Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Abdominal Pain in a Boy of 13

Abdominal Pain in a Boy of 13

Homeopath Hetal Vasa uses the Synergy Approach and Sensation Method of Dr Rajan Sankaran and the Personal Evolution Model of Dr Mahesh Gandhi to solve a case of abdominal pain.

This is a case of a 13 year old boy who came to me in March 2016 with his mother with the complaint of severe pain in the abdomen. The mother told me that they had been to many doctors and used many antispasmodic and painkillers medicines, but without relief. Sonography and blood tests came back normal.

The boy said that he likes gymnastics and loves to do roller coaster rides, bungee jumping, scuba diving, snorkeling, trekking, night trek, water park rides and going to the amusement park. His mother said that he forgets his pain for a while if he is busy watching television or his mind is diverted.She said he gets bored easily and likes to watch television. He said that when he is having pain and he watches television then his mind gets diverted and he forgets about the pain.

I took following rubrics:

mind; AMUSEMENT; desire for (13)

mind; ENNUI, boredom; entertainment amel. (5)

mind; OCCUPATION, diversion; amel. (111)


Rx:My choice of remedy was PIPER METHYSTICUM.I gave him pip-m 200 but there was no relief. I increased the potency from 1M to 10M and upto 50M which finally gave him relief!  All his abdominal pain was gone and he was well for quite a few months.

Piper Methysticumis a plant remedy from the piperaceae family

[reference taken from Dr Sankaran’s book, Insight into Plants vol iii]

The main sensation of the piperaceae family: pain, no excitement and boredom; ennui.  The opposite of pain and boredom is pleasurable amusement.

Active reaction: desires amusement, amusement amel., diversion amel., occupation amel., entertainment amel, vivaciousness, desire to travel, mirth, hilarity, liveliness.

After a few days he came back with swelling of his upper lip and very painful ulceration of tongue with drooling of saliva at night on the pillow. I gave him MERC 30, which gave him relief and the swelling decreased and the ulcer healed.

face; SWELLING; lips; upper (66)

mouth; ULCERS; tongue; tip (16)

mouth; SALIVATION; sleep; during (50)

Then he had herpatic eruptions inside his mouth and on his cheek and lips for which I gaveCarbon sulph30 which gave him some relief.  Carbon sulph was given because of stomach pain with herpes labialis [Knerr.]

Then he didn’t come for nearly two years and he came again in August 2018 with the complaint of headache and pain in abdomen after Dengue. His fever lasted only one day but after that he had severe headache, pain in forehead, vertex and occiput. I again gave him PIP-M 1M.and with that his pain in abdomen reduced but the headache didn’t go away and it was very severe, so I reevaluated the case.

I tried to apply the PEM understanding of Dr Mahesh Gandhi to the case.I reviewed his whole history and case details and some videos to see where I had missed the indications. I watched an old video of him and I observed that the boy was very childish, naive and laughing while describing his pain in abdomen. He had a silly expression and was smiling.  I observed that the boy wanted to have pleasure in life; he wanted to go to the amusement park and do the world’s fastest roller coaster rides.

I also observed that the boy was very innocent and he wanted instant gratification of his desires.According to PEM he must be in the infant stage of development from a mineral, plant or animal kingdom.  Piper methysticum was from the piperaceae family which is the infant stage of magnolidae subclass!  That’s why it gave him only partial relief. Maybe I should look for an infant stage remedy fromthe animal kingdom because the boy was quite animated.The insect group of remedies belongs to the infancy and childhood stage of development from the personal evolution model of Dr Mahesh Gandhi.

A few notes from Dr.Gandhi’s book ‘Personal Evolution Model: The Foundation Book:

The personal evolution model is all about mapping the ‘INNER AGE’ of a person. Our inner age reflects our level of personal evolution and it can be very different from our biological age.The inner state can make an individual appear childish even if he is an adult.Similarly, another individual may appear wise and mature since childhood.This inner age reflects the level of our personal evolution, and can be very broadly correlated to certain chronological ages that we pass through in our lifetime.

Dr Mahesh Gandhi has divided the inner age of a human being into 9 stages:

Womb, Infancy, Toddler, Early childhood, School age, Adolescence, Young adult, Mature adult and Old age.

Returning to our case: I again called the mother for a detailed history of the boy and the mother said that the boy loves to do gymnastics. He would never simply walk but rather likes to jump over things. If he wants to go to the bed he would jump into the bed. If he wants to go to the other corner of the room then he would jump over the sofa instead of going around the sofa. This was very interesting and I tried to find that in the repertory.  I limited my search to ‘insecta’ and searched the word ‘JUMP’ in the ‘MIND’ section… and I got the exact rubric: mind; DELUSIONS, imaginations; walk, walking; cannot; run or jump, must (2) :apis, hell

I went through the rubrics of the case all over again and the following rubric stood out:

face; SWELLING; lips; upper (66)

APIS was the first animal remedy with 4 marks. I checked all the symptoms and they perfectly fit the case with the right intensity of the symptoms.I selected following rubrics after getting a hint that the remedy can be from an insect group.

I gave him Apis 30 (because that was the potency available to me) 3 doses hourly and asked them to follow up. After that the pain reduced but not significantly, so I told him to repeat the medicine every hour till the pain subsided and after 8-10 doses the pain was totally gone.

This case was followed up through January 3, 2019. There have been no further episodes of pain in the abdomen.In this case I have used The Synergy Approach and Sensation Method of Dr Rajan Sankaran and the Personal Evolution Model of Dr Mahesh Gandhi and I got a very beautiful result.Since I have started using these methods,I have got better results in many of my old cases and also in the new cases. It is very satisfying because I become very sure of my prescriptions and each and every symptom of the case and every aspect of the case becomes understandable.

About the author

Hetal Vasa

Hetal Vasa, B.H.M.S., is a homeopathic practitioner in Kolhapur, Maharashtra, INDIA. She passed her B.H.M.S. in 2003 and is practicing classical homeopathy there. She is familiar with the Sensation method and applies this approach her cases, but also uses the repertorial method. You can contact her at [email protected]

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