Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Psoriasis in a Man of 51

Drs. Preety Shah and Prajakta Vaidya share a case of psoriasis in a man of 51. Symptoms leading to the simillimum included: loves to work, fastidious, doesn’t talk much and constipation.

ABSTRACT: Psoriasis is a common long term (chronic) skin disease that causes red, itchy scaly patches, most commonly on the knees, elbows, trunk and scalp. It tends to go through cycles, flaring for a few weeks or months, then subsiding for a while or going into remission.


This is a 51-year- old male who came to us with complaint of scalp psoriasis since 2 years and severe constipation since 4 – 5 years. The psoriatic patch first appeared on the elbows and then it progressed further on the scalp. He had taken various conventional treatments (like Bio Plasma for 1.5 months & Ayurveda for 1 month) before with temporary relief.

P.S. It is noteworthy to mention that this patient was a walk-in patient. He saw the clinic board and just entered seeking treatment.


At 10 years of age, he suffered from typhoid


  • He has craving for roti (Indian bread), sabji and ice cream.
  • Thirst is moderate.
  • He is constipated since 4 to 5 years.
  • Has perspiration on exertion
  • He sleeps for 6 to 7 hours mostly on right side.
  • Thermally the patient is hot.


  • The patient spoke about his business when asked about stress. He said he is in a business of metal recycling (manufacturer) in Africa. Since one year there are financial problems. He had a split up with his partners and they did not give him his share of $4 million. All these things happened 2 years ago. After the split up, he was stressed. He had worked hard for the business and travelled a lot for it. All this bothered him a lot.
  • Further conversation with the patient is as follows:

D: How was that period for you?

P: It was a DRAGGING PERIOD for 1 year.

D: What did you do then…??


This is important to note, there are many remedies in our materia medica which are indicated due to high financial loss and that too sudden. His reaction was to re-start and not give up, something indicative of how developed.

D: How did you do it?

P: I started again in the same country, same city and same business. It was a risk but still I did it. I could not sit silently. I can show him only in the business through competition. He had cheated on me. He should not do something like this to others in future. I used to give people money from my profit share. At that it was a dragging period for me for 2 – 3 months when I started my own business.

He is developed, mostly king series, but is this the language of animal or plant or mineral?

D: What kind of a Boss are you? What are your qualities?

P: I have the same staff working for me since 20 – 25 years now. Some people also joined me back after resigning from their jobs in Africa. My daughter is also in business with me. I am passionate about my business and my staff looks up to me.

By this point we had a fair idea of the remedy we were looking for and were seeking confirmatory symptoms.

D: What makes you angry?

P: If work is not done on time

D: How orderly or fastidious are you?

P: I like to keep things on my own at a proper place. I don’t expect it from others.

D: Do you like cleanliness?

P: I want my surroundings to be clean, but I am not obsessed about it.

D: Are you very punctual about time?

P: I cannot rush, so I will always reach early wherever I have to go.

D: Do you feel any anxiety when you have to reach somewhere or catch a flight or train…??

P: Yes, some uneasiness will be there until I reach.

D: How are you with Public Speaking…?

P: I haven’t done anytime, so no idea about it.

D: Do you like nature or greenery…?

P: Yes, I like Greenery. I do planting (gardening) in Africa.

D: How are you with Animals in general..?

P: Nothing as such

D: What if someone cheats on you or ditches you…?

P: I don’t like it. Even if it happens with someone else, I feel bad for the victim (sufferer). Nobody likes it.

D: Are you revengeful…?

P: I don’t believe in revenge.

D: How is your pace in work…?

P: I am fast in my work.

D: What if people around you are not working fast or at your pace?

P: If people are slow in work, I get irritated

We have often found this helpful to confirm this for this remedy, the pace of restlessness often reflects uninhibited this way.

D: Anything else you want to say?

P: I feel that work should be completed on time. It should be perfect.

Nobody should remove mistakes in your work.

D: What are your Fears…?

P: Heights à If I look down I feel uneasiness.

D: What dreams do you get…?

P: I don’t get dreams much and can’t recollect it.

D: What are you Hobbies..?

P: I like to read Newspapers daily. I don’t like to read story books or novels. I like to gain knowledge.


  • Loves to work
  • Fastidious
  • Doesn’t talk much
  • Constipation


Nux Vomica 6C [ 4 doses]

Nux Vomica belongs to 6th Subclass, a highly developed plant from the family Loganiaceae. While the case was not taken using the deep sensation method, one can retrospectively correlate the element of financial loss – as shock or disappointment and patient’s reaction of hyper-reflexia- irritability, wanting to work very hard and build the business again; not resting until this is done. The remedy is also confirmed from the repertorial chart.

Clinical Inputs:

  • In skin complaints esp. Psoriasis we often begin the case with the potency of 6C. This potency often helps any aggravations.


  • 1 Month: Patches have increased for 10 days. Spots on the right elbow have increased. Motions are better now, earlier couldn’t see much change. Now I am able to pass regularly and without straining. There was no need to take any SOS powders. Mood wise feeling little calm and relaxed. Sleep is good
  • 3 Months: There is financial loss due to lockdown. (Patient came in Feb ‘20 and lockdown happened in March ’20). If something happens to me, what will happen to my family…? So now I don’t think about it much, whatever will happen will happen, will happen to everyone, so let’s deal with it in future. We can recover it later on, no worries. Itching on the patches is there due to dryness. Scales come out. Sleep is good. Appetite is normal. Motions are much better now, no need to take powders for it now.
  • 6 Months: The scalp patches have improved a lot, it’s almost not visible now. The elbow patch it comes and goes on and off. Mood is Positive. Sleep is good. Motions continue to being regular and without much straining or effort. I feel overall 60 – 70 % better.
  • 1 Year: The patient continues to do well with the remedy. Slight aggravations happened in between due to stress triggers but also settles down soon. Motions are better and patient passes it daily. All generals are better.



About the author

Dr. Prajakta & Dr. Preety

Dr. Prajakta Vaidya, M.D & Dr. Preety Shah, BHMS, FHPC, are founders - Heart & Soul of Healing Harmony and Karvaan. Insightful and passionate, this duo comes with close to two decades of practice together. Dr. Sankaran and Dr. Gandhi have been their chief teachers and source of inspiration. They practice and teach Classical Homeopathy, Sensation Method and Personal Evolution Method. They are known in the homeopathic world for their initiative of "Musings“, in-depth research methodology, case taking and knack of weaving various methods and presenting them in a clear, practical, engaging way. Among the younger generation, the duo have gained a lot of popularity especially due their work and courses on mammals and molluscs. They have recently led and published credible provings on Scallop & Lac Macropi. [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Hi there, I enjoyed reading this case.
    Was the patient on Nux v 6c four times a day throughout the year?

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