Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Psoriasis

June  S Psoriasis

Dr. Divya V. presents a case of psoriasis in a woman of 53.

A 53 year old female came to Manitham on 29.01.2015.Diagnosed with psoriasis. As she was very introverted I had to push her in every step.

Dr:    Homoeopathy is the treatment, which requires understanding of the patient holistically. I want to understand you mentally and physically. For a single diagnosis there are many remedies in homoeopathy, but only a single remedy among those which suits you as a whole, will cure you completely. So I have to understand about all your problems. Just feel free to talk.

Pt:     I’m getting sick often. I have Stomach pain, head pain and leg pain (Homeopathy Treatment for Leg Pain), black discoloration in palms and soles, itching since 15 years.  Doctor said it is psoriasis…

Dr:    What else?

Pt:     If I’m well, I will do my household work normally.  How much ever pain, I will not take any medicine, I will bear it.  When the skin on palms becomes dry, it pains a lot. Before 10 years yellow discharge was there, but now it’s dry.

I cannot bear summer season.

I sweat too much which causes irritation. I don’t take cover in any season. I lie down on plain floor and sleep. Even in cold climate, I have bath in cold water only. My body is very hot always.

If I am sitting without doing any work then there is more pain.  So, I will always do some work.  I’m always worried about my children and husband. Why they are not studying well, why my husband is scolding me always. How much ever work I do, my husband doesn’t appreciate me. He is always finding fault in me.  He insults me in front of others as I don’t know anything. 

I think what is the use of doing this much work, even after doing this work he is only scolding me. He is always scolding me for small, small things.  I am much worried about it.  But I will bear all these things and do my regular household work.  I get angry when my husband scolds me, but I will not show it to him. Then what to do, I have to accept everything, as I’m dependant on him for everything.

Dr:    Meaning?

Pt:     [She smiles and keeps quiet saying nothing else, that’s all].

Dr:    Tell more about your nature?

Pt:     I am bold enough to do all the things.  I am not afraid of anything.  I am happy only when I’m with my family. I will be seeing TV, if my children come and change the channel, I don’t mind that.  I will just go and lie down.

Dr:    What else?

Pt:     Nothing that’s all I have everything about me [smiles]

Dr:    What food do you like?

Pt:     All sweets I like very much.

Understanding of the case:

  • Stomach pain, head pain and leg pain, black discoloration in palms and soles, itching
  • Skin in palms becomes dry. Yellow discharge, skin is very dry.
  • I cannot bear summer season.
  • If I sweat too much causes irritation. I will not cover in any season. Lie down on plain floor and sleep
  • My body is very hot always.
  • I’m always worried about my children and husband. Why they are not studying well, why my husband is scolding me always.
  • How much ever work I do, my husband is not appreciating me.
  • He is always finding fault on me. He insults me in front of others as I don’t know anything
  • I get angry when my husband scolds me, but I will not show it to him. Then what to do, I have to accept everything, as I’m dependant on him for everything.
  • I am happy only when I’m with my family.
  • All sweets

All these issues of family, insecurity, sensitivity to insults along with the physical complaints brings us to the remedy:  Kali Sulph.

About: Kali sulphuricum : from Soul of remedies by Dr. R. Sankaran

Kali sulphuricum is a mineral remedy, a salt. Its range is between the ringworm miasm and the sycotic miasm.

The main feeling of the Kali sulphuricum person is of being disgraced and insulted by the family or group whose support he seeks. Therefore he constantly makes efforts to win their esteem and respect. He wants that his value in their eyes should raise. He is industrious and helpful, caring towards and supportive of the group. He seems independent of the opinion of others. At the same time, he has anger towards the family or group, because he feels insulted by them.

As this feeling gets more intense, he becomes discouraged and develops tremendous want of confidence. He becomes insecure and irresolute. He is fearful and startles easily. Also he becomes very sensitive and is easily offended. Finally, he can become averse to business, indolent and indifferent.

Physical symptoms:

  • Very hot patients. Worse Warmth, Better Open air, even walking in open air ameliorates.
  • Yellow discharges, expectoration, etc.
  • Eczema with thick, yellowish discharge, especially when there is much itching, worse night.
  • Marked craving for sweets.

Since the central theme of the remedy and the physical symptoms matched the patient.

RX: Kali sulph 30/1 dose and kali sulph 0/3 was given in water dose- plusing method to avoid aggravation for 15 days.

Follow up after 15 days:

No headache, no leg pain, no cold and cough. Cracks in hand increased.  Placebo was given for 1 month.

Follow up after 1 month:

Cracks are reducing, no other complaints, and sleeps better than before. Placebo for one month

Follow up after 1 month:

Cracks are further reducing but itching more, much depressed as husband is “scolding and insulting me always.”  Kali sulph 200 / 1 dose followed by placebo was given

Follow up after 1 month:

Cracks reduced, no itching. Mentally feels relaxed. Sleeps well. No headache at all after starting the medicine. Placebo was given for next 3 months.

Follow up after 3 months:

Better mentally and there is slight itching in palms and soles, so Kali sulph 0/3 water dose was given for 5 days and placebo continued. Whenever physical symptoms was present Kali sulph 0/3 was given in water dose.

Follow up after 1 year and 2 months:

Completely better in all aspects mentally and physically

PS: Photos below were taken during the course of the treatment

June 2016 S Psoriasis1


June 2016 S Psoriasis2


June 2016 S Psoriasis3


June 2016 S Psoriasis4


Edited by – Dr. Rina Dedhiya

About the author

Divya V.

Dr. Divya V. received her BHMS from Government Homoeopathic Medical College, Madurai. She has been in homoeopathic practice since 2013 exclusively using classical and holistic methods. She is working in Manitham Homoeopathic Healing Centre, Trichy as Senior Medical Officer. She has conducted five National Seminars under the banner of Manitham. She organized free camps in and around Trichy and has presented lectures on behavioral problem in students of adolescence age in the schools of Mumbai. She enjoys sharing knowledge with like-minded homoeopaths to enhance the effectiveness of case taking.


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