Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Dengue With Paralysis Treated with Classical Homeopathy

Drs. Atul and Latika Jaggi present a case of dengue with paralysis in a man of 25. Hot head with cold extremities and worse for noise, followed by fever out of proportion to pulse were among the symptoms leading to the curative remedies.


Dengue is an arboviral infection caused by the infection of the strain of virus DENV 1-4, resulting in various pathological manifestations in varying severity, ranging from mild asymptomatic dengue fever (DF) to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and fatal dengue shock syndrome (DSS)1,2. Neurological manifestations though rare, have been recorded in medical literature.

Although dengue virus is considered as non-neurotropic, the neuropathogenesis is due to damage of the blood brain barrier by the infection which provides opportunity for the virus to directly invade the CNS. With the lack of effective antiviral drugs to treat the infection, supportive therapy focuses on managing hematological abnormalities, fluid replacement therapies and blood transfusion.3

Reported below is a case of Dengue complicated with temporal neurological manifestations. The patient received individualized classical homeopathic treatment and made a complete recovery from the serious acute disease.


At 5 pm on 5th October 2019, through a telephonic consultation, the father of a 25-year-old man called to complain that his son had severe headache and weakness in both lower extremities due to overheating from working under the sun.

He fell to the floor and had been lying there since half an hour. He was crying loudly but did not give reason for the same on questioning. Eventually the patient stopped crying but complained that he couldn’t breathe. There seemed to be paralysis that was ascending, so he was advised to rush to the hospital.

Five family members had to carry him to the car as he could not walk. Upon local examination at the hospital, it was concluded that the patient could not walk and had lost the sensation in his legs.

Laboratory findings dated 5th October 2019 confirmed the presence of Dengue NS1 antibodies in his blood, Total white blood cell (WBC) count was 6,840 u/L and platelet count was 1,72,000/cumm.

At 8:30pm, he developed a fever of 103.1°F (39.5°C) and had the following symptoms:

Hot head with cold extremities +++

Headache; <Noise++

Cannot open eyes due to headache

Chilly +++ with cold sensation in the feet

Desire for company +++

Lumbago <lying on back ++

On repertorising the presenting symptomatology, the homeopathic remedy Belladonna was indicated.

The analysis was that the fever developed suddenly and as a result of working in the sun, with hot head and cold extremities. He also had severe headache <noise, all pointing to Belladonna

Initial prescription: Belladonna 1M


6th October 2019;

12h after initial prescription.

–         Fever has reduced to 99°F (37.2°C)

–         Headaches much better

–         Patient can now walk with support.

6th October 2019;

24h after initial prescription.

–         Fever rose to 102.4°F (39.1°C)

–         Pulse rate: 86 beats/m; disproportionate.

–         Wants to be quiet+++

–         Chilly+++

–         Thirstless +++

–         Moaning +

–         Heaviness in the head ++

–         Irritability from noise+

–         Lumbago <lying on back

Rx: Pyrogenum 200, 3 doses.

There is relapse of fever and fall in energy, but keynotes of Belladonna have disappeared. This means next remedy must be found

[Pyrogenum was prescribed on the keynote of disproportionate temperature and pulse]

7th October 2019 Total WBC count: 3,330/uL

Platelet count 1,21,000/cumm

–         Fever reduced.

–         Patient felt generally better.

9th October 2019 Total WBC count: 2740/uL

Platelet count: 88000/cumm

–         Fever started increasing since the night of 8th October. Current temperature: 103.7°F (39.8°C).

–         Pulse rate: 90 beats/m; disproportionate.

–         Chilly+++ with body ache.

–         Dull+++. Tired +++

–         4-5 episodes of offensive loose stools.

Rx: Baptisia 200; 3 doses, each in a gap of 5h.

Baptisia is the other remedy with disproportionate temperature and pulse with offensive stools and indicated in the later stages of severe inflammatory processes, as was happening here. Moreover, Pyrogenum, as Kent says is more indicated in very high temperatures compared to Baptisia

10th October 2019 –         After 3 doses of Baptisia, the fever gradually reduced to 95.7°F (35.3°C)

–         Pulse rate: 70beats/m

–         Energy better

–         Appetite better.

–         The patient is able to walk on his own.

–         No further fever episodes.



11th October 2019 Total WBC count: 4,110/uL

Platelet count: 73,000/cumm

14th October 2019 Total WBC count: 3,420/uL

Platelet count: 1,31,000/cumm

Total WBC count: (4000 – 10000)

Platelet: (150000 – 450000)

19th October 2019 Total WBC count: 5,380/uL

Platelet count: 2,48,000/cumm


Thrombocytopenia in dengue is caused by the viral induction of bone marrow hypoplasia by affecting the bone marrow progenitor cells and the peripheral destruction of platelets. A transient suppression of haematopoeisis occurs on the day 3 or 4 of infection as a protective mechanism to limit the injury to marrow stem cells during the further eradication of infected cells.

Leucopenia starts on day-2 of infection, reaching the minimum on day-5, and gradually increases until recovery.4,5 This should not be taken into consideration for prescription unless the leucopenia and thrombocytopenia are severe and threatening life.

The neurological complications of dengue infection include central nervous manifestations (such as encephalopathy, encephalitis, meningitis, stroke, cerebellar syndrome, transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis), and peripheral nervous manifestations (such as dengue-associated myositis and dengue-associated hypokalemic paralysis), and ophthalmic complications.

In this case, with the presentation of progressive ascending paralysis, the complication is likely to belong to peripheral neurological manifestation rather a central3, probably hypokalemic paralysis. Considering that the patient was working too long in the hot sun also indicates hypokalemia.6

In some acute diseases, one remedy is sufficient to cure the patient. But in severe acute diseases, more than one remedy in the correct sequence is necessary to cure. In the presented dengue case, Pyrogenum 200C was a similar remedy (close remedy which showed short amelioration and then relapse). But Belladonna was the first correct remedy that initiated the curative process completed by Baptisia.

The interpretation as per Vithoulkas’ observation no 11. indicates that we are treating a difficult case.7


A severe and difficult case of dengue complicated with temporal neurological manifestations was successfully treated with Individualized classical homeopathic therapy and the patient made a complete recovery with respect to the presented fever, hematological reports and the paralysis that ascended from his lower extremities. This case shows the efficacy of individualized homeopathic therapy to cure severe acute diseases.


  1. MG G, E H. Dengue. Lancet (London, England). 2015;385(9966):453-465. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60572-9
  2. Dalugama C, Shelton J, Ekanayake M, Gawarammana IB. Dengue fever complicated with Guillain-Barré syndrome: a case report and review of the literature. J Med Case Rep. 2018;12(1). doi:10.1186/S13256-018-1626-Y
  3. Li G-H, Ning Z-J, Liu Y-M, Li X-H. Neurological Manifestations of Dengue Infection. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2017;7(OCT):449. doi:10.3389/FCIMB.2017.00449
  4. Rao AA, U RR, Gosavi S, Menon S. Dengue Fever: Prognostic Insights From a Complete Blood Count. Cureus. 2020;12(11). doi:10.7759/CUREUS.11594
  5. Chaloemwong J, Tantiworawit A, Rattanathammethee T, et al. Useful clinical features and hematological parameters for the diagnosis of dengue infection in patients with acute febrile illness: a retrospective study. BMC Hematol. 2018;18(1). doi:10.1186/S12878-018-0116-1
  7. Vithoulkas G. The Science of Homeopathy. 7th editio. international Academy Of Classical Homeopathy; 2014.

About the author

Atul Jaggi

Dr. Atul Jaggi is Director of H3 - Health & Happiness by Homeopathy, Centre of Classical Homeopathy, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. Dr. Jaggi came in contact with Homeopathy in 1991 when he started studying from one of India’s best college – Nehru Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi. But his real homeopathic evolution began, when in 1996 he got fortunate to join the first group of Four Year Course in International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH), headed by Prof George Vithoulkas. In 2000, he received the esteemed Diploma of IACH and was awarded with a scholarship, as he stood 3rd amongst 170 International doctors. Since 2016, he is a teaching member at IACH, Greece and he also gives International seminars and Webinars. His main mission is to bring students in contact with the precious and life changing teachings of Prof George Vithoulkas and spread real Hahnemannian Classical Homeopathy.

About the author

Latika Jaggi

Dr Latika Jaggi is Director of H3 - Health & Happiness by Homeopathy, Centre of Classical Homeopathy, Nashik, Maharashtra, India. She completed her homeopathic graduation in 1998 from one of India’s best colleges – Nehru Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital, New Delhi. She passed the highly esteemed Diploma of IACH and for the last 25 years she has regularly attended seminars of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy (IACH), Alonissos, Greece to spread the flame of Classical Homeopathy. Together with Dr Atul Jaggi, she has moderated the E-learning Course of IACH in Maharashtra, India since 2013. In 2019, she was appointed by IACH as the E-learning Moderator for English speaking students and she continues the same with great enthusiasm to this day. She has also been presenting the in-depth educational lectures of Prof. George Vithoulkas in International seminars and Webinars, since 2016. Dr. Jaggi and her husband share the mission to bring students in contact with the precious and life changing teachings of Prof George Vithoulkas.


  • Very good case, thank you for sharing!! With severe conditions, sometimes it is difficult to keep one’s head and follow the proper rules, but your case shows that following the rules is so important and the best way forward!

  • Excellent result using homeopathic remedies, congratulations! You are a model to follow, dear dr Atul Jaggi!

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