Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

A Case of Acute Renal Failure

Dr. S. Arul Manickham presents a case of acute renal failure.

The 65 yr old male patient came with the presenting complaint of uremia and his urea and creatinine (Homeopathy Treatment for Acute Renal Failure) levels in the blood were markedly elevated. He had been admitted in hospital for dialysis but he was discharged from hospital voluntarily due to poor economic status.

Urea-234, creatinine-4.79, urine albumin-1+

Dyspnea on walking, complete loss of appetite, prostration, pain in the all joints since 10 days.

While I was taking his case the patient asked that I give medicine only for his loss of appetite and said he would give details later. Then I asked his wife for a detailed case history.


Totality of symptoms

Angry easily

Dyspnoea from anger


Aversion to answer

Angry when obliged to answer

Habit of chronic alcoholism

Chilly patient



Rx : Nux vomica 200/1dose






After Nux vomica 200 intense fevers continued up to 1 day. Continuous hiccough lasted for 2 days. Weakness better, no dyspnea, joint pain reduced 40%. Urine flow—comparatively more. Appetite –improved







Appetite good, no dyspnea, no weakness, no joint pain. He walked to my clinic. Before that he was lifted by two people, and without that support he couldn’t stand. Without any support he came to my clinic alone to get medicine.





Urine –albumin—fine trace


He was very happy to come to my clinic and told me “You have saved my life and I am very grateful to you.”


Urine out put—good

No weakness, joint pain or dyspnea.




During treatment


After treatment:


About the author

S. Arul Manickam

Dr. S. Arul Manickam Bhms, DFN, DGC. Velumathi Classical Homoeo Clinic, Koothanallur
Dr.S. Arul Manickam BHMS, DFN, DGC, 26, practices in Koothanallur, Thiruvarur-dist. Tamilnadu. He graduated with degrees in homeopathy, food and nutrition and guidance and counseling. He practices according to the true classical principles and methods of Hahnemann.


  • It is great to hear from Dr.Arul that he could tackle a renal failure case succesfully. He is an eminent homeo physician. I will be grateful to him if he brings out more articles like this which are all illustrative. Very nice presentation

  • Homeopathy gives hope in many hopeless cases.we have such case as this one….good job arul sir.
    God bless you…

  • thank u Dr. Arul sir for presentational of a very severe case , so beautifully,we are waiting further the
    Uterine Fibroid cases from you . please kindly give your email address sir,it is my request,
    my Id is [email protected]
    from Dr.Niranjan Sahoo,

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