Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A COVID 19 Positive Case Treated with Classical Homeopathy

Dr. Maria Peppa shares a case of COVID-19 in a woman of 43. Sensation that the bed was hard, bruised pain on parts lain on, and pain during chill were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

This is the case of a female medical doctor, 43 years old, who developed mild symptoms of sore throat and running nose on 11th of April. By the 13th she had headache, nausea, chills watery eyes, loss of appetite and fatigue.

On April 18th she developed a fever of 38.5o C. There was also nausea, body ache, dry cough with pleuritic chest pain. She took paracetamol 3 to 4 times a day but that did not help. She was advised to test for COVID 19 on the 20th. The test came back positive on the 23rd.

Meanwhile, the patient approached the homeopath on April 20th for her complaints but the remedy had to be ordered, which reached her on the 24th. Thus, the patient was only on paracetamol till the 24th.

On 24th, her condition was very bad, and she could not get up from the bed. She still had the symptoms – pain in bones, muscle pain, pain in thigh, nausea, headache and chills. She also had the sensation that the bed was too hard (Repertorisation picture attached).

On April 24th, she received Pyrogenium 1M one dose at 9pm and another dose at 11pm. By 3.30 am of the 25th, she had no fever or any other symptoms except fatigue.

The next week there was slow improvement in the fatigue. She did not have any other symptoms but there was fatigue, such that she could not stay out in her yard for more than 20 minutes. She would need to rest. On May 2nd , once she received the remedy supplies, she took the advised Muriatic acid 1M, one dose. She immediately felt better and resumed her work from May 4th. As of May 7th, she is very well except for her chronic Meniere’s disease vertigo.

Coronavirus disease outbreak and flu danger or coronaviruses influenza as dangerous viral strain case as a pandemic medical health risk concept with dangerous cells with 3D illustration elements.


NOTE: This  patient was confirmed positive for covid-19:

Antibody Test Booking Portal

Your Results for COVID-19

Antibody test number ST101618


Suggestive of exposure to SARS CoV-2

This test has to be repeated in 3 months to check whether status remains the same.

About the author

Maria Peppa

Dr. Maria Peppa - Specialization GP since 2009 - Diploma of International Academy of Homeopathy (2004-2006). Certificate of IACH E Learning 2017-2019. Certificate of Competency in Emergency Prehospital Medicine 2008.


  • Hello,thank you very much for sharing this case…Is this the only case you met with Corona?What about the others if they exist?

    • The swab test report is available but is not presented here as it contains the personal details of the patient. If you are interested we can send you the de identifies pdf of report

    • Why is a swab test result so important when the symptoms are so clear? Are you asking because you doubt what is being reported? In any case, the swab tests are not 100% accurate!

  • Weldone Dr.Maria you have earned tremendous blessings from the patient who was relieved from covid 19 grip, keep it up.

  • Hello, can you explain the dose form, e.g., liquid (23% alc) how many drops or if tablets how many granules?
    Thank you!

  • I had to look it up, because I wasn’t familiar with Paracetamol, though I guessed it functioned like aspirin. In the USA, it’s known by the generic name Acetaminophen or the trade name Tylenol.

    It’s not something homeopaths would usually give, except as an antidote, so it’s good you took over the care of the patient before it had more potential for irreversible ill effects.

    Is 1M your usual potency for acutes like this, or was there a particular reason for it?

  • Mom,
    Good Morning.
    Your case record on a COVID 19 patient is indeed well taken. At the crucial hour, such type of case provides informations about symptoms and management. You prescribed two medicines, Pyrogenium 1M and Muriaticum acidum 1M. I would like to know at least four guiding symptoms, on which the prescriptions were made. It will help us to understand the prescription profile well.
    Have a nice day, and keep yourself busy with the treating of patients !

  • My both ears lossed hearing due to diabetes ,is any medicine you suggests for instant relief.

  • Interesting. She didn’t receive homeopathic treatment until day 13 of the disease. By that time covid positive patients are either heading towards a natural resolution of the disease without any treatment or needing hospitalisation. Is there any record of the oxygen sats during this process? And has there been any lung scans to see if there are any residual blood clots lurking?

  • Thanks to share a cured case of covid 19 by Pyrogen
    if symptoms covered Homeopathy has power to cure

  • Hello doctor!
    Thank you for sharing
    I would like to know what directed your choice on pyrogenium and then on Muriaticum acidum …
    Thank you!!

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