Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Two Cases of Calcium Deficiency Diseases

Oct  Torako Yui

Homeopath Torako Yui presents two cases of children with Calcium deficiency diseases.


The incidence of hypocalcemia, due to lack of vitamin D in infants, and rickets which deforms bones, has increased. Rickets used to be a disease of the poor and undernourished.

Reasons for the increase include:

Lack of exposure to sun

Vitamin D is synthesized by sunbathing. However, UV protection is recommended in anticipation of skin cancer, flecks or wrinkles. Even UV protection creams for babies are sold nowadays.

Dietary restrictions and unbalanced diet

Children may have restricted diets because they have food allergies.



2Atopic dermatitis and Delayed head control

Case 1

2 year old girl  – Chief complaint: She cannot walk due to distortions of limbs.  Dx: Osteomalacia,

Hands and arms: Weak. Her wrists are distorted. Joints are too soft

Feet and legs: Weak and distorted. They are distorted inwards. Their development was delayed.

Head:  Fontanel is still opened, soft and dented although she is 2 years old now.

State of the growth: Neck control at 3 months old – Sits down: 4 – 5 months old, Crawls: about 10 months old

Favorite foods: Rice, bread and eggs

Averse: Hard food

Family medical history

Mother: UV protection powder around 30 years old, anemia, coldness in fingers, Chilblains

Father: Minor diabetes, minor angina

Mother’s mother: Diabetes

Father’s father: Stroke


Before the pregnancy

Mother: Chickenpox (prior to baby being born)

Father: Obesity, Easily gets angry, Smokes

During pregnancy

She was working just before the labor. She had bad morning sickness until before the labor.

Birthweight: 2,760g      Breast milk Natural delivery (at maternity hospital)

At birth: The mother cared for the baby as soon as she was born.

2 – 3 months old: She had eczema around ears. It lasted for a few months and was treated with homoeopathic remedies.

10 months old: The mother’s breast milk was stopped. Child was given baby food. She ate a lot.

1 year 4 months old: She caught chickenpox from her older brother.

Till 2 years old: She sometimes had fever due to cold.

Consultation on 26 December 2014


Torako Yui  Y     Mother = M

Y: Was it said that she was low weight or low height?

M= Yes. Her legs and wrists are also curved.

Y: How about her back bones?

M: I am not sure. As her bones are weak, she stopped crawling.

Y: When did you stop giving breast milk?

M: When she was around 9 or 10 months old as my breast milk stopped. I do not think I could provide plenty of breast milk originally.

Y: It is important to get sunlight at some degree for growing height. Were you using any UV protection products?

M: I was using UV protection powders.

Y: Did it contain titanium?

M: Yes, it did.

Y: Have you suffered from anemia?

M: I am somewhat anemic. I am anemic since I was little.

Y: I just noticed a blue mark on her forehead. Does she always have it?

M: Yes, she does.

Y: It is in the middle part and I wonder if it tends to come to the surface. Does she often sweat?

M: Yes, she does. I was thinking she sweats rather abnormally.

M: Thank you very much.


Limbs are distorted (curved inwardly)


She cannot walk by herself due to the distortion.


Spider-like blood vessels have come to the surface in the middle of the forehead.

1 : 649# Blood vessels – Swelling (dilation, distension) of the – Telangiectasia (Spider-noevil like streaks in marble)

2 : 1241# Softening (osteomalacia [rachitis, rickets])

3 : 707# Easily perspiring (great inclination to perspire)



Explanation of the prescription

Support small intestines: Mother tinctures: Alf, Crat, Quer, Zing. It Enhances calcium absorbing power

Alum: a metal causing osteomalacia

Lyc: a plant containing the most vegetable alumina

Symph: a plant called ‘bonesetting’

Thyr: As she had a possibility of cretinism, dwarfism her bone growth is delayed.

Parathyr: promotes vitamin D

Alumina is soft metal and easily combines other minerals and metals, especially with calcium. Calcium with a lot of alumina causes osteomalacia. Lack of calcium is connected with parathyroid hormone. Excess of calcium is connected with thyroid hormone.

Consultation 13 February 2015



One week after she started to take the remedies, she became able to crawl and stand up by herself.



She started to use her hands and arms.


She looks for a place to walk.

She could make 2 or 3 steps without having any supports.




Same remedies with higher potencies based on the previous prescription.

Support tinctures were changed to Support Bone.

Support Bone = Mother tinctures: Morus, Valer, Urtica-u, Equis

Consultation 18 July 2015


No eczema around her neck. She can walk a lot.

Night sweat, Sweaty

Her hair stopped getting entangled

Chesty cough

Weak in wrists and ankles

She does not have eye contact. She was looking at a different place even when she was called. She had diarrhea for one week. She sleeps well and eats well.



1 : 1241# Softening (osteomalacia [rachitis, rickets])

2 : 707# Easily perspiring (great inclination to perspire)

3 : 1# External head

4 : 577# Coryza (catarrhus natrium, head-cold) – Cirtzam fluent

5 : 1025# Staggering (gait) when walking (ataxia)

6 : 1756# Modalities – Mind – Jealousy




Consultation 4 September 2015


She stopped tumbling down. She can jump.

She is very active and walks a lot.


Many test results are showing improvement..


■ PTH (Parathormone) Parathyroid hormone

The target organ of parathormone is bone and kidneys.

Parathormone activates osteoclast and suppresses osteoblasta.



■ ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase)

It is an enzyme which decomposes phosphate compounds under alkaline situation. If we suffer from bone diseases, the ALP value gets high. In childhood when bones are growing, the normal value is higher than in adults.


■ 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D (Calcitriol)

Absorbed vitamin D is converted at Liver and kidneys into the active form of vitamin D called 1,25(OH)2 Vitamin D (Calcitriol). The active form of vitamin D promotes absorption of calcium from intestinal tract and maintains strong bones.

If the active form of vitamin D is lacking, it will cause osteomalacia (rickets).


■ Creatinine

It is one of the waste products in muscles (a kind of amino acid) and is used as energy to move muscles. As creatinine is not influenced by food, it is always produced and a certain amount is eliminated from kidneys without being re-absorbed into a body. That is why creatinine is used to check kidney function.

If kidney functions are lowered, creatinine is not eliminated and accumulates in the blood and creatinine gets higher. However, it is proportional to muscle mass, so the more muscle mass a person has, the more density he has and the less muscle mass a person has, the less density he has.





In this case the child’s mother was vegetarian. The baby who was fed the mother’s breast milk developed osteomalacia. Vegetarians tend to be lacking  proteins. Vaccines contain aluminum. Children may also develop soft bones from the aluminum as organisms absorb it since it is similar to calcium. Nutrients which vegans tend to be lacking are magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.

Phytic acid impedes mineral absorption.  Vegetarians often eat whole grains and leguminosae (brown rice, soybeans, barleys) which contains Phytic acid which impedes mineral absorption. Phytic acid is said to eliminate harmful minerals but it also impedes mineral absorption (magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc).  If we consume phytate too much, it may cause a serious lack of minerals and a decrease in bone quantity. In order to decrease phytic acid, soak grains in water overl night.  Fermented food such as miso and soy sauce destroy phytate.

Vitamin B12 is not available from plants. Lack of vitamin B 12 cause bone problems.  Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include anemia, bone problems, bone density decrease, osteoporosis.

Vitamin D (It is impeded by sunscreens)

Vitamin D is divided into vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is contained in plant-derived foods such as mushrooms (especially in Tremella fuciformis and dried Shiitake mushroom).  Vitamin D3 is contained in animal-derived food such as fish, fish liver oil, egg yolk and so on. It is also produced in skin by sunlight. If we use sunscreen cream (UV protection), it becomes difficult to create enough vitamin D.

Case 2     Atopic Dermatitis and Delayed head control

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8 month old boy

He started to develop a kind of seborrheic eczema on his eyebrows and head and was given homoeopathic remedies. Since then, his symptom was changed to red eczema on his abdomen, arms and legs (around 3 months old). A lot of scabs with pus are on his scalp and face. It is red eczema, especially on his face. It is very itchy and he constantly rubs his cheek, so they are always oozing. As he does not try to lift his neck, he cannot practice his head control.

Family medical history

Mother: chicken pox, rubella, childhood asthma rhinitis (2 – 4 years old)

Father: Eczema, chicken pox, rubella, harelip when he was born

Mother’s mother: Hayfever, tonsillectomy

Father’s mother: Colon cancer


Before and during pregnancy:  His mother was prescribed medicines for candida for 4 times from the 37th week of pregnancy. She had a stressful life. Her husband goes to the pub very often.

Birth: Birth weight 3,162g      He is being brought up with breast milk and formula milk (very little )

He was birthed using natural delivery -no medicines or anesthesia. He was fed breast milk only 3 days after his birth. He often vomited. At two months old he started to develop seborrheic eczema on his eyebrows and head.

Reference information – The relation between alcohol and ossification

Alcohol intake suppresses activation of osteoblasts. It also impedes nutrient absorption from the digestive tract. Average bone density of an alcohol dependent person is that of someone ten years older. As alcohol dependent person eliminates a lot of magnesium from urine, so they are lack of magnesium. 30% of alcohol dependent patients and 85% of delirium patients are suffering from magnesium deficiency. Magnesium works in the process of forming bones. Normal ossification is optimized when the ratio of calcium and magnesium is 2 to 1.

Furthermore, magnesium is an important substance as cartilaginous tissue that connects bones and makes bones to move smoothly.

Consultation on 24 July 2015

Torako Yui =Y

Mother = M

Y: Is he 8 month years old?

M:  Yes

Y: Did you hear his primal scream?

M: Yes.

Y: Did you give him breast milk immediately after his birth?

M: It was next day. It was a policy of the hospital. The hospital ruled that they took care of babies for a few hours after their birth. It was 6 hours, I think. We could not stay in the same room immediately.

Y: If artificial milk was the colostrum, it’s not good as it contains a lot of alumina. If a body contains alumina it will cause eczema and brain damage. I think his lips are a little pale.

M: There are purple parts on his feet. His feet were also very cold.

Y: I think he has a problem of blood circulation and oxygen from the observation. How about stability of his neck?

M: It is very slow development. He has finally started from this month.

Y: It’s dropped like that.

M: It still goes backward. His back bones are still wobbly.

Y: His head is quite big. So, I think he possibly has hydrocephalus.

M: They said that his head was rather big since he was in the womb. Like hypotonic.

Y: It’s slackened. Is his atopic eczema affected on his cheeks the worst?

M: That’s right.

M: The oozing part is only on his cheek, although he feels itchy on his whole body. The worst part is around his ears and cheeks. I was given a drug for candida in the last month of pregnancy from the result of an internal examination at the hospital.

Y: Eczema will occur due to lack of calcium. If you are breast feeding, you have to eat food which contains calcium more.


1 : 179# Eruptions (efflorescence, exanthema) – cheeks on the

2 : 1525# Itching – Changing place by scratching

3 : 1241# Softening (osteomalacia [rachitis, rickets])

4 : 660# Blood & Circulation – Reduced (inadequate) circulation (with pallor, etc)

5 : 1094# Generals  – Soft, hard parts feeling – inner parts becoming




Skype consultation on 9 September 2015

Y:  His neck has become stable.

M:  Yes, it became O.K. Soon after the last consultation.

Y: That’s good.

M: He also started to toss about in bed about 3 days ago.

Y: I see. Congratulations.

M: This aspect has developed so much since the last consultation.

Y: Good. He has power in his bones. Has the eczema on his face been a little better?

M: That’s right. It became dried not oozing like before. It has been changed.

Y: How about his hair?

M: It started to grow.  About 2 – 3 mm on whole his head.

Y: That’s good. How about his fontanelle? Is it getting harder?

M: It’s been settled.

Y: The swell has been ceased, right? It seems that he has been very active now. His hands and feet are also quite strong.

M: He started to be interested in various things. It’s so different from last time.

Y: It’s good that he has been changed a lot. Does he stretch his legs?

M: Yes, he does.

Y: I see. Oh, that’s true. It’s great! He stretches his legs. He has become so strong. He is pleased. He stretches his legs, now. You said that his stool has got better. How?

M: That’s right. First of all the frequency has been decreased. He had stool every time when I breast fed during midnight, but it has been stopped.

Y: How about his teething?

M: Two teeth on top started to grow about one month ago.

Y: Does it mean that those two teeth started to grow within one month after he took remedies?

M: The teeth on the top are after he took remedies.

Y: That’s good. It proves that excess calcium has been created. Does he show a sign that he wants to eat food?

M: Yes. He started to show his interests in food what people are eating.

Y: I think his eyes are getting firm. I can see the vital force in his eye balls. It was dull when I saw him last time.

M: I can sense that he is getting better, so I felt so relieved.

Y: The indication that his bone is fragile and he cannot support with muscles is improving.

Eczema is related to elimination of wastes, so it is good to eliminate as much as possible now.


He has head control now. He can turn over in bed. The eczema on his face is drying out. His hair started to grow.  The fontanel has closed.  Swellings ceased. He moves actively. He started to get interested in various things. He can stretch his legs. He has become robust.  Good condition of feces. Teething has started. The teeth on top started after he started to take the prescription. He seems be interested in food. His eyesight got stronger. His vital force seems stronger.

24 July 2015                                              9 September 2015

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The key function of calcium is forming bones and teeth. It contracts muscles and regulates the heart. It protects nerve cells, promotes blood coagulation, adjusts water content in a body, removes radiations, raises ovulation, heightens elasticity of muscles and relieves stress and period pain.

Many people are suffering from calcium deficiency

Most Japanese people are lacking calcium. It is because farm crops themselves are lacking of calcium.  If we want farm crops to be rich in calcium, their lateral roots need to be as thick as a human’s hair to absorb calcium as the particles of calcium are big to suck up.  If the soil is not fertilized well, such minerals cannot be abundant. The soil is lacking essential minerals, vitamins and essential amino acid. If we spoil agriculture, we cannot create a healthy body.

You can watch Torako Yui’s videos on Youtube:




About the author

Torako Yui

Torako Yui Ph.D.Hom is credited with establishing and growing homeopathy in Japan, virtually single handedly. After passing a qualifying examination of the Homeopathic Medical Association (HMA) in Britain, she became the first Japanese professional registered homoeopath in the association. She later opened her homoeopathic clinic in London. In 1997 Dr. Yui established the first homoeopathic college in Japan, the Japan Royal Academy of Homoeopathy (RAH) and was the principal. A year later she founded the Japanese Homoeopathic Medical Association (JPHMA). Since then she has written many books and articles, lectured internationally and received various honors. Torako Yui is also General Director of Nippon Homoeopathy Center.

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