Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Endometriosis and Infertility

Homeopath Ton Jansen shares a case of Endometriosis and Infertility treated using Homeopathic Detox Therapy (HDT). Medorrhinum, as well as a course of hormone balance (Poly contraceptives), Bowel Nosode Plus and Endometriosis 200 resolved the problems.

This is a case of endometriosis and infertility treated using Homeopathic Detox Therapy (HDT). A little information about the author will help understand this very different approach. Ton Jansen developed his (HDT), which gives specific attention to the impact of external factors, which may vary for each individual.

Ton studied anthroposophical homeopathy in Den Hout and has been working as a homeopath since 1987.  He specialises in the treatment of so called ‘modern’ diseases, often due to leaky connective tissue and use of allopathic medications (hormones, statins, high blood pressure pills). Since 1993 he has been working on the development of the Homeopathic Detox and Balance Therapy. With this treatment he has helped people to improved health and restored vitality. Here is an example of the kind of case where Ton finds his method of prescribing is so beneficial:

The Case:

A woman came to see me with infertility problems. After taking the contraceptive pill for seventeen years, she stopped one year ago. Her menses have since become profuse, painful and long, and tests have shown she has endometriosis. Her gynaecologist has told her that IVF will not be successful in her case, and has advised her to take hormones to control her menses. From her timeline I find out that she has had antibiotics frequently, mainly nitrofurantoin for cystitis.

I prescribed Medorrhinum 10M to open the case, a course of hormone balance (Poly contraceptives (potentized), Nitrofurantoin, and Bowel Nosode Plus (healthy intestinal flora combined with enzymes, candida and yeast)  and also Endometriosis 200 weekly to address the menstrual symptoms.

After eight weeks she returns, saying that her menses have stopped, but she feels more relaxed. Her libido is much better than before, and making love is not painful anymore. We agree that she will let me know when the menstruation returns and then decide on further treatment.

After five (!) months she calls me: she has been having profuse menstruation for two weeks now. I decide to repeat Medorrhinum, together with a course of Poly contraceptives and Gc-MAF to support the body to abort malformed cells. Endometriosis, after all, is a disease of proliferation of cells. Gc-MAF is the growth factor of dendritic cells that are needed for this process. With this I also repeat the course of Bowel Nosode Plus. As a weekly remedy I continue with Endometriosis, now in M potency.

Soon after, to her great relief, her menstruation stops and becomes regular and shorter. We agree to give things time. After eight months she calls me and tells me that she is pregnant. She has an easy pregnancy, and she and her husband now have a healthy baby boy. When her cycle returns, it is regular and calm. This case was closed 5 years ago.

Please find below the prescription scheme of this case:

  Mo Tu Wed Th Fr Sa  Su
1st week 19-oct 20-oct 21-oct 22-oct 23-oct 24-oct 25-oct
Horm.Balance 1 Gc-MAF 1 Bowel + 1 Horm.Balance 1 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




2e week 26-oct 27-oct 28-oct 29-oct 30-oct 31-oct 1-nov
Horm.Balance 1 Gc-MAF 1 Bowel + 1 Horm.Balance 1 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




3e week 2-nov 3-nov 4-nov 5-nov 6-nov 7-nov 8-nov
 Horm.Balance 2 Gc-MAF 2 Bowel + 2 Horm.Balance 2 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




4e week 9-nov 10-nov 11-nov 12-nov 13-nov 14-nov 15-nov
Horm.Balance 2 Gc-MAF 2 Bowel + 2 Horm.Balance 2 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




5e week 16-nov 17-nov 18-nov 19-nov 20-nov 21-nov 22-nov
Horm.Balance 3 Gc-MAF 3 Bowel + 3 Horm.Balance 3 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




6e week 23-nov 24-nov 25-nov 26-nov 27-nov 28-nov 29-nov
Horm.Balance 3 Gc-MAF 3 Bowel + 3 Horm.Balance 3 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




7e week 30-nov 1-dec 2-dec 3-dec 4-dec 5-dec 6-dec
Horm.Balance 4 Gc-MAF 4 Bowel + 4 Horm.Balance 4 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




8e week 7-dec 8-dec 9-dec 10-dec 11-dec 12-dec 13-dec
Horm.Balance 4 Gc-MAF 4 Bowel + 4 Horm.Balance 4 Gc-MAF


Bowel +




(of course the dates here are just an example)

The number 1 refers to the first potency you decide to prescribe. The Hormone Balance (Poly Contraceptives) and Poly Bowel Plus courses I usually start at 30K, but Gc-MAF I may start at 6K or 12K, depending on the depth and/or complexity of the pathology (and then finish at respectively 200K or M).


Ton Jansen has taught HDT worldwide and will be giving webinars on December 11 and 12, 2020 and February 5 and 6, 202. For more information please contact Roger Savage on [email protected] .

Ton is the author of the books ‘Fighting Fire with Fire’ (2016), ‘Finding your Way in the Forest of Symptoms’ (2019). In 2021 his new book on Human Chemistry and Integrated Therapy will be published. This latest book introduces the use of new remedies, made from neurotransmitters, hormones, food substances and additives.

About the author

Ton Jansen

Ton Jansen (1956) studied ClassicalHomeopathy in Den Hout (the Netherlands) at the "Antroposofische School voor Homeopathie". In addition to this course he has followed the training for "Antroposofische Geneeskunde" in Zoetermeer and Arnhem (the Netherlands). In 1987 he started his ownpractice "Centrum voor Gezondheid in Beweging" (Centre for Health in Motion) in Den Hoorn (the Netherlands, near Delft). Over the years Ton specialised in the treatment of 'modern' diseases, like MS, rheumatism, fybromyalgia, Lyme'sdisease, cancer, migraine, epilepsy, asthma, PMS, depression. ADD, ADHD, Asperger, phobias, autism. He has been developing a method to treat these diseases which is called Homeopathic Detox Therapy. In his practice Ton achieves many positive results with this therapy. Ton Jansen teaches the Homeopathic Detox Therapy both nationally and internationally. Website:

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