Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case Of Chronic Diarrhoea In A 29 Year Old Man.

Dr. E. Semmalar presents a case of chronic diarrhea in a 29 year old man.

Patient Name: Mr. RST

Age:  29

Date: 28.05.2013

Mr. RST, 29 yrs old, presented with complaints of diarrhea once in 2 months for the last 10 yrs. At present he had diarrhea since 10 days.

Narration by patient:

P:      I pass loose stools immediately after eating. This complaint is associated with abdominal pain and rumbling in abdomen. I have the urge to pass stool while eating. Because of my physical complaints I avoid food and go on a fast for 3 or 4 days. I have taken these steps for treating myself. After the month of January the frequency of diarrhea has increased and the urge to pass stool is always present. I cannot bear the heat during summer and this complaint aggravates during summer especially in the month of May.

In the month of March, my facial skin was tanned and there was peeling of skin. Once in summer when I went to work in my farm, I had a skin allergy which persisted for a month.

I have suffered from typhoid for 5 times. Mostly it occurs during the examinations. Since childhood I have an attitude to accomplish anything. But now I cannot do it. I went for a psychological counseling thrice for this complaint 6 months back.

I had an ambition to play for Indian football team. That was my wish and aim. But my parents refused and forced me to join engineering. I was so much depressed during the time. I was not able to clear the examinations. Playing is foremost for me, studies comes next only. I cannot bear losing the game. I create a big fuss if I lose. My presence in the team should compulsorily make the team win and not otherwise. I play with such ambition. Usually I have lots of courage and guts. I used to fight a lot during school and college time. Nobody should comment on me. Everyone is afraid of me. But now I cannot focus on anything. My concentration is poor. That’s my biggest problem now.

When I was in school, I used to kick a boy at a long distance with a stone and break his head. My focus was very sharp and accurate.

I watch lots of TV programs, especially discovery channel. I like watching lion hunting. It makes me feel excited. The lion hunts only when it is hungry. But if it is not hungry it won’t even mind the deer near it. Even it is the king of the forest, it hunts only when it is hungry. It controls the whole forest. I like to live like that. I get immersed in watching the lion.

I’m very much interested in football. I play with a very strong desire to win. I don’t care if someone gets hurt. I used to focus on the game like that. I’m unable to control myself during the game. My friends used to check me for such attitude. Even if it is an ordinary game, that’s my life. I will do anything to win the game. Since I’m so ferocious while playing I never get the chance of being a captain. I used to be the defender. I sharpen my focus when the ball is at a distance. I don’t mind even If I get hurt during the game.

I’m like a king. Everyone fears me in college. Once when I beat one of my seniors, four of his friends ganged against me. I was single. But I did not fear. I lifted a heavy stone and was ready to throw at them, which made them fear. And then they left the place .Once I dreamt as if I was in the Indian football team. I’m playing with the same ferociousness.

No one can control my anger. I used to shout aloud when I’m angry.

My role model is King Alexander. He is named for his focus and concentration. More than that, he is specialized in planning, he use to plan well before he attacked his enemies. He said nothing is impossible. In childhood I used to write in the first page that “I’m god”. When my friends ask about that, I used to say there is nothing I cannot do.

Alexander is a lion. He attacked his enemies cunningly. During a war, he first would send his weakest men in front. When the enemy would get tired fighting with the weak men, then he would send his strong men and attacks and win the enemy.

Then lion sharpens its focus and concentration when it is hungry. That is his specialty. It can see the prey at a 10 kilometer distance. Other animals eat their own babies when they are hungry. But lion is not so. Also when it is sick, it cures itself. That is also the most important thing I like about the lion. The giraffe is a big animal but the lion hunts it. It plans before hunting its prey. When two or more lion chase a giraffe one lion will get to its back leg and the other will go for its front legs but only one will go for its neck. Out of that whole herd one lion is the king. And that king is me.


  • I have an attitude to accomplish anything have lots of courage and guts. I used to fight a lot during school and college time. My focus will be very sharp and accurate.
  • I like watching lion hunting, the lion hunts only when it is hungry Even it is the king of the forest, it hunts only when it is hungry. It controls the whole forest.
  • I will do anything to win the game. Since I’m so ferocious while playing I used to be the defender. I sharpen my focus when the ball is at a distance. I don’t mind even If I get hurt during the game.
  • I’m like a king. Everyone fears me in college.
  • I used to shout aloud when I’m angry.
  • My role model is King Alexander. He is named for his focus and concentration. More than that, he is specialized in planning, he use to plan well before he attacked his enemies.
  • Then lion sharpens its focus and concentration when it is hungry

Rx     Lac.leo 1M /1d, Sac.lac / 15 days



Before taking the medicine I passed stools 6 times a day but now it has reduced to 3 times a day. Also there is no difficulty while passing stool and now I feel great .While the critical situation I do what I think, I plan before moving the coin. There should not be any slip. I feel excited to do so.

Rx      Lac.leo 1M / 1d, Sac.lac / 15 days


There is little self control. If I’m there people should fear me. Dreams of Napoleon, Alexander and Hitler, other people are looking at them and say they are waiting for his words to go in action. Feel proud .Stomach complaints not yet come.

Rx     Lac.leo 1M / 1d, Sac.lac / 15 days


No one should dominate me. I don’t have any fear. I feel like a superman. I am right always. Physically I have no complaints now.

Rx     Lac.leo 1M /1d, Sac.lac /15 days


Now I am in control of myself very much. My anger is reduced very well. I don’t have those abdominal and diarrhea complaints after that.

Rx    Sac.lac /15days


Being softer, feel relaxed very much. Now I feel very happy.

Rx   Sac.lac /15days


Now only I’m enjoying the life I think. No more anger. Feeling better overall.

Rx    Sac.lac / 15 days

Edited by – Dr. Rina Dedhiya

About the author

E. Semmalar

Dr. E. Semmalar received her BHMS from Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Madurai. She has been in homoeopathic practice for nine years using the classical homeopathic method. She is working in Manitham Homoeopathic Healing Centre, Trichy as Senior Medical Officer. She has conducted seven National Seminars under the banner of Manitham and has organized free camps in and around Trichy. Under the continuing educational program, she holds interactive classes every Sunday for students, interns and local doctors. In spite of her family commitments she has successfully established her practice and has completed the required training under the guidance of masters of homoeopathy.

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