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Homeopathy for complaints during LABOR

Homeopathy for complaints during LABOR

Labor is a physiologic process during which the products of conception (i.e., the fetus, membranes, umbilical cord, and placenta) are expelled outside of the uterus. Some problems (complications) that women develop during pregnancy can cause problems during labor or delivery. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine.

Are you looking for a homeopathic cure for complaints during LABOR? This article discusses the homeopathy treatment of complaints during LABOR along with the best homeopathic medicine for complaints during LABOR treatment.

Labor is a physiologic process during which the products of conception (i.e, the fetus, membranes, umbilical cord, and placenta) are expelled outside of the uterus.

The onset of labor is defined as regular, painful uterine contractions resulting in progressive cervical effacement and dilatation.

Usually, labor and delivery occur without any problems. Serious problems are relatively rare, and most can be anticipated and treated effectively. However, problems sometimes develop suddenly and unexpectedly.

Problems may involve

The timing of labor—whether labor occurs earlier or later than normal

Labor may start

  • Too early (preterm): Before the 37th week of pregnancy
  • Late (postterm): After the 42nd week of pregnancy
  • Labor that progresses too slowly

In such cases, the health or life of the fetus may be endangered.

  • Some problems (complications) that women develop during pregnancy can cause problems during labor or delivery. For example, preeclampsia (high blood pressure with protein in the urine) may lead to premature detachment of the placenta from the uterus (placental abruption) and problems in the newborn.

Cesarean delivery

Some problems occur immediately after delivery of the fetus, around the time the placenta is delivered. They include

  • Excessive uterine bleeding at delivery
  • A uterus that is turned inside out (inverted uterus)
  • Uterine rupture
  • Fetal distress, respiratory distress in the newborn, and uterine rupture are uncommon complications of labor.

Homeopathic Remedies & Homeopathy Treatment for complaints during labor (delivery) like painless ineffective contractions, unbearable pains, prolonged labor, after pains etc.

homeopathic medicine for complaints during labor

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of homeopathic medicine for complaints during LABOR is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathic medicine for complaints during LABOR is not only to treat complaints during LABOR but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available for complaints during LABOR which can be selected on the basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the complaints. For individualized homeopathic medicine for complaints during LABOR and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important  remedies are given below which are much helpful in treatment of complaints during LABOR symptoms:Homeopathy offers good prognosis to cases of complaints during LABOR.

#Cimicifuga. [Cimic] 
In threatened miscarriage or labor when the pains fly across the abdomen from side to side, cimicifuga homeopathic medicine for complaints during laborseeming to double the patient up and so severe as to cause fainting, yet doing no good, this remedy will be found most useful. The os does not dilate properly. Pains in the abdominal walls during the early months of pregnancy. There is painfulness of the cervix upon examination and the remedy allays muscular suffering. False labor pains, “uterine rheumatism”. It facilitates labor if taken previously, also Caulophyllum. It is also useful for severe after pains. Hamamelis applied locally in such conditions is also a useful adjunct. A sheet anchor in phlebitis whether septic or not. Aconite. Pains unbearable, violent and frequent associated with restlessness and anxiety, the patient dreading death from labor. There is a dry, tender, undilatable genital tract. Use the 30th potency here.

#Caulophyllum. [Caul] 
Intermittency of pains and tediousness is characteristic of this remedy; they are sharp and crampy and appear in the bladder, groin and lower extremities. Extreme uterine atony with no expulsive effort, and it is particularly suitable to nervous women where the pains are intolerable. Spasmodic pains fly about from place to place, exhausting the patient so that she can hardly speak. False labor pains during the last weeks of pregnancy ; here it is almost specific.

#Gelsemium. [Gels] 
A very useful remedy after labor has been in progress for hours and the os dilates tardily, feels hardgelsemium homeopathic medicine for complaints during labor and rigid. There is complete muscular atony, the uterus does not contract at all, hence no dilation of the os. This remedy may be used with great benefit in women who have habitually painful labors, here acting as a prophylactic; it facilitates dilatation and uternie rhythm. The pain go upward to back or chest and are useless. Dr. George Royal cautions against indiscriminate use of this remedy as causing tedious labors, use of forceps and lacerations.

#Belladonna. [Bell] 
No remedy equals Belladonna for common spasm of the os. The labor pains come and go suddenly; they are violent, but ineffectual , owing to the spasmodic condition of the os. The face gets red and the heart throbs with every pain. she agonizes because of the violence of the suffering. Marked heat calls for Belladonna. There is present also great hypersensitiveness ; the patient is sensitive to noise, light and jarring of the bed.

#Chamomilla. [Cham] 
The pains begin in the back and pass down the inner part of the thighs, and there is great nervous excitement. The labor seems particularly painful; she will be cross and declare that she will not stand the pain. The after pains are severe and the lochial flow is dark, often scanty and sometimes suppressed. Coffea. Also to be thought of in nervous sensitive patients who cannot bear pains. The pains are severe, but not efficacious. The Chamomilla patient is nervous, strung up, hyperaesthetic about examinations and so satisfactory ones are prevented. She is decidely snappish. Kali carbonicum. Preliminary or premature pains beginning in the back and following the sacral and ischiatic plexuses down the thighs.

#Nux vomica. [Nux-v] 
Labor pains spasmodic and severe and accompanied with constant inclination to stool and to urinate, not so much from pressure, but from a reflex cause. Fainting during the pains. The Nux temperament will be present when the remedy is well indicated, and the patient will be oversensitive, intolerant of odors and constipated. There is apt to be also much retching.

#Pulsatilla. [Puls]. 
Slow, weak, ineffectual pains which are spasmodic and irregular and excite fainting. It will often restore recreant pains as surely as ergot. The patient feels as if smothering and must have the windows open. Scanty lochia. It is one of our most useful remedies in the lying in chamber. Retained placenta may also need Pulsatilla. Cuprum. Severe after pains, violent spasmodic pains with cramps in the lower limbs. Secale. Prolonged and ineffectual labor pains, hour glass contractions in feeble cachectic women. Fainting fits, small and suppressed pulse may accompany the pains. Arnica has severe pains, a bruised soreness. There is great fatigue of the uterus, the pains are violent and to little purpose.


  • Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 14th ed, McGraw-Hill
  • Davidson’s Principles and Practise of Medicine, 17th ed, 1996, Churchill Livingstone
  • New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica & Repertory, William Boericke, 2nd revised ed., 2001, B. Jain
  • Dc Dutta’S Textbook Of Gynecology

The above information about homeopathy treatment of complaints during LABOR is only for information purpose. Please consult a professional homeopath before taking any homeopathic medicine for complaints during LABOR.

Some Cases of Complaints During LABOUR Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

The Scope of Homoeopathy in Abnormal Labour – by Meera Belsare

Two Cases of Calcium Deficiency Diseases – by Torako Yui

A Case of Repeated Miscarriages Treated Homoeopathically – by Dr. Tilottama.B. Galande

Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy In A Woman With PCOS – by Petr Hoffman

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney – by Sanjay Padole

About the author

Dr. Manisha Bhatia

M.D. (Hom), CICH (Greece)
Dr. (Mrs) Manisha Bhatia is a leading homeopathy doctor working in Jaipur, India. She has studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. She is the Director of Asha Homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur's leading clinic for homeopathy treatment and has been practicing since 2004.

She writes for about homeopathic medicines and their therapeutic indications and homeopathy treatment in various diseases. She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. Homeopathy Medical College. To consult her online, - visit Dr. Bhatia's website.

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