Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases Homeopathy Papers

A Case of Constipation Solved by Sensation and Periodic Table

The author solves a case of constipation using both the sensation and periodic table methods.

D: Tell me about your problems?

P: I have constipation for the last 8 to 10 years. I waste my time from laziness. H/o watery coryza and took antibiotics. Pain Retro-Sternal region. Pyorrhea. Had teeth replacement and it was a painful procedure. Sneezing <dust. Dyspnoea <winter season. Heavy work load. h/g.

D: What else?

P: I waste my time from laziness. Sometimes I can work fast also. I like to work. and after lunch I feel like relaxing. My thoughts are going on continuously. Tension of work. Printing press work produces tension. No tension of time limit. No financial tension.

D: What else? Tell me more about yourself as a person?

P: I have one son. I had to leave behind my education. At least my son should study. All my friends are engineers. All is well settled. At home peace should be there h/g., but there is all confusion at home. My father is a journalist. I have good support from my wife. All the load is on me and my wife. All the burden is on me. I have a cousin and brothers. Close with elder brother. I like spicy salty food, eat bread butter toast. I eat non-veg. life is hard work.

D: Say more.

P: My brother has knowledge about sun signs and he said that if I put 100% efforts then I will get 60% outcome. Mother died when I was 6 years of age. I am helpful by nature. Always there is rush. Shop work is routine h/g. and the main procedure takes time. Payment issues by the clients produces tension. I have to oversee all of it. I have to train them (workers). No thoughts of doing big things.

D: You are doing well. Tell me more.

P: All the pressure is on me. If the main worker is not there, then all the work is stopped. I am thinking of expanding the business.

D: Talk about about load, pressure burden.

P: The work goes on. My thoughts are going on h/g, but speed is not there. I have to avoid the customer. I keep on working. I feel tense. I am watching T.V. but keep thinking about work. I do not feel like coming out of the house. If I go out then I go to the shop which is routine. Some customers have the habit of keeping on poking me, not that they are going to eat me. I have a plan in my mind that things will be happening at a certain time.

D: Tell more about the load.

P: The day feels as if it is pushed h/g. and work is pending. I feel like working at night but the energy is not there h/g. . I waste my day in laziness. I cannot start the day early. How much should I work? It’s the same routine work and nothing different comes up.

D: Talk about routine work.

P: I do not have the capacity to do anything new. My work is limited. I can do only limited work. I have to do much work h/g.

D: Tell about the energy?

P: That is fully discharged. Battery is discharged.

D: Tell about battery discharged.

P: No enthusiasm to work. You get a pain somewhere and find a reason not to work.

D: Tell more about battery and energy not being there.

P: feel like going home. Charging at home. My body is lacking. No enthusiasm, same feeling in the afternoon. Boredom. Not feeling like sitting at the shop. Same routine work. Feel like freeing myself from work.

D: Describe free.

P: Fresh. No troubles. No tension. It is peace. You are inside the house. No contact with outside. No tension at home.

D: Describe the experience of tension?

P: Trapped h/g you have to do things fast. I am alone.

D: Describe trapped?

P: No supplement (help) for me. I have to do it alone.

D: Describe trapped?

P: I have to complete the work. The load increases. Then there is a time limit. You are relaxed when you have someone under you.

D: Describe relaxed.

P: I have so much work; if it is divided then it would be better. If you have a helping hand then the work would be fast. It’s all on me, everything is there on me, and I would not be able to do the job. I cannot do the work; I cannot finish it in time. My body does not support me.

D: Describe support?

P: h/g Combine, do together h/g.

D: Describe combine?

P: Coming together.

D: Describe together.

P: Someone is falling behind. The load increases. If I take this much work, I won’t be able to work. Not that I do not have the capacity, I can do it, but with support. I have the capacity but the desire to work is not there.

D: Describe this movement of your hand. What do you mean by this?

P: Work becomes easy if two come together.

D: Any dreams?

P: Dreams of fearing the work will not get done. Of urinating.



Feeling much better.

Can pass motions normally.

The burning in the stomach has reduced.

No attack of sneezing and breathlessness.

The lazy feeling is reduced, but not completely gone.


Can pass the motions normally, but since the last two days, again it is not getting clear easily.

No sneezing/breathlessness.

Feeling enthusiastic about my work.

Feeling energetic.

My productivity for work has increased.

Overall there is a lot of change mentally.



No problems physically and mentally.

Life is going good.

I am enjoying my life, work, family.

No lazy feeling.

I advised him to stop the treatment and report if and whenever there is a problem.


PCWP (passive case witnessing process)

    • I waste my time from laziness.
    • Load of work h/g.
    • At home, peace should be there h/g., but it’s all confusion at home.
    • Have good support of wife. All the load is on me and my wife.
    • All the burden is on me.
    • I am helpful by nature.
    • Shop work is routine h/g.
    • I have to oversee everyone. I have to train them.
    • All the pressure is on me.
    • If the main worker is not there then all the work is stopped.


ACWP (active case witnessing process)

    • Thoughts going on h/g but speed is not there,
    • Habit of keep on poking me.
    • Day is as if pushed h/g.
    • Energy not there h/g. , I spend the day in laziness.
    • Energy- How much should I do the running for work? Same routine work nothing different coming up.
    • I do not have the capacity.
    • I have to do much work h/g.
    • Battery is discharged.


AACWP (active active case witnessing process)

    • Like going home. Charging at home.
    • Body is lacking. No enthusiasm
    • Same routine work. Feel like freeing myself from work.
    • You are inside the house. No contact with outside.
    • I am trapped h/g you have to do things fast. I am alone.
    • No supplement for me. I have to do it alone.
    • Complete the work. Load increases.
    • You are relaxed when you have someone under you.
    • If it is divided then it would be better.
    • If you have a helping hand then the work would be fast.
    • All on me, everything is there on me. I would not be able to do the job.
    • I cannot do the work; I cannot finish it in time.
    • Body does not support.
    • h/g Combine, do together h/g.
    • Come together
    • Someone lacking behind. Load increases.
    • To take this much work, I won’t be able to work.
    • Not that I do not have the capacity, I can do it but with support.
    • I have the capacity but the desire to work is not there.


So the basic feeling in the case is, he feels the load, pressure, burden. Now we have to see how he perceives this load and pressure. He says that the battery is being discharged. No enthusiasm routine No supplement for me. Relaxed when someone is under you. Wanting a helping hand. I won’t be able to work (the load is so much that I won’t be able to work).

So he is talking about functioning, not that the load is doing something to him, as with an animal issue, nor that the load is perceived as a sensitivity problem. He perceives that there is some problem in him such that he cannot handle the work alone and needs a helping hand. So this is a mineral issue.

Case witnessing: I have divided it into 3 parts from what I have been learning from my inspirational teacher Dr. Dinesh Chauhan.

First is the passive case witnessing process, where you allow the patient to say whatever he feels like and write it down in the exact manner of words in which he said it. One of the important things to observe in the passive part is what the patient is saying again and again. That becomes my focus of the case. So the important aim of the passive case witnessing process is to find the focus of the case.

Now what I did in this case was allow the patient to say whatever he wanted to. I just gave him that space to express himself. I wrote down the things which he said in the exact manner without my interpretation. What I found were things which came up again and again.


Now comes the active part of the case. Here I ask him about those things which came up again and again. One of the aims in the active case witnessing process is to confirm and be sure of the focus. (How we get certainty about the focus involves other criteria which are beyond the scope of this article.) So in this case I ask him about the load, pressure and burden.

The moment I ask him this, something happens in his body that gives me a hint that I am on the right track. I.e., I become sure of the focus. Also, what he said in the passive part is accompanied by hand gestures.

“Lazy” did not have any hand gesture in the passive part. This gives me an idea that now the mind and body are coming together. Now I start with my active -active case witnessing process. AACWP (active active case witnessing process)

Here my whole aim is to keep him on track, but also go with his flow wherever he takes me till everything about him is clear to me.

I do not want him to tell me why, where, how of the situations in his life. Also he should join things from the passive part.

I ask him about the work and he says he does not have the capacity, no energy, battery discharged. Charging at home (in the passive part he said he feels like going home) free from work. So “free” for him is to be at home, inside the house and no contact with outside tensions.

We ask him he again and he says of the work load, “You are alone and you need supplement (help). Then you are relaxed. And to be relaxed means to have someone under you, to work together.” When asked about working together, he says he does not have the capacity to do it alone. He needs some support as he is lacking in ability.

At this point I become sure that the case is complete as he joins whatever he said in the passive part in one line. Someone lagging behind. Load increases. He can’t take this much work. He won’t be able to work. Not that he does not have the capacity. He can do it but with support. “I have the capacity but the desire to work not there”.

This is an attempt to explain how the case witnessing process can be made scientific and universal and human oriented, rather than remedy oriented.

So how do I understand him from a prescribing point of view? We need to find a remedy which has laziness, no capacity to do it alone and needing the support from wife, partner, worker, or father.

Also needing a home where he is free from tension. The main issue in the case is needing support, which is a mineral quality. In which area of his life does he needs support? In the routine work of his job. This means it is from the Ferrum part of the periodic table.

Which side of the periodic table does he belong to? He needs support, so he belongs to the left side, as the elements on the left side are unstable and they need someone with whom they can bond in order to be stable.

So either Kali or Calc came to my mind. But then I understood that he is not saying that he does not have the capacity. He says he has it, but if he gets support he can work faster.

This is more of Calcarea than Kali, as Kali is totally dependent. But then which Calc? The other important aspect of him was laziness dullness, slowness. This is seen in the Carbon group of remedies. Dr. Sankaran says it is a want of vital reaction. The remedy that comes to our mind is Carbo veg, slowness, dullness sluggishness etc.

Hence, if reasoned through logically and scientifically, the remedy is CALC CARB.

The potency is 200, as his experience was at the emotional level.

We will see what Kent had to say about this remedy in his lectures on materia medica:

He is tired mentally and tired physically, from mental work and breaks down. Inability to apply himself. Weak all over. No ability of the muscles to sustain prolonged effort, and it is the same way with the mind. No ability of the mind to sustain prolonged mental effort. Calcarea is a tired patient. After being fatigued in carrying on the business until it reaches a most thriving condition, he will quit and go home and do nothing.

He says business is not good for him. He is tired of business, and when he goes to his business again it seems as if it would drive him crazy. It looks just as if he were lazy. If you look at him you come to the conclusion that he is lazy.


    • Business incapacity for
    • Laziness
    • Laziness, business, thriving quits his
    • Home desires to go
    • Loathing at work
    • Delusions, sick being work and for this reason will not
    • Thoughts persistent
    • Slowness
    • Spineless


What I learned from this case was that the new is a further extension of the old. So in a true science the new never replaces the old, but it includes it. One can compare it with physics. The writings of Newton are not upgraded. But his basic ideas are reformulated in even better ways and additions are made to them in a new modern context.

About the author

Devang Shah

Dr. Devang Shah graduated from D.S. Homoeopathic Medical College and has been practicing homoeopathy for the last three years in Pune. He feels blessed to have studied under Dr. Sunil Anand, Dr. Dinesh Chauhan and other teachers of the Bombay School of Homoeopathy. His goal in each case is to reach deeply and find the root from where the branches of disease originate. "May we reach the depth so that the spirit arises. Silence is the opening of an infinite world within each of us."


  • I read the entire article. I appreciate the physician’s patience in asking and getting answers from the patient. but now a days so many(all most 99% as far I know)Homeodoctors are neither asking any previous histories, habits, emotions, nor pay any concentration. they simply ask the problems and write down the prescription or give the medicine. In this regard I request and appeal to the Homeophysicians to follow the article.

  • dear DR,

  • I have recently came in touch wiyh Scholten´s method and the study of periodic table – so I believe the more clinical cases I hear , the more I hear this new method associated with Sankaran´s method, the more should I develop a perception, a true perception from the remedies and the patients. I hope to hear more of your cases, this is very helpful for those who are begining to follow this pathway – Congratulations

  • Very nice perception of the case i learned a lot from this case,i m a beginner i also use to follow this method.Thankyou sir for sharing this case n encouragment.


  • i read ur case a very good approach rather i would say a perfect bombay school of homoeopathy approach looking forward and warm regards and blessings

  • Very interesting and full of explaination.You must share more cases.
    I want to learn Periodic table method and Sankaran’s method applying on the pts.Is this easy to understand from book studying without any teacher’s guidance?What should I do for?
    Maryam from Pakistan

  • Dear doctor,
    It is worth appreciating in special regard, as I have the same complication with me and it seemed to me, as if I am scrutinized. But being professional, I would certainly unfold to insert that doctors have become commercial / money earners. As it is a profession leading towards eternal awards rather to the earnings in the life after here. A majority of the doctors I have experienced in my life, behave like non-professionals. It does not mean that they don’t believe in the illness of patient, rather there is found to be carelessness.

    Appreciable sir, i would also use Calc. carb 1M towards the outcome, hopefully in getting relief of my sneezing and constipation surrond against my different nature of activities but comparitively the same.

    Khan Bashir

  • I am a regular user of
    homoeopathic medicines. I want to know the website address of Dr. Rajan Shankar.Please let me know it.

  • devang congratulations for the calc carb case i liked it and blessings u keep it up like this always ,also the dinesh model of taking case is good and the analysation was very perfect ,thank you for sharing

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