Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Asthma from Suppressed Skin Ailment ‘” The Miracle of LM Potency

shastri dec image

The author describes a case of suppressed skin eruptions and the role of LM potencies in the cure.

Name:. K.J.P.

Age:10y Sex: M

Add: Katargam Occupation: Study


C/o Breathlessness since childhood

Complaint is present especially after cold drinks, ice cream and chocolate.

< in the midnight , after dust, change of weather

> after sitting

O.D.P: Pt. was alright in childhood. He suffered from boils on the neck and body. He was given allopathic treatment for it. He was also given ointments for it. After that pt. suffered from breathlessness recurrently. Pt was given allopathic treatment but without relief.

P/H:  H/o Boils at age of 5yrs.

F/H :  H/o skin disease in Father

Personal History:

Appetite: Adequate

Desire : Sweet

Aversion: Not specific

Thirst: Small quantity at short interval

Stool : 1 stool/day

Urine : NAD

Sleep: Normal

Perspiration: General

Thermal Reaction: Ambithermal to hot

Life history and Mental symptoms:

Pt is the second child of his parents. He has one sister. Pt is intelligent and always gets a good rank at school. He also gets a prize for the same. Pt is mild. Due to attack of breathlessness he is not able to concentrate on his studies.

Systemic examination: Respiratory system:

O/A: Rhonchi are present

Provisional Diagnosis: Bronchial Asthma

Miasmatic diagnosis: Psora-sycosis



c/o breathlessness since three days

Ars alb 200/

3 doses, S.L. for 7 days


Relief in c/o Breathlessness

Sl for 1 month.


Again c/o breathlessness

Ars alb 200/ 3doses, S.L. for 7 days


Slight relief in c/o breathlessness

Ars alb LM/3 dose, S.L.for 7days .


Relief in c/o breathlessness.

SL for 30 days


Slight c/o breathlessness

Nat-Sulph LM/3 dose, S.L. for 15days


Relief in c/o breathlessness but c/o skin eruption on the hand and face

Sulph200/ 3 dose,S.L. for 2 wks


No relief in c/o eruption

S.L. for 2 wks


Eruptions are still present

Sulphur 0/6 for 15 days


Eruptions are increasing but they are just like old symptoms in childhood

S.L. for 15 days


Eruptions are still as they were

S.L. for 15 days


Eruptions are disappearing

S.L. for 1 month


Eruptions are disappearing

S.L. for 1month

Discussion of case: This case is of a charitable trust O.P.D where we are seeing more than 80 cases per day. We have hardly 10 minutes to take a new case. Initially on the acute totality Ars-alb was given but gave only temporary relief.

As an anti-miasmatic Nat-sulph was given, according to Boericke’s Materia Medica, to prevent further attacks. Nat Sulph ” ASTHMA IN CHILDREN, as a constitutional remedy”. After that, eruptions started to appear and old symptoms were reappearing. This was according to Hering’s law of cure. Eruptions were increasing and pt was not getting any relief. Parents were very much disturbed.

Due to family background and symptomatology, Sulphur 200 was given, but it was not giving the desired result, so L.M. Sulphur was given. But after that eruptions increased. You can see in this in the photographs. At this stage the advice of homoeopath Dr. N.R. Rangoonwala was sought. He advised to just wait and watch, which I did. After that the eruption decreased by 90% and most important, there was no attack of asthma. During the time of aggravation the parents had faith in homoeopathy and so continued the treatment. Their child is now free of asthma.

Conclusion: L.M. potency helped very much. It brought old symptoms back very quickly. It is very important to wait and watch when skin symptoms appear.

About the author

Vipul Shastri

Dr. Vipul Shastri (M.D. (Hom.) is Principal, Vidhyadeep Homoeopathic Medical College and Research Centre, Anita, Dist., Surat. He is Dean, Faculty of Homoeopathy, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat. He has 25 years academic as well as clinical experience. He has given webinars and seminar in homoeopathy and his articles have been published in various national Journals.


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