Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney

A case of a baby diagnosed as multicystic dysplastic kidneys, cured with homeopathy.

Name : Mrs. D. T. with her baby d.

Age : 30 years

Sex : Female

Religion : Hindu

Occupation : Nurse in Dhoot Hospital

Date : 26 / 10 / 2009


Chief Complaints : ANC second trimester, with fetal Anomalies.

Location Sensation Modalities Concomitant
Palms & soles Burning

Past History :-

LSCS 12-13 months back, Child died after 2-3 days.

LSCS was done due to irregular contractions, os did not open and labor did not progress.

H/O Polyhyramnios.

H/O high BP with swelling over both legs.

H/O fall in FHR i.e 30/min.

Family History : Brother – piles.

Physical General :

Weight – 34 kg.

Appearance :- emaciated, thin, short built dark complexion lady.

Appetite : good

Thirst : Thirsty+

Desires : spicy/pungent, earth, meat, methi (green vegetable).

Aversion : sweet, milk, eggs.

Diet : both

Tongue : Clean

Urine : NAD

Stool : Hard stool

Perspiration : Nil

Bath : Warm water

Fan : Wanting

Coverings : seasonal.

Sleep : unrefreshing. Feels tiredness.

Dreams : God, death of her relatives, running water and snakes are

coming towards her when she is traveling in bus.

Thermals : Hot


Menstrual History : Regular. LMP – 08/05/2009


Physical examination :

Temp : Afebrile

Pulse : 76 / min

B.P : 130 / 90 mm of hg


Systemic examination :

R.S : Clear

CVS : S1 S2 Normal



Investigations: OB – 2/3 Trimester scan Report ( 23/10/2009)

Impression :- Single gestation corresponding to a gestational age of 24 weeks .

Gestational age assigned as per LMP.

Fetus shows enlarged multicystic dysplastic left kidney.

Fetus right kidney is also echogenic and shows single small cortical cyst at present.

Fetal fl is on lower side, falls at 2nd percentile for gestational age.

Suggested fetal karyotyping.

Scaned copy is given below




OBST. USG:- (24/10/2009)

Impression:- Single live intrauterine gestation of average age 23 wks 4 days.

Enlarged echogenic left kidney with multiple tiny cysts within replacing the entire renal parenchyma & 2-3 tiny cysts in right kidney.

Scaned copy is given below

Analysis of Mental traits :-

Anger after contradiction. Becomes aggressive and goes into either indignation with guilty feeling that I must not get angry, or throws things which are in hand and remains silent. Wants to beat that person who has contradicted her.

There is history of vexation from her in-laws.

Diagnosis of Disease : ANC with Fetal multicystic Dysplastic left kidney.

Phase of Disease : Chronic Reversible

Diagnosis of miasm : Fundamental – Sycotic

Dominant – sycotic

Diagnosis of susceptibility : Moderate.

Opinion of gynecologist and nephrologists – Suggested to terminate the pregnancy as it could be IUD or it may survive after delivery.

Diagnosis of Remedy : Nat.mur 10M . 1 dose, followed by silicea 3X TDS for 15 days.


Follow up Chart :-

Date Observation Prescription
11/11/09 Wt – 36kg.

H/O one episode of vertigo while walking.

H/O Vomiting one episode.

Palms & sole burning >+++

Dreams reduced. Sleep sound.

12/11/ 2007 USG – obst : – Single live intrauterine gestation of average maturity 25 weeks 2 days.

Foetal left kidney is enlarged with multiple cysts are seen at periphery.

Two tiny cysts are seen in right kidney.

Medorrhinum 200 1 dose.
23/11/ 2009 No any new complaints Nat. Mur 200 1 dose .
02/12/ 2009 Pain in lumbar region since morning

> lying on back.

PV – White sticky discharge.

Frequency of micturation increased.

No /H/O – PV – bleeding.

Fetal movement is normal.

Cervix is closed.

Adv – Obt USG.

Nat. Mur 200 1 dose with water.
03/12/2009 OB – 2/3 Trimester scan report.

Single gestation corresponding to a gestational age of 29 weeks 6 days.

Breech presentation.

Fetus show bilateral echogenic kidneys. Multiple tiny cysts in right kidney F/S/O ? mild degree multicystic renal disease (right) with echogenic left kidney.

Sever oligohydramnios, AFI – 4.5

14/12/2009 No any complaints.

USG Obst – Sever oligohydramnios;

AFI – 4

H/O PV – white sticky discharge.

Gynecologist opinion – e/o some vaginal infection

white discharge present.

Nat. Mur – 10M 1 dose.
20/12/2009 Labor pain – irregular.

1 finger dilatation of cervix.

Caullophylum 200 2 dose, Pulsatilla 6 c 6 dose / 4 hrs each.


Irregular labor pain.

2 finger dilatation of cervix.

Gynecologist Adv – for LSCS.

Red discharge +,Thirsty , hungry feeling , weakness +.

Direction of pain – weak irregular pain arising in back extending downward going to front & extending upward.

Kali. carb – 200 in water / 10min.

Time – 9Am.


12 MD

Complete regular contraction+++

Full dilatation of cervix.

Membrane ruptured

Stop Kali. carb

2 PM

Normal delivery of male child at 1:45pm.

Wt – 1400gms

Serum sodium – 121 mmol/L,

serum potassium – 4.8 mmol/L,

blood group – B positive. CRP – negative. Hb – 17.4 g/dl.

Arnica – 200 1 dose for both mother & child.

Child was sent to NICU.

22/12/2009 Child passed urine multiple times

And stool 2 times.

Sr. bilirubin total – 6.59 mg%.

Aconite 200 1 dose olfaction.
23/12/2009 Child passed urine multiple times

No e/o swelling over legs or face of child.

Sr. bilirubin total – 8.53 mg%.

Sr. creatinine – 1.7 mg/dl morning.

Evening : Sr. sodium – 101 mmol/L;

Sr. potassium – 8.1 mmol/L

Natrum mur. – 30 1 dose in mother milk.
24/12/2009 Child passed urine multiple times

No e/o swelling over legs or face of child.

USG of child – Right kidney appear normal except for two tiny cysts. Left kidney show e/o numerous small cysts s/o ? multicystic kidney.

Pediatrician and nephrologist suggested to discourage treatment as above all investigation was s/o prerenal failure.

Discharged from NICU.

EEL serum 30 with water twice a day for 2 days.

26/12/2009 Child passed urine and stool multiple times.

No e/o swelling over legs or face of child.

Urea pura – 30 BD X 3 days.
29/12/2009 Child passed urine and stool multiple times.

e/o swelling over both legs +

Natrum mur. 6 c BD X 4 days
1/01/2010 Child passed urine and stool multiple times.

Swelling of both legs regressed.

e/o swelling below lower eyelids.

Tongue reddish, central white.

Natrum mur. 6 c OD X 4 days.
7/01/2010 Child passed urine and stool multiple times.

Swelling below lower eyelids regressed.

–  Hiccough ++.

–  Fever +

– Wt. 1500gms

Nat.mur 6 c , 5 dose every alternate day once in day.
19/01/2010 H/O fever for 2 days 10 days back

Weight increased by 200 gms.

USG Abdomen & pelvis:- scan report given below

Blood urea – 17, Sr.creat – 0.9, Na – 140, K – 6.2

Nat.mur – 6c one dose every alternate day 10 dose.
16/02/2010 Crying+

Redness all over body+

Sweating on dorsal region+

Desires to be carried+

Aversion for milk of mother, throws out milk.

Weight – 2250 gms.

Silicea 200 1 dose.
30/03/2010 date – 30/03/2010.

blood urea – 18

creatinine – 1.1

sodium – 138

potassium – 5.3

10/05/2010 Coryza+

Nose obstruction+


Fever with irritability+

Sweating neck

Calcareaphos – 200 1 dose.
05/10/2010 No any complaints

Weight – 6.2kg



Comments :- It was the mother’s second baby ; first baby was expired after 2 – 3 days of birth but during that time no antenatal scan anomaly. Scan was done so its cause of death was undiagnosed. It was LSCS delivery.

This baby was diagnosed as multicystic dysplastic kidneys in fifth month of ANC.

Nephrologist and gynecologists suggested for MTP as baby will never survive. Mother decided on homoeopathic medicine with due consent of risk of baby as well as mother.

After birth baby went into prerenal failure and low birth weight (1400gms) with preterm normal delivery, though her previous was LSCS delivery. It was only due to homoeopathic medicines used during labor pain.

NICU management was discouraged by intensivists, Pediatrician and nephrologist, due to poor prognosis of baby. She decided to take home care for baby with homoeopathic medicine only. Since then baby is only on homoeopathic medicine without any help of NICU.

At present baby is well and gaining weight day by day without any sign of renal impairment,

though there are cysts in both kidneys . His recent weight was 6.2kg. Lastly I only want to say that homoeopathic medicine can not only help in labor, but also in early detected anomaly in ANC.

About the author

Sanjay Padole

Dr. Sanjay Gavaji Padole M.D "“ graduated from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University and Shri Bhagwan Homoeopathic medical college, Aurangabad. He worked as Resident medical officer at Seth Nandlal Dhoot Hospital Aurangabad and trained at Homoeopathic Education And Research Institute, Dr Kishor Mehta. Vileparle, Mumbai. Since 2003 he"™s has had his own clinic at Mit hospital Cidco, n-4, Aurangabad,Maharashtra, India. His special interests include Indian mythology.


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