Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Pituitary Macro-Adenoma

Dr. Farhan Nadaf presents a case of pituitary macro-adenoma in a woman of 72 which resolved using the Banerji protocol.


A macroadenoma is a usually benign tumor composed of glandular tissue growth larger than 10 mm. in the pituitary gland. Macroadenomas can require treatment because they grow and press on nearby brain structures.

A 72- year- old female patient came with symptoms of pain in head, blurred vision, profound lachrymation from bilateral eyes, generalized weakness & loss of appetite. She was diagnosed with pituitary macro-adenoma as per MRI dated 12.02.2021 showing mass measuring 21 x 19 x 23.5 mm.

She was advised for surgical intervention by onco-surgeon. She refused surgical interventions and opted for homeopathic management.

No other complaints mentioned by patient

First Prescription given on 18.02.2021:

  1. Ruta 6C TDS
  2. Calcarea Phos 3X TDS
  3. ISCADOR P Serie 0 (twice a week) with dose escalation up to Serie 2 in case of sub optimal reaction till 3 months then reassessment with MRI was planned
Follow up date Outcome Prescription Reason for selection
13-05-2021 Reduction in tumor size to 16 x15 x 17 mm


No pain in head
Vision improved
No lachrymation from bilateral eyes
Generalized weakness – No change

Appetite – No change

Ruta 6C TDS

Calcarea Phos 3X TDS
Optimal reaction achieved at the end of ISCADOR P Serie 2

Banerji Protocol & International Recommendation for choice of preparation based on experience & localization of tumor
08-03-2022 Further reduction in tumor size to 15 x 15 x 14 mm


Weakness reduced

Appetite increased

Ruta 6C TDS

Calcarea Phos 3X TDS


Banerji Protocol & International Recommendation for choice of preparation based on experience & localization of tumor
Patient is still continuing homeopathic medicines at reduced frequency & is asymptomatic

MRI reports attached with patient’s consent however a few details obscured  to protect privacy of patient.


About the author

Farhan Nadaf

Dr. Farhan Nadaf - Co-Founder - Remède Clinics - Guest Asso. Professor - Department of Pathology & Microbiology, VH Medical College, Hon. Homeopathic Physician - CSD, Ministry of Defense, Govt. of India, Homeopathic Physician - Integrative Cancer Clinic, Mumbai, Homeopathic Physician - Tumor Clinic, Pune

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