease, or degenerative processes. However, certain congential conditions can also cause valvular heart diseases. Acquired defects are found primarily in the left heart as a result of higher pressure and mechanical strain on the left ventricle.

Symptoms – The type of valvular disease determines the type of cardiac stress and subsequent symptoms. Valvular stenosis leads to a greater pressure load and concentric hypertrophy, while insufficiencies are characterized by volume overload and an eccentric hypertrophy of the preceding heart cavities.

Diagnosis – Diagnostic procedures typically include ECGs, chest x-ray, and echocardiograms.

Treatment and management – Management consists of interventional or surgical procedures to reconstruct or replace valves, as well as medical treatment of possible heart failure.

Acyanotic heart defects

Acyanotic heart defects are congenital cardiac malformations that affect the atrial or ventricular walls, heart valves, or large blood vessels.

Causes – Common causes include genetic defects (e.g., trisomies), maternal infections (e.g., rubella), or maternal consumption of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy.

Pathophysiology -In these, blood is shunted (flows) from the left side of the heart to the right side of the heart due to a structural defect (hole) in the interventricular septum, which causes pulmonary hypertension (increase pressure in the arteries carry blood from heart to the lungs) and right heart hypertrophy (increase size of chambers in right side of heart due to over work).

 Symptoms – The symptoms depend on the extent of the malformation and the resulting impairment of cardiac function. Infants may be asymptomatic or present with exercise intolerance, growth retardation and symptoms of heart failure.

Diagnosis – Echocardiography  chest x-ray, MRI, or cardiac catheterization  required to determine the indications for surgery and plan the procedure.

Treatment – Acyanotic heart defects requiring treatment are repaired via catheter procedures or surgery. Supportive medical therapy is needed in cases of heart failure (e.g., diuretics, inotropic agents) or if surgery cannot be performed.


Cardiomyopathies are diseases of the muscle tissue of the heart. There are four major morphological types:

  • Dilated –  ventricles enlarge and weaken
  • Hypertrophic – heart muscle enlarges and thickens
  • Restrictive – in restrictive cardiomyopathy the ventricle stiffens
  • Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy.

Symptoms – Early on there may be few or no symptoms. Some people may have shortness of breath, feel tired, or have swelling of the legs due to heart failure.

Treatment – Treatment depends on the type of cardiomyopathy and the severity of symptoms.  Treatments may include lifestyle changes, medications, or surgery.

Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for HEART DISEASES, Cardiac Disorders

homeopathic medicine for heart disease

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic medicines for heart disease focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines for heart disease are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica section. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.


  • Digitalis is known chiefly for its action on the heart, and it is rare that a patient suffering from an affection of that organ does not get Digitalis in some form.
  • There is no doubt but that it is a much abused drug and when used in strong doses its action is cumulative and dangerous.
  • Its symptoms are, however, clear, and briefly stated, as follows: The pulse is slow, but primarily strong, there is great weakness of the cardiac tissue, and, secondarily, the pulse becomes weak.
  • Extra exertion increases its rapidity, but diminishes its force, so that the quick pulse becomes irregular and intermittent. This irregular intermittency is a marked symptom. The heart feels as if the blood stood still.
  • There is weakness and numbness of the left arm, and often blueness of the surface of the body, or cyanosis. The patient fears that the heart will stop beating if he should make any motion.
  • The Digitalis patient has a doughy look to the skin; there is often a sick feeling at the stomach after eating. There are numerous other symptoms that will indicate Digitalis.
  • Disturbed sleep, apprehensiveness, deep sighing, slow respiration,, dry cough, suffocative spells; in fact, such symptoms as may be caused by an irregular distribution of the blood. Digitalis is also indicated in dropsical conditions dependent on heart trouble, swelling of feet and ankles, anasarca, cardiac dropsy associated with slow pulse, urine suppressed or scanty.
  • The special field of usefulness of Digitalis is inflammation of the heart muscle approaching insidiously and in sudden cases of myo-or endo-carditis with the symptoms above outlined. The first noticeable benefit is a steadier heart’s action and an increased flow of urine. To use it in strong doses for a long time will render the patient incurable.

Cactus grandiflorus

  • Perhaps the next most important remedy in heart affections,from the homoeopathist’s standpoint, is Cactus. Its well known characteristic symptom, “Sensation as if the heart were grasped with an iron hand,” which clutches and relaxes alternately, is ever present to the mind.
  • It should be borne in mind that not all patients express themselves alike. A squeezed sensation may mean the same symptom. It has, however, other symptoms.
  • Carditis and pericarditis may call for Cactus. It presents a better picture of rheumatic carditis than any other remedy. It seems to lie midway between Aconite and Digitalis.
  • It controls the inflammatory condition and strengthens the heart’s contractions, and does not poison the heart like Digitalis or Strophanthus.
  • There is great irritation of the cardiac nerve and Cactus may be found to be the remedy for angina pectoris. It is a remedy adapted to hypertrophy of the heart in young people.
  • It is also very useful in intense palpitation and fluttering sensations about the heart; it is indicated for such symptoms in young girls about the age of puberty and at menstrual epochs.
  • Difficult breathing , suffocative , fainting, violent palpitation and inability to lie down are symptoms indicating the cardiac asthma or dyspnoea.

Kalmia latifolia

  • Kalmia is a remedy for cardiac hypertrophy, especially after rheumatism, and has the symptom so common in heart affections, namely , “numbness of the left arm.” There is with Kalmia much pain and anguish about the heart, some dyspnoea, palpitation, and pressure from the epigastrium towards the heart.
  • The heart is irregular and intermits every third or fourth beat. There are shooting pains through the chest to the scapula. Kalmia is an excellent remedy for cardiac troubles when they have been caused by the suppression of rheumatism by external applications.
  • The pulse of Kalmia is slow, but not as slow as Digitalis.  Their symptomatic value consists in pointing to a class of drugs rather than to an individual drug.
  • The minutiae of the pains should be studied. Acute pericarditis depending upon rheumatism will call for Kalmia; the sharp pains taking away the breath will call attention to it.
  • Hering says Kalmia has a most beneficial action in diminishing too rapid pulsation of the heart.


  • Spigelia is another remedy for the painful affections about the heart. It stands at the head of the list for acute carditis and pericarditis.
  • There are sharp pains shooting from the heart to the back, and radiating from the heart down the arm, over the chest, and down the spine.
  • There is palpitation worse from any movement of the arm or body. There is a purring sensation felt over the cardiac region when placing the hand thereon. The pulse is intermittent, not synchronous with the heart beat, and the slightest motion of the arm or hands makes the patient worse.
  • Heart symptoms accompanying neuralgia call for Spigelia. Irregular and tumultuous action of the heart are well met by Spigelia. At times the heart beat is even audible.
  • Rheumatic endocarditis will often find its curative remedy in Spigelia, and it has a most beneficial action in angina pectoris. In cardiac inflammation it comes in after Aconite.
  • It corresponds well to chronic affections of the heart, particularly valvular disease and hypertrophy.


  • This is a homeopathic medicines for heart disease often indicated in heart troubles,especially when they supervene upon chorea or rheumatism of the bellies of the muscles.
  • The headache confined to the forehead or as if the top of the head would fly off is present and an indicating feature. Pain under the left nipple and down the left arm may also be present.
  • The pains is apt to come in shocks. Insomnia is persistent.


  • Among the homeopathic medicines for heart disease  having a marked influence of the heart is Aconite. It has, as has been seen, numbness of the left arm; it also has tingling in the fingers, associated with heart disease.
  • Aconite produces a cardiac congestion, with anxiety, oppression and palpitation, worse when walking ; lancinating stitches occur, and also attacks of intense pain.
  • It is the remedy in uncomplicated hypertrophy of the heart. In pericarditis and endocarditis when the inflammation sets in with fever with the intense mental anxiety so characteristic of the drug.
  • The 30th acts marvellously in these conditions.

Rhus toxicodendron

  • Rheumatic hypertrophy calls for Rhus. It is a palpitation of the heart from over-exertion, with numbness and lameness of the left arm and shoulder.
  • Pericarditis or endocarditis from exposure to rain, getting wet, etc. These symptoms are worse on every change of the weather.
  • Uncomplicated hypertrophy of the heart such as comes in athletes, machinists, etc., calls for Rhus; and among other remedies for this condition may be mentioned Arnica and Bromine.
  • Pericarditis due to septic condition will call for Rhus, and in heart troubles, as in all others, it follows Bryonia well.


  • In affections about the membranes of the heart, of course, Bryonia is one of the most prominent remedies. It corresponds to the first or second stage of pericarditis when of rheumatic organ and especially if pleuritic symptoms be present.
  • There are intense fever, frontal or occipital headache, and acute stitching pains which are aggravated by movement, and the friction murmur is always present.
  • It does not usually corresponds to pericarditis from Bright’s disease or pyaemia. Asclepias tuberosa is similar to Bryonia, but the symptoms are not so acute, the fever is not intense, the pain is pricking and extends to the left shoulder; there is a dry spasmodic cough and the pain is relieved by bending forward.
  • A valuable group of symptoms calling for Bryonia is the following : Cramp in region of the heart, aggravated by walking, raising one’s self or using the slightest exertion, even raising the arm. Heart beats valiantly and rapidly.


  • There is quite a large class of remedies affecting the heart which might be termed the newer remedies. Among these in Convallaria.
  • It is useful in valvular diseases of the heart with scanty urine, dropsy and great dyspnoea. It has so relieved the oedema in a number of cases that the patient could lie down. Dyspnoea, palpitation and oedema due to mitral disease have been relieved by it.
  • The provings of the remedy show a feeble heart sound, anaemic murmurs over the jugular vein, pain in region of heart and an uneasy fluttering; a sensation when exercising as if the heart stopped beating and then started up again, causing a faint, sick feeling.
  • This uneasiness about the heart should suggest its use in the condition known as cigarette or tobacco heart.


  • The snake poisons exercise as a marked effect on the heart and circulation, as well as on the blood itself. Lachesis produces a palpitation of the heart and a constrictive feeling in the cardiac region.
  • There is a smothering sensation about the heart, waking the patient out of sleep. He can bear no pressure on the chest. Pulse small and weak. It has more septic elements than the other venoms.
  • The pulse is slow, the patient is melancholic and all the symptoms are worse from stimulants and better walking or riding in the open air. It is a remedy that should not be overlooked.
  • Hypotension is marked. It has much pain and resembles herein Spigelia, but it comes in later in valvular affections. Lachesis has also the symptom that the heart feels too large for the chest.
  • Atheromatous conditions of the heart and blood vessels call for Lachesis,especially in old people when symptoms of dropsy are present.

Lilium tigrinum

  • Homeopathic medicines for heart disease has some important heart symptoms. It has a pain in the heart as if grasped in a vise, which awakens the patient suddenly. There is much fluttering about the heart, and faintness.
  • It is a sensation as if the heart were grasped and then released. Lilium will be found useful in purely functional affections, independent of organic lesion.
  • There is much cardiac irritability by lying on the left side. Motion aggravates. Lilium is useful in conditions of nervous palpitation, and in functional cardiac disorders in women with uterine disease.


  • Arsenicum is a remedy often thought of in heart affections and often useful. Like Lachesis, it is more adapted to later stages of heart trouble, when the course is downwards.
  • Arsenicum produces great irregularity of the heart, or the pulse may be quick and weak. It is especially useful in pericarditis or endocarditis after suppression of measles or scarlatina.
  • A grand remedy in disease of the heart depending upon constitutional causes like sepsis, also in affections of the heart depending upon fatty degeneration of the blood vessels.
  • Restlessness will be present, and oedema, puffiness of the eyes and swelling of the feet. Great dyspnoea,attacks of suffocations at night on lying down and particularly after midnight.
  • Phosphorus affects rather the right heart producing a venous stagnation, and it is exceedingly useful in fatty degeneration of this organ. Arsenicum rather affects the left heart, has more oppression of the chest in breathing, more orthopnoea and more anasarca. The patient cannot lie down or go upstairs.


  • In functional disorders of the heart, Collinsonia is an excellent remedy, especially when they are reflex from haemorrhoidal troubles or alternate with them. Although the provings do not indicate a specific action on the heart,it has been found useful where there is much cardiac irritability, traceable to suppressed haemorrhoidal bleeding, the cardiac nerves seem irriated, and there is great sensitiveness about the heart , fulness and oppression about the chest, with difficult breathing and faintness.
  • It cured for the writer a case of severe constrictive pain about the heart in a man who habitually passed blood with this stools; upon the disappearance of the blood from the stools the heart symptoms commenced and when the flow of blood became re-established the heart symptoms disappeared.
  • Collinsonia entirely cured both conditions. A characterizing indications is a persistent, rapid n, but weak pulse; the action is excessive, but the force is deficient. Hale thinks Collinsonia acts on the heart by removing obstruction or irritations in the liver, portal system, or kidneys, and by increasing muscular tonicity.


  • This is a pure and simple heart stimulant. Its only legitimate field is when paralysis threatens and during the course of any affection, you have dyspnoea, blueness of the finger tips and lips, sour eructations and symptoms of disturbed digestion. Here 1/64 of a grain hypodermically may bridge the chasm.
  • Its frequent and injudicious use is more than harmful and leads to an increased mortality in many affections. Caffeine is another powerful heart energizer, but is not a curative remedy.


  • Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed, McGraw-Hill
  • Davidson’s Principles and Practise of Medicine, 17th ed, 1996, Churchill Livingstone
  • New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, William Boericke, 2nd revised ed., 2001, B. Jain
  • A Concise Repertory of Homeopathic Medicines, S.R.Phatak, 3rd ed, B. Jain
  • Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics, Dewey, reprint ed, 1993, B.Jain

The above information about homeopathy treatment of heart disease is only for information purpose. Please consult a professional homeopath before taking any homeopathic medicine for heart disease. 

Heart Disease Cases Cured With Homeopathic Medicine

A Case of Gastroesophageal and Duodenogastric Reflux with the Background of Chronic Duodenitis Associated with Helicobacter Pylori – by Ludmila Levchuk

A Case of Spongiotic Dermatitis – by Suzan Hooper

Single Medicine Rubrics – Justification & Uses – Dr. Jawahar Shah

From Death to Life: A Rejuvenated Heart – by Navin Pawaskar

About the author

Dr. Manish Bhatia

- BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece), MD (Hom)
- Associate Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1, 2, 3. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- Visit Dr. Bhatia's website


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