Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Retinitis Pigmentosa in a Woman of 25

Dr.Gaurang Gaikwad presents a case of retinitis pigmentosa in a woman of 25. Sparks before eyes on blowing nose, bathing ameliorates eyes and mind, sentimental were considered to find the simillimum.

The patient is a 25-year-old female, from Hyderabad, India. Her complaints started 7 years ago with the main issues of a constant warm wave from the eyes with the sensation as if some ant or some insect is walking in the eye. Because of this warm wave like sensation the patient has to constantly put her eyes under water.

Chief complaints:

Dim vision, tunnel vision, difficulty to see in the night and so there is difficulty in walking at night. She can’t be there without light so gets tense and worried about it.

There is slow and gradual deterioration. The complaints are aggravated

by weather changes and aggravated by coryza. The patient said that whenever she blows her nose she has issues with her vision. It is as if stars are shining.

When I asked her about the effect of the disease on her state of mind, she said:

“I don’t feel like doing anything, I feel very depressed. I am ok in the morning but after about eleven am I feel very depressed. I don’t know why.  I have even left my job now.”

Further, on asking her about her nature she said:

“I am very emotional and sensitive type of a person. I get affected when someone makes comments. But, there is one thing doctor, I don’t like to tell anything or share about my emotions too much.”

On asking about her most stressful situation, she said:

“Dejection from the family, it has affected me personally. I don’t feel like talking to anyone. Previously I was very confident and passionate but now my confidence is low.”

So, further I asked her about the main feeling with this situation?

She said: “disappointment.”

Further she said:

“Doctor, when my relative expired, I had to take the responsibility of the entire household. That affected me a lot. But, I was able to come out of it.”

On asking about her fears, she said: “nothing as such!”


Cold aggravates, damp weather aggravates.

Desire for cold.

Her reports:

Analysis of the case:


Remedy given:

Natrum sulphuricum 200 (one dose every month)

Follow up after 4 years:

The initial two years her vision was stable, after which her night

blindness improved compared to before. The visual acuity improved.

Her feeling of depression improved. Now she feels like doing things on her own

She has now started doing yoga and also started teaching Yoga.

Now four years have passed and her vision is improved compared to before.

Visual acuity and tunnel vision is also improving. Her opthalmologist is surprised to see the reports which show remarkable change in thickness of the retina.



2013 87/91 Um
2017 111/ 108 Um


About the author

Gaurang Gaikwad

He has been working for ‘the other song’ academy and with Dr. Rajan Sankaran who has inspired and mentored him. He has worked on Dr. Sankaran’s books including Synergy in Homeopathy, Synergy Synopsis, From Similia to Synergy, and The Art of Follow Up. He has been working with Dr. Sankaran in his private clinic and also his own private clinic in Dadar, Shivaji Park, Mumbai. He has been closely associated with Dr Sunirmal Sarkar and compiled his book – Just You See on Dr. Sarkar’s experience. Dr. Gaikwad has been invited to Europe to teach classical homeopathy and repertory. He has done extensive clinical research in thyroid cases and written 6 books: Psyche of Homeopathy for Beginners, Homeopathic Approach on Thyroid Disorders, Art of Repertorisation, How to Use BBCR - Phatak’s Repertory, Understanding Mind Rubrics, MM of Nosodes and Sarcodes He is current working on 2 Books, on mind rubrics and how to use different repertories in practice.

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