Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Disease Index Homeopathy Papers

Therapeutic Remedies for Asthma and Other Breathing Difficulties

Southern College of Homeopathy have compiled a list of homeopathic remedies for lung conditions. The remedies are for chronic and acute conditions, as well as asthma. The homeopathic remedy for the acute will be the same as the one prescribed on the chronic level, but often another remedy is needed.

 Southern College of Homeopathy

Here are the remedies I have found most useful in treating lung conditions, in particular asthma. I have used them for chronic conditions and acute situations. Generally I treat the person on a chronic level, but I also give them remedies to take with them in case of such an acute ‘attack’. Sometimes the homeopathic remedy for the acute will be the same as the one prescribed on the chronic level, but often another remedy is needed. Potency depends on the severity of the acute, but I usually choose a 30c or 200c.

Aconite 200 or 10m – Panic and fear of dying. Give at beginning and during attack as needed, as well as any other indicated remedy.

Antimonium tartaricumLungs full of mucus, severe rattling of mucus, expectoration difficult or expectoration copious mucus thick, white and ropy. As the attack goes on the lungs fill up with mucus with great difficulty expectorating. Can’t lie down must sit up. Very sleepy. Aetiology of vaccination. > vomiting; belching; expectoration.

Apis mellifica– Allergic asthma. Sensation as if throat closing up; can’t get air through the throat into the lungs. Terrible air hunger. Panting breathing,fears every breath would be their last. Burning stinging pains through the chest. Chest feels beaten and bruised. Expectoration sweetish.

Arsenicum– A combination of emotional, allergic and environmental causes. Generally not humid asthma, normally spasmodic. Asthma from lung or heart disease. Aetiologies; after anger; anxiety; nervous; after strong emotions; suppressed eruptions; exertion. Restless, must sit up, fear that they are going to die. Cyanosis. Constriction of the chest, chest feels too tight, too narrow. Feel as if they have a weight on their chest. Suffocative attacks during sleep must sit up. Scanty, frothy expectoration. < midnight, 1-3am; exertion > warmth, warm drinks.

Blatta Orientalis– Asthma from house dust, < dust. Humid asthma. Asthma with lots of mucus, chest rattles with it. Suffocation from lungs being full of mucus. Yellow mucus. < dust; rain; winter.

Carbo veg– h/o asthma attacks, recurring asthma attacks. Their vitality goes down. Chilliness but > being fanned and < warmth. Blueness of face and lips. Breath cold. > belching; cold air.

Cuprum– Spasmodic state, extreme asthma (severe enough they die). Cyanosis. Asthma alternating with spasmodic vomiting. Cough themselves out of breath. Trembling after coughing. Hiccup before asthma. Although they are < breathing in cold air they are > cold drinks. < cough; laughing; bending backwards; before menses; breathing cold air; 3am > cold drinks

Dulcamara– Asthma from damp, wet weather, from cold wet weather, from damp ground or buildings. Asthma from becoming cold, from getting a cold. Asthma from sudden changes of weather. Humid asthma. Copious mucus.

Ipecac– Humid asthma. Grasps for breath, wants to be by an open window. Constant constriction in the chest and larynx, < least movement although > rocking back and forth with asthma. Loose rattle in lungs without expectorating. Pale face. Can look like Puls as > fresh air.

Kali carb– Humid asthma with difficult expectoration. Attack comes on when they get a cold. Wakes from shortness of breath. Sensation of no air in the chest. They are > for leaning forward with their elbows onto their knees or leaning on a table. Stitching/stabbing pains around the pleural membranes. State of anxiety, not as great as Ars and they can be reassured. Irritable and peevish during an attack. Asthma alternating with diarrhea or vertigo. Aggravation from dust. < 2-4am.

Lobelia InflataAsthma preceded by prickling all over.Asthma with gastric disorders. Constriction of the chest causing dyspnea. Aids expectoration. Panic and fear of dying with breathing difficulties. Panting, suffocation. Asthma with dryness of mouth and throat. Must keep mouth open to breathe. Hyperventilation. < exertion; tobacco or tobacco smoke.

Lycopodium– Often from emotional causes, from humiliation, embarrassment, failure. Craves air but is chilled by it. Short rattling breathing < lying on back. Feeling of tightness in the chest with a burning sensation. Expectoration gray, thick, bloody, salty. Flapping of alae nasi.

Medorrhinum– Can alternate with rheumatic problems. Asthma > lying on abdomen and sticking out tongue. Air hunger cannot exhale. Lungs feel stuffed with cotton wool. Lungs feel hot as if heated. < 3-4am; sunrise to sunset; cold, damp weather; mould. > sea air; knee/chest position.

Natrum sulph – Asthma of children. Humid asthma, lots of mucus. Allergic asthma. Green, thick, ropy mucus. Aetiology of head or spinal injury. Every cold or unusual exertion brings on an attack of asthma. Piercing pain through lower left lobe. Desire to take a really deep breath. < damp weather or buildings; mould; early morning, 4-5am. > sitting.

Phosphorus – All types of asthma. Asthma after cough; from change of weather; exhaustion. Oppressive breathing. Congestion in the lungs. Chest feels full and heavy, dry and hot. Tight, suffocative breathing. Wheezing. Stitches in left upper lobe. Whole body trembles after coughing. Easy expectation which is frothy, bloody, rusty colored, salty, sour, sweetish or cold. < cough; least movement; evening; lying on left side.

Pothos foetidus (Ictodus foetida) – Asthma from inhaling any dust including animal dust. Spasmodic asthma. Asthma relieved by stool. Difficult breathing with sudden feeling of anguish and sweat followed by stool which relieves. > in open air < motion.

Pulsatilla– Asthma from suppressed eruptions, suppressed menses; from colds; eating problems; emotional aspects. Wheezing. Feel as if there is a constriction in the throat or windpipe. Short of breath. Fear of death from suffocation. Craves open fresh air. Feels as if being smothered on lying down. Chest oppressed as if by a heavy load. Bland, yellow, greenish expectoration. < lying on left side; overheated; warm, stuffy rooms.

Silica– Asthma after vaccinations, after long or serious illness. Asthma from working in dusty environment, asthma of brick workers or coal miners. Asthma, can’t bear a draft of cold air on back of neck. Breathing so hard that eyes seem to protrude. Asthma with spasms of larynx. Colds that descend onto chest causing asthma. Profuse foul, yellow, lumpy expectoration. Chilly person.

SpongiaAnxious, gasping breathing. Feels as if breathing through a dry sponge. Noisy whistling inspiration on falling asleep. Suffocation as from a plug, valve or leaf in the larynx. Sleeps into aggravation (Lach), wakes with an asthmatic attack. Awakes in fright and feels as if suffocating, full of terror, fear of dying from suffocation. Attacks of heat with anxiety. Must throw head back with asthma. Dry asthma with great difficulty inhaling and asthmatic cough. Asthma < full moon; cold, dry winds, before midnight, > sitting forward.

Stanum met– Asthma from exhaustion. Shortness of breath from every effort; must loosen clothes. Extreme weakness felt in the chest, too weak to talk. Chest feels raw or hollow. Copious green, sweet tasting expectation. Easy expectation, quantities of sweet, salty, sour balls of mucus fly from mouth.< talking.

Thuja– After vaccination. Humid or allergic asthma. Arsenicum or Natrum sulph indicated but fail to cure. Asthma with red face. Expectation easy, tastes of old cheese. Difficulty breathing from mucus in the trachea. Short, difficult breathing < deep breathing or talking. < cold, wet weather; change of weather; deep breathing; night.

About the author

Val Lawrence

Val Lawrence MCPH MARH qualified from the College of Practical Homeopathy in 1995 and has been involved in homeopathic education and supervision since 1998, being one of the core team members of the South East College of Homeopathy, receiving a Fellowship from the college in recognition of her commitment to the college and their students. In 2009 Val along with Mary Ellis started the Southern College of Homeopathy in Kent, UK. She runs a thriving practice in Bexhill, East Sussex. Val has considerable experience working with the elderly, plus an in depth knowledge of homeopathy for pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period with her background as an antenatal teacher for the National Childbirth Trust.
Email:[email protected]


  • infantile asthma gets cured with ocimum q
    Spongia and Sambucus in 30 given alternatively clears the case in two weeks . Tuberculinum in high potency once in a month 3 to 4 doses eradicates the tendency .
    Quebracho mother tincture is the best in long standing cases .

  • Good synopsis.Very useful compilation.But one must not forget the miasmatic background of the patient,where Bacillinum,Carcinosinum may come for consideration.

  • It is a very good article giving lot of information about the selection of medicines for the ailing asthma patients. It will be highly appreciated if Dr. Val Lawrence comes forward with the tips for treating the chronic urticaria, which is again an allergy oriented complication.

    • Nice therapy on Homeopathy but how i wish that Alternative medcine will be readily be available as the Orthodox in my country.

  • In Homoeopathy we do not have medicines for any particular organ or disease condition. Homoeopathy treats the patient as a whole. it is the whole man who is ill, not the particular organ or part that is diseased. disease is only the outwardly reflected picture of of the internal derangement of immune system in the form of signs and symptoms on the sensitive and weaker organ or part of the body. just treating the particular sign and symptom of diseased part is not Homoeopathy and it will never cure any case ,on the other hand it will suppress the disease and shift it into more worse pathology,even into the more deeper and vital organs. we have to modulate or rearrange the deranged immune system in order to cure it completely and permanently. this can only be done by the administration of right homoeopathic constitutional remedy based on homoeopathic laws and principle given by DR HAHNEMANN in his book ORGANON OF MEDICINE. homoeopathic constitutional medicine is prescribed on the basis of totality of symptom collected from patient after case taking, it includes study of patient in all expects i.e physical; mental; disease; environmental; social etc. Study organon of medicine carefully then dare to prescribe any homoeopathic medicine. other wise don’t degrade THIS GREAT and most ADVANCED science – HOMOEOPATHY by prescribing unhomoeopathic , specific medicines.after all there is no specific or patent medicine in homoeopathy. jai hahnemann, jai homoeopathy !

  • Dear Dr.
    Nicely compiled list but it would be better if you also add the potencies you got the results with.
    In my experience all these medicines work good when indicated in Acute cases as palliatives. The only true results we get where there is reduced frequency and intensity of asthmatic episodes is with the medicine is selected on totality.

  • This is the type of article that I like the most. Why? Because it is practical and something I can refer to when I’m doing repertory work. Thank You Dr. Lawrence for contributing this useful information.

  • great article and being a asthamatic patient from my childhood mostly problem starts from change of season .Also i have great relief from homeopathy medicines now.

  • lobelia vagus irritation,naja vagus paresis is a tonic for parasympathetic control.spongia natmur emotional sea tide connection with heart thyroid,carbon sulph lung cleaner, tool kit for healthy lungs.

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