Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Hope, Heart and Homoeopathy: Clinical Experiences in the Pandemic of Covid 19 (Case Series Volume 3)

Dr. Gyandas G. Wadhwani shares a case series of 20 cases, including age, clinical features, coexisting diseases, lab and radiological findings, severity of illness, lesser accessory symptoms, prescription, follow ups and rationale for selection of remedies.


While Delhi braces itself during the 3rd wave of Covid 19, let us review some cases treated exclusively with homoeopathy.

Case series no 3  


S. No, Initials, Age/ Sex Clinical features


Coexisting diseases Laboratory and Radiological findings Severity of


1: Mild

2: Moderate

3: Severe

4: Critical

Lesser Accessory Symptoms Prescription Date wise follow ups Inference

NB         40 years, Male

Fever ~  100 – 100.5 F

Cough with whitish phlegm.


Fatigue [VAS score 4]

Loss of sensation of taste

Bodyache since 2 days





NIL Rapid Antigen test positive

1 Felt better when in AC or in open. Headache majorly in the evening. Burning sensation in the nostrils with nasal discharge. 29-6-2020         Rx. Allium cepa 200 every 3 hours             Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


1-7-2020 Afebrile since past 24 hours. No headache now. No vomiting. Coughing reduced

Rx Placebo



No cough now. Regained sensation of taste. Afebrile. Rx Placebo



Asymptomatic now.

Refused repeat testing since felt alright.

Allium cepa or what is mentioned in older materias medica as Cepa, has characteristic symptoms of acrid nasal discharge (in this case burning sensation with nasal discharge) that was better in cold air or room.

DA  48 years, Male

Sore throat

Fever ~  101 F

Diarrhoea with loose watery consistency of stools

Fatigue [VAS score 6]

Dyspnoea [grade 3 ]




since 5 days. On testing positive he was being given HCQs and other corticosteroids, with not much improvement. Also, the fever persisted despite medication.

Known case of Diabetes Mellitus RT PCR Positive


CRP- 16 mg/ L


S. IL6- 47 pg/ml

2 1-7-2020

Rx. Insulin LM 1 x Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of  potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.

Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and dissolve 1 teaspoonful of medicine in half cup of plain water, stir and drink all of it, each time.)


Hiccups subsided after the 2nd dose. Became afebrile day 2nd onwards. Loose stools stopped day 4th onwards. Rx Insulin LM 2 x Thrice a day


16-7- 2020 Tested negative on 12-7-20.

CRP- 3.6 mg/ L

S. IL6- 9 pg/ml

Though it is an unproved remedy, Insulin can remedy infection that is accompanied by diarrhoea, in the absence of clear indications for another remedy (E coli). It can also remedy weakness and hiccups.

SS                44 years, Male


Sore throat

Fever ~  99 F

Fatigue [VAS score 5]

Loss of sensation of taste and smell


Headache since 2 days. Was Taking Dexona (corticosteroid) and multivitamins regularly.



Nasopharyngeal swab Positive

2 Fever peaked ~ 11.30 am – 12 noon and was followed by warm sweat.

Thermal reaction: HOT

Developed fever after his mother tested positive. Disturbed sleep: was feeling sleepy but whenever he tried to, felt uneasy with persistent thoughts about his mother testing positive.


Rx Opium LM 1 x 3 hourly.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.

Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and dissolve 1 teaspoonful of medicine in half cup of plain water, stir and drink all of it, each time.)

23-7-2020 Afebrile post after 12 hours. Coughing reduced. No headache.   Rx CST



Sensation of taste and smell returned on day 5th. Bodyache vanished.  Rx Opium LM 2 x Thrice a day.  


29-7-2020 Tested negative.

Cold fear is the keynote of Opium; a fear that is not striking your senses with intensity like in Aconite and Stramonium. He did not complain so much about his fear, but in a subtle way expressed that. The concomitant presence of warm sweat, clinched the deal.


Pain in throat with productive Cough [whitish phlegm]

Fatigue [VAS score 6]

Runny nose


Headache since 3 days. Was Taking Dexona  (corticosteroid) and multivitamins regularly.



Nasopharyngeal swab Positive


1 Desire: Chilled water [Since the onset of illness whenever drank warm water to relieve the pain in throat and the cough, nausea appeared.]

Sipped cold water frequently.


Rx Phosphorus LM 1Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and dissolve 1 teaspoonful of medicine in half cup of plain water, stir and drink all of it, each time.)


Cough improved. No headache now. Bodyache improved.   Rx CST



Tested Negative.

The desire to sip cold water frequently during fever is singular characteristic of Phosphorus. The intolerance of warm drinks was another characteristic confirming the choice of the remedy.

US     72 years, Female

Fever ~  100.7 F

Cough Sore throat

Fatigue [VAS score 8]

Dyspnoea [Grade 2]

Chest pain


Headache. Diarrhoea

Poor appetite since 4 days

Known case of Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension and CAD Nasopharyngeal swab Positive


CRP 32.6 mg/L

3 Thermal reaction: Always needs a fan, always feels hot, more since fever.

Since the onset of fever started disliking milk. Thirst: ~ 1L/day.

Easy perspiration.

On observation: well-marked linea nasalis


Rx Aethusa cynapium LM 1 x Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and dissolve 1 teaspoonful of medicine in half cup of plain water, stir and drink all of it, each time.)


Chest pain, sore throat and coughing subsided by the end of day 2. Afebrile after 36 hours.




Weakness reduced. Normal bowels. No dyspnoea now. Headache persists.

Rx Aethusa Cynapium LM 2 x Thrice a day



Tested negative with CRP 7.8 mg/L

The presence of well-marked linea nasalis and  intolerance of milk concomitant to onset of illness brought Aethusa cynapium to mind.  The simultaneous reduction in thirst during hot weather (37-38 C) further confirmed the choice of remedy.

Referring to the materia medica highlighted easy perspiration on least exertion.

The key takeaway from this case is prescribing for the patient and his symptomatology, not on the basis of diagnosis.



45 years, Male

Fever ~  101 – 102 F

Followed by Chills. Later had sore throat and cough with Loss of sensation of taste.

Fatigue [VAS score 8]. Heavy breathing. Weakness.

Dyspnoea [Grade 2]

Bodyache  since 5 days

Recurrent Respiratory tract infections RT PCR positive


X Ray Chest:

Ground glass haziness left lower lobe of lung. Prominent hilar shadows.

3 Hands and feet were warm. Weakness was felt especially in the chest. Felt cold especially in the belly. One side of the face colder than the other. Body becomes cold with chilliness. Thirst: Poor

Desire: Cold and refreshing especially Sweet lime, Fruits [or may be Juice instead]


Acid phos 200 every 4 hours.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile after 18 hours. Coughing and weakness in chest also reduced by all complaints relapsed in last 24 hours. Felt better in the mornings. Fever spiked after 7 pm and subsided by sunrise. Rx Syphilinum LM 1 x Thrice a day.



Afebrile after 8 hours. Weakness reduced. Coughing and chest pain reduced Sensation of taste returned.

Feels much better. Rx CST



Tested negative


4-8-20 CXR- Prominent hilar shadows.

Weakness in chest, poor thirst, desire for cold and refreshing things governed the choice of Phosphoric acid.

James Tyler Kent’s 6th observation prognosis, Too short relief of symptoms, means that the patient’s vitality demands a deeper remedy, therefore on the basis of rhythmic aggravation from sunset to midnight followed by amelioration till sunrise, Syphilinum was chosen, which completed the cure. It shall be wise to remember Henry Clay Allen’s observation  importance of underlying

Syphilitic miasm in febrile affections.



30 years, Female

Fever ~  100.5 – 101 F

Chills Loss of sensation of taste and smell

Fatigue [VAS score 9]

Entire lower limbs pain.

Nausea since 2 days.

Known case of uterine fibroids. Rapid antigen test positive

1 Tongue: furred white, mouth dry.

Thirst: Poor

Feels cold in AC. Better with windows open. Pain in lower limbs feel better when pressed firmly


Pulsatilla 200 every 3 hours


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile after 20 hours. Lower limb pain reduced. No bodyache now. Improved levels of energy in the body. Rx. Placebo



Refused for a repeat test.

Dry mouth without thirst and better in open air are known characteristics of Pulsatilla.


60 years, Female

Fever ~  99.5 – 100.5 F

Cough Sore throat


Fatigue [VAS score 6]



Since 5 days.

Known case of Cervical spondylosis RT PCR positive

2 Poor thirst

Post fever paroxysm headaches especially occipital region. Sleeping more than usual. Anxious since son tested positive. Appetite: poor.


Rx Gelsemium 200 every 3 hours.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile post 12 hours. Not sleeping much now. Thirst: improved. No bodyache and headache now. Rx Placebo



Tested Negative

The patient became anxious and apprehensive about his son, after he was diagnosed with Covid infection. His complaints followed with concomitant sleepiness and poor thirst, which governed the choice of Gelsemium.


28 years


Profound weakness

Fever ~  99.6  F


Fatigue [VAS score 8]

Bodyache. Slight pain in abdomen off and on

Since 3 days

RT PCR positive

2 Felt cold, especially in the back, could not get warm enough in bed. Sometimes felt too hot at night with desire to uncover and eat a snack. 3-8-2020

Kali phos 200 x

Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop  potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time. 

6 -8-2020

Afebrile within 24 hours with improved energy levels. No chills and body ache. Rx Placebo




Tested negative

Prostration, chilliness (especially in the back) and increased hunger during heat, all pointed towards Kali phosphoricum as the curative remedy.

RM 40 years, Male

Fever ~  101 – 102.5 F

With Chills. Took Paracetamol 650 mg.

Fatigue [VAS score 9]

Dyspnoea [Grade 3]


Headache Conjunctivitis

Chest pain SPO2: 90-91% since 3 days.

RT PCR positive


HRCT Chest: Ground glass opacities B/L lung field – likely infective. Multiple lymph nodes also noted.

3 Intense bodyache – as if bones are being broken with testicular pain and chest pain. Urine: Increased frequency

Thirst: ~ 2 – 3 glasses/ day.


Eupatorium perf. 200 every 3 hours


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile after 24 hours. Bodyache persisted though reduced in intensity. Headache persisted. Conjunctivitis reduced. SPO2 92-93. Rx Placebo



Fever relapsed 99.6 F after drinking 240 ml of alcohol the previous night. Bradycardia (50-54 bpm) Dysnoea Gd 3. SPO2 89-90. Lost appetite. Nauseous. Rx Digitalis LM 1 x 4 hourly.


12-8-20. Temperature around 99 F after medication for 12 hours, thereafter afebrile. Nausea reduced. Breathing better. SPO2 92-93. Rx continue.


15-8-2020 Slight weakness.

Tested negative on 14-8-20. Chest discomfort. Pulse hovering around 60-65 bpm.  Rx Digitalis LM 2 x TID.


22-8-2020 No complaints. Pulse 60-80 bpm.  Rx Digitalis LM 3 x BD.


2-9-2020  HRCT Chest: Few mediastinal lymph nodes noted

Prescription of Eupatorium perf is easy to understand, because of bone breaking pains.

Digitalis was prescribed due to simultaneous occurrence of fever with bradycardia, after consumption of alcohol, since it also antidotes its toxic effects. It was continued in ascending LM potencies till repeat CT scan was clear.


MB 32 years, Male

Fever ~  101 – 102 F

Cough with mucoidal phlegm.

Fatigue [VAS score 4]

Bodyache  especially around wrists and ankles/ feet since 5 days


Rapid antigen test positive

2 Chills running up and won the back; fever reduced with perspiration all over; axillary perspiration smells like onions 14-8-2020

Kali phos 200 x thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile. No bodyache now. Cough improved

Rx Placebo




Tested negative.

Kali phos is one of the two remedies in Materia Medica that have produced the singular characteristic of sweat smelling like onions in axilla, other being Bovista.

VA 35 years, Female

Pain in throat

Fever ~  101 F

Fatigue [VAS score 6]


No sensation of taste and smell..

Migraine RT PCR positive.

2 Thirst: poor

Feels better in open air

Desire: Sweet ++, fruits ++ Perspiration: over face

Bowels: unfinished feeling feels better post burping. Thermal reaction: sudden hot flushed: wants AC then.


Pulsatilla 200 every 4 hours.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile since past 12 hours. No throat pain. Vomited a few times, pure yellow green phlegm and bitter water.

Rx  Placebo



Tested negative.

Prescription of Pulsatilla is fairly obvious.

JPS 47 years, Male

Fever since 7 days . Tested Covid positive on day 5. Temperature ~  99 F

Since  3 days. Slight pain in legs.  No other presenting symptoms.

Known case of Diabetes Mellitus and CAD. RT PCR positive

2 The boss of the patient forced him to attend office every day, even when many of his colleagues had been infected. Just a day prior to his onset of complaints, office premises were sealed and though he returned home with a brave face, he could not really rest till he tested positive and now he was scared of consequences being a diabetic. 14-8-2020

Opium LM 1 every 3 hours.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Fever shot up over 24 hours to 103, followed by profuse sweat and profuse flow of urine. Afebrile after 48 hours.

Rx Opium LM 2



Repeat testing negative.

Cold fear is pathognomonic of Opium, which prescribed in ascending LM potencies. In fact the fear froze even the development of symptoms on the case!

PB  28 years, Female

Dry cough

Runny nose



Fever 99 – 100 F  since 3 days.

Plantar fascitis Rapid antigen test positive

2 Appetite: Poor

Bitter taste in mouth.

Desire: sweets +++

Red lips

Febrile episodes accompanied by marked vasomotor phenomenon, cold hands and feet and subsided with cold sweat


Thyroidinum LM 1 x Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time. 


Afebrile after 36 hours. Cough vanished by end of day 2. No Headache now. Rx continue meds



Tested negative.

Thyroidinum is not an often used remedy in clinical practice. It has vermillion red lips (Sulph, Tub), craving for sweets, marked vasomotor phenomenon and cold sweat.
55. MM, 58 years, male Had fever ~  100- 100.7 F for 4-5 days till about 2 days back. Now afebrile.

Fatigue [VAS score 8]



Poor appetite since 8 days

Known case of Diabetes Mellitus Rapid antigen test positive on day 2 and again on day 8

2 Had been working hard for nearly one month after business had resumed, since winters are the peak season.

Slept and complained  little even when fell ill.

O/E : forehead warm while the nose was cold.


Arnica montana LM 1 x Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Tested negative on 20-9-2020.

Slight fatigue persists [VAS score 2]

Appetite returned big time. Rx Arnica montana LM 2 x Twice a day


Known as an important remedy for ailments from exertion, the patients requiring Arnica complain but a little and while examining them you can feel warm forehead and cool nose.


55 years, Female

Fever ~  101 – 102 F

Followed by Chills. Later had sore throat with Loss of sensation of taste.

Fatigue [VAS score 8] since

4 days.

Rapid antigen test positive

3 Had her grandson on 15 August 2020 so was overexcited and happy, hence visited the hospital.  Still excited talking about the new arrival. Developed fever a week later.

Desires: cold aerated drinks.


Coffea cruda LM 1 every 4 hours.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile after 12 hours. No chills.  More active now.

Rx Placebo



Repeat test on 2-9-2020 was positive.

Fever relapsed after grandson contracted fever. Weakness. Loss of sensation of taste still persisted. Rx Coffea cruda 200 x Thrice a day


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.



Afebrile since last 48 hours. No complaints.  Rx Placebo


10-9-2020 Tested negative a day before.

Coffea cruda is one of the remedies that produces personalities violently  susceptible to emotions, especially happy ones.

In this case, the happiness felt on arrival of grand child was the single most probable exciting cause, in the otherwise insignificant symptomatology.

Relapse of symptoms, warranted prescription of a higher potency, which cured.



31 years, Female

Fever since 3 days.

Slight sore throat and cough.

Entire family and her 3 years old daughter had tested positive over the previous week.

Fatigue [VAS score 9]

since 2 days.

RT PCR Positive

1 She was relieved that now she was unwell, she would not have to serve her husband and daughter, and she would be allowed to rest.

She just wanted to be by herself and got annoyed by video calls of her child.


Rx Sepia LM 1 x thrice a day.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Afebrile after 2-3 days (not sure). Weakness reduced. Felt better.

Rx Sepia LM 2 x thrice a day.


13-9-2020 Tested negative a day before.

Indifference to the loved ones, was the single most striking feature in the case.


22 years, Female

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea since 3 days Nasal obstruction with sore throat 2 days. Fever ~  99.5 – 100.5 F.

Since 2 days.

Rapid antigen test positive

1 Thirst: ~ 2 – 3 glasses/ day Perspiration: Forehead and back

Tongue: clean and moist. O/E Throat: fauces congested.


Ipecac 200 every 3 hours.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea tapered over 24 hours. Afebrile by the end of day 2.

No sore throat now. Slight nasal obstruction.

Rx Placebo




Tested negative

Nausea, vomiting with clean tongue and poor thirst are characteristics of Ipecac.


27 years, Male

Fever ~  100-101.6  since 3 days


Entire family is Covid +ve after attending a wedding

RT PCR positive

1 Felt sick while returning from a destination wedding at a hill station.

Felt warm and sweaty in car so pulled down the window and felt the chill.

Frequent urination, without burning

Frequent loose stools 3-4 times a day



Rx Dulcamara LM 1 2-3 hourly.


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single drop of the potency in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time


Felt relief  in the chills and bodyache after 2nd dose. Feels weak and lethargic.

Afebrile last 12 hours.

Rx Dulcamara LM2 3-4 hourly



Tested negative.

The remedy for a chill is Dulcamara (Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura).  For example when you get exposed to cold temperature while perspiring, or while the temperature dips suddenly in mountains. Concomitant to that are profuse discharges (coryza, diarrhoea, urination, vomiting etc) and the sureshot curative remedy is Dulcamara.


4 years, Female

Fever ~ 101 – 102.5 F since 3 days.

Coughing and chest pain.


SPO2: 96-98%.

Stuffy nose

Allergic rhinitis RT PCR Positive

1 Frowns, even during sleep.

Desire: Hot chicken soup +++ sweets ++


Rx Lycopodium LM 1, 3 hourly


Medicine was prepared in a bottle by dissolving a single globule in 100 ml of water, to which 40 drops of alcohol were added.


Before taking the medicine, the patient was directed to hold the bottle in the dominating hand and strike it 10 times against the palm of the other hand or a firm mattress, and take 1 teaspoonful of medicine each time.


Chest pain gone. Coughing reduced. Nose still slightly stuffy.

Completely afebrile since last 36 hours.

Rx Lycopodium LM 2 thrice a day.


Parents refused re-testing.

Sometimes, patients demand a deeper acting remedy like Lycopodium (frowning, stuffy nose, desire hot food and sweets) in acute conditions. It is best to remember what Hahnemann writes in

aphorism 248 of 6th

edition of Organon,

“…. every

correctly chosen


medicine, even those

whose action is of

long duration, may

be repeated daily for

months with ever



Gyandas G. Wadhwani M.D. (Hom)
Consultant Homoeopathic Physician & Independent Researcher;
Holistic Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center, New Delhi
Member Aude Sapere groups, South Africa and New Delhi
Former Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) (Homoeopathy), Dte. of Ayush, Govt of NCT of Delhi
Senior Lecturer (Organon of Medicine & Homoeopathic Philosophy), Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Govt of NCT of Delhi
Mob: +91-9868146489
Email: [email protected]

About the author

Gyandas Wadhwani

Gyandas G. Wadhwani M.D.(Hom) Consultant Homeopathic Physician & Inde-pendent Researcher Holistic Homoeopathic Clinic & Research Center, New Delhi, India. Member Aude Sapere groups: South Africa & New Delhi Editorial board member: American Journal of Homeopathic Medicine Former Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) (Homeopathy), Directorate of Ayush, Govt of National Capital Territory of Delhi, India. Former Senior Lecturer Organon of Medicine & Homeopathic Philoso-phy, Dr B R Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Govt of National Capital Territory of Delhi, India. Email: [email protected]

1 Comment

  • This is presented so clearly and explained so simply that every homeopath and everyone in the medical community can learn and benefit from it. They see that homeopathy is the most accurate and effective approach to covid 19. When the world realizes this, the awful threat from this pandemic will begin to fade. Thank you Dr. Wadhwani.

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