Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

No Unfinished Business

A useful article about No Unfinished Business.Full details about No Unfinished Business

Her life is a long story of unhappy love, reconciliation, deception and finally separation. It is surprising the marriage lasted that long and how she put up with the beatings. She would not separate from him.

She came to see me because of mild metrorrhagia. I referred her to the gynecologist who diagnosed a uterine cancer: an average differentiated epidermoid carcinoma involving the whole of the cervix, part of the uterus and va-gina with metastasis to two ganglions. The surgeon performs a colpo-hysterectomy according to the ‘technique de Wertheim’.

“Three surgeons worked for 5 hours to rip out my colon.”

This appeared to be very invasive surgery for a person who was barely ill. She only suffered from mild blood loss between her periods.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are not proposed due to a risk of haemoperitoneum and the presence of recto-vaginal and utero-vaginal fistulas. A surgical correction is performed of the recto-vaginal fistula and a re-implantation of the left ureter is performed.

Two years later (January 2001) a tumour is found near the lumbar part of the aorta.

She refuses treatment after having suffered all the previous interventions (three in total). The professor insists she will be dead in 6 months.

She tells the professor: “Dear Sir, maybe you do not realise this, but we are all mortals and we should accept this. Being a professor you may not know this.” (She is not an intellectual; she is a cleaner in the local cemetery.)

She tells me:

“The first time, I had to accept the surgery. I believed them when they told me there was great urgency. They were going to save me. The only thing they did was to make me suffer and I will not allow them to do this again.”

Another surgeon advises that surgery is not a good option and a colleague proposes chemotherapy and radiation. But previously she was told that this would most likely cause severe bleeding with death as a result. She decides to come and see me.


On top of all the health worries she has, she has major problems with her boss who she thought of as a friend. Her daughter-in-law does not allow her to see her grandson.

There is little that is peculiar in her story apart from: “However tired I am, I will always finish the job I decided to do. Once I have decided I would do something I will finish what I decided.”

This may explain why she tolerated being beaten by her husband throughout all these years. Otherwise the wedding would not have been ‘completed’.

I put three themes together:

Things unfinished

Conflict with a friend

Fast progressing invasive nature of the tumour, difficulty of separation of the tissues during surgery.

A dose of Sabina 7C then 9C then 12C then 15C and 30C over 45 days.

After every dose she feels pains in the neck, ganglions and intestines but she feels much better thereafter.

I allow her to use the 30c every time she thinks she needs it.


She does well both in her mind and body.

“My daughter-in-law, I will not change her, I take her the way she is. I feel I need the remedy, it regulates my bowel movements when I take it every day.”


She has sensations of electricity in an infected tooth, in the neck, in her breasts, in the sides and in her abdomen.

There are many ‘shooting pains’ in the pathogenesis for Sabina.

I continue Sabina 30

(I make a note that Zincum also has a theme of going to the end of things and has many shooting pains.)


I start to doubt the efficacy of Sabina because she needs a daily dose and therefore give her the remedy Zincum.

She is in litigation with her boss because he did not pay her for all the hours she worked. He is clever and wins the case. She is not cross with him. He is an old friend and she hangs on to the good memories she has: “I can keep friendship for years whatever happens but if the others are like a wall, it hurts me.”


I give her Staphysagria because of the insults made by her daughter-in-law.

I soon go back to Sabina because of her sensitivity to quarrels and tasks that need finishing.


She comes because she suffers with sinusitis.

She receives another dose of Sabina. (Staphysagria suffers with indignation, the patient here is more affected by a deceived friendship).

For now, she is doing well, regardless of the demanding existential conditions she endures.

I am still not certain that Sabina is the right remedy, but it is obvious that the remedy has helped her very much. The themes of the dispute with a friend and things not finished which were the basis of my chancy prescription have been confirmed.

Since the remedy she is doing well: she uses Sabina again with success for a number of little incidents (sinusitis, cold, abdominal pain, pain in the breast) in January ’03, February ’03, April ’03, twice in July ’03, November ’03 and February ’04.


Still doing very well; she has put on weight, she looks well, she puts up with her daughter-in-law, she goes hiking (40km).

She took Sabina 100600 in June ’04 because of 2 emotional shocks: suicide of a cousin, a brother-in-law with serious health problems.

October ’04, Sabina 200 for a cold.

Then Sabina 100601 for more emotional upsets.

April ’05, she does not sleep well: Sabina MM.

October ’05, Sabina MM for a return of the sensation of prickling in the breast.

October ’06: Sabina 9 for a cold lasting 3 days and a little pain in the breasts.

November ’06: Cough that ‘rips out the lungs’ Sabina 50300. (Theme of ripping, Sabina)

February ’07: Cold: Sabina 30.

April ’08: She is still very well. It is now seven years since the professor announced her imminent death. We are all mortal but for her it will be later rather than sooner.

About the author

SML Fayeton

Dr. Simonne Marie Luc Fayeton was born January 1935. She did her medical studies in Paris, and earned her medical degree 1960. From 1977- 1983 she taught Homeopathy in Groupe Lyonnais d'Etudes Médicales. She studied Unicist techniques with Dr. Mureau in Belgium and later with Dr. Schmidt in France. In 1983 she met Dr Alphonso Elizalde Masi. In 1984 she became Founder and President of Association Française pour l'Approfondissement de la Doctrine Hahemanienne.

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