Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Abdominal Tumour

benign gastric tumors

The esteemed Dr. J. Compton Burnett presents a case of abdominal tumor

The subject of this chapter is an abdominal tumour of special interest, not only on account of its fully successful treatment, but because the case was throughout watched and periodically examined by an allopathic surgeon of repute, who himself advised his patient to make the necessary long sea voyage from a distant hot country to London, to seek further skilled advice in regard to her abdominal tumour.  The surgeon, of course, did not even dream of its cure by remedies, and in sending her home this was not in  his mind. But years before I had cured a child of the patient of lymphatic tumours, and so once arrived in London the lady sought my opinion.

I found in the upper part of the abdomen a tumour that was of considerable size, having its seat of origin, so far as I could tell, at the left end of the pancreas, but extending across to the right a good way towards the liver. In size it may be said to be about that of a big man’s fist, and seemingly a fibroid. For a year past there has been much dyspepsia. The pancreas I considered much enlarged, and the spleen was also increased in size.

Of eight children five had died in infancy. There was a large brown patch on the forehead almost co-extensive with it. She had formerly had sore throats. Her hair has fallen out and is still in process of falling out, and her nights were bad. Patient was a. large salt-eater. Had been three times vaccinated, and had had typhoid and  ague, as also hypogastric neuralgia. Costive.

August 4, 1886 —  Sepia 5, five drops in water three times  a day.   18th: Urine rather slimy; hair  falls out rather less. Complains very much of sleepless nights.   Rx   Syph. CC. in very infrequent doses.

September 15th — The remedy did her constipation much good. The hair ceased falling out; the forehead less brown. The tumour certainly smaller.

Rx The same remedy enough to last two  months.

November 15th. — “The first ten days I took the powders I had a good deal of pain and diarrhoea followed by constipation and bad piles with much smarting rawness.” The tumour is without doubt a good deal smaller and much softer.

January 31st, 1887 —  “I stopped  taking the powders and have only just  finished them and I have had to have  the doctor here for piles and fissure. He examined my tumour about five or  six weeks ago and said it was half its previous size, and since then I think it is smaller still and I have a difficulty  in finding it — it seems much further  away from the surface.”

Iris versicolor 30.  March 12th. — “ I am glad to be  able to report further good progress ;  I have had my doctor here to see how the tumour was getting on ; he says it is much smaller than when he saw it  two or three months ago, and is now  not larger than a very small hen’s egg. I am feeling well in myself and suffer very much less from constipation, and have taken no Cascara.”

Rx: Syph. CC.  May  10th. — “The last time the doctor was here he could not feel  any lump, but I am two months gone in the family way. The brown marks on the forehead have gone. I have had dysenteric diarrhoea and am  weak.”

Rx:  Arsenicum 3 trit. Six grains twice a day.

July 1st. — Rx: Aurum mur. nat. 3.  Six drops twice  a day.   August \2th. — Has returned to England, and comes to me worn out with dysentery. Simaruba cured it.

Rx:  Calc. Hypophos. 3 gr. viij. three  times a day.

Sept.  — Quite recovered her strength. Returns to her distant home across the sea.

  1. Aur. mur. nat. 3. As before.

Nov.  — Feels quite well. Has  finished the medicine.   Rx Syph. CC.

Feb. 20th, 1888.— “I have sent for my doctor to examine my tumour, and  he says it is sausage-shaped, but much  smaller and flatter. My baby is very fine and healthy, and I am well.”

Iris versicolor  3 and then followed Aurum again as before. The doctor again  examined patient for the tumour, and  declared it to have quite disappeared.  The cure holds good. I am very especially pleased to  record this case, as its course was  carefully watched by an unbiased  highly qualified general practitioner (a British graduate), who took no part  in the treatment, remaining just an onlooking expert, and who has not consulted at all with me, does not  know me personally, and has never  even communicated with me, nor has he the faintest idea of what remedies  have been used. He is an allopath, and, seemingly, is content so to be and so to remain.  How this can possibly be I do not pretend to comprehend. I have often  observed this sort of quasi-interest in  homoeopathic work go hand in hand with practical and life-long indifference. I suppose the quasi-interest is not really scientific concern at all, but rather curiosity and a kindly sort of  feeling for their clients’ fads. The Spanish generals behaved in pretty much the same sort of superior way to one Arthur Wellesley in the Peninsular campaign. But history has squared the accounts pretty fairly.

The following letter from the lady shall end this chapter, to wit: —

January 12, 1889.  Dear Dr. Burnett,

It is six months since I received the last medicine you ordered me. Shortly after its  arrival I had an attack of fever which lasted a long time — over two months. It was simple fever without any complications, but I became very weak with it and was some time getting up my strength again. It is only quite lately I finished your medicine, and two days ago I had Dr. to see me. He searched long and carefully for the tumour, and, I am delighted to say, could not find any trace of it. He says the left lobe of my liver is still slightly enlarged, as it has been for a long time. In spite of this enlargement of liver, I have no unpleasant  symptoms with it, and feel in perfect health and  strength, and am up to dancing and playing  tennis, which latter I always do regularly and always feel the better for it. I feel very grateful for all you have done for me. My baby also is well, strong and rosy. May I consider myself out of your hands now? I suppose the only thing for my liver is a change out of the country, but that I doubt if I shall get this year as times are so bad.  With kind regards and good wishes to you for the New Year, I remain – Yours sincerely,

Years Later. In the Summer of 1892, I saw this  lady, and thus know from personal  examination that the cure holds good.

Curability Of Tumours By Medicines –J.Compton Burnett

About the author

James Compton Burnett

James Compton Burnett was born on July 10, 1840 and died April 2, 1901. Dr. Burnett attended medical school in Vienna, Austria in 1865. Alfred Hawkes converted him to homeopathy in 1872 (in Glasgow). In 1876 he took his MD degree.
Burnett was one of the first to speak about vaccination triggering illness. This was discussed in his book, Vaccinosis, published in 1884. He introduced the remedy Bacillinum. He authored twenty books, including the much loved "Fifty Reason for Being a Homeopath." He was the editor of The Homoeopathic World.

1 Comment

  • A successful case managed without any esoteric methods or remedies. Just accurate prescribing and intelligent management.

    A. Schmukler

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