Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Baby Demonstrates Hering’s Law

Shana builds a house

Sick baby needs a homeopathic remedy, did you guess the right one?

Mom, don’t look now but…

Look, Shana, it’s you!  Look how adorable you are!

Shana builds a house

Mom, this is so embarrassing!

No it isn’t!  You’re building a house!  I would like to live in that house!  You even built a driveway!  I needed a picture of a baby for this case.

So you picked me?

Apparently I did!

Mom, I’m a grown-up now!  And I have announcements to make!

I was afraid of that.  Are any of them important?


Conan is broadcasting from Mexico March 1st.

Trump will love that!

I guess we should move on to the “Death Report”.  You might want to sit down for what I’m about to say next.  Are you sitting down?

It’s not Mary is it?

Mary Tyler Moore died at the age of 80.

No!  No way!  I can’t believe it, I just can’t believe it!

Here is “Inside Edition’s” farewell to her:

Who can turn the world on with her smile….  Oh, this is a disaster, a complete disaster!  I should probably explain, Mary was the star of The Mary Tyler Moore Show, which was the funniest show on the air in the ’70’s.  Before that, Mary was the co-star of The Dick Van Dyke Show, so that made 2 beloved shows she was on, I doubt that any other actor can make such a claim.  Her co-stars became as famous as she was: Rhoda, Phyllis, Mr. Grant, Rhoda’s mother….  The show was dense with characters.  It’s a classic now.

In happier news January 12th was the 20th anniversary of the tv show “King of the Hill”.

I’m still bitter that it got canceled and it’s not even on Netflix! Apparently it was, then Netflix decided to take it down for some crazy reason.

Shana, this is not making up for the loss of Mary Tyler Moore, I’m sorry.

Well, OK, here’s something, how about our trip to the Kimmel Center to see Andre Gardner’s tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the “Sgt. Pepper” album by The Beatles?

Here I am, once again, with Andre:

Yeah, I can barely see you.

One other thing, January 18th was “National Winnie the Pooh Day” since it was A.A Milne’s birthday.

I did not know that!

Plus, January 18th also happened to be the one year anniversary of Glenn Frey’s passing.

Thanks for the periodic updates on Glenn Frey’s death.

Still for some reason I couldn’t feel sad knowing it was National Pooh Day.

Oy vey….

And now, a real quick report on our excursion to the Ritz 5 to see the making of the Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper”.  Musicologist Scott Freiman, who taught a course at Yale called “The Beatles in the Studio”, was the one who made the documentary.  I wish I could have been in his class.

Geez, Shana, all you had to do was go to Yale!

For the record, I am officially Team Scott!


Scott Freiman, we were just talking about him!

Is that what we were doing?

Getting back to “Sgt Pepper”, the lecture was very entertaining!  I loved his explanation of how “A Day in the Life” ended with a big piano crash.  All the recording techniques Scott explained sounded very complicated, but I’m sure Daddy would have understood them.  The only thing I understood was when he explained how Ringo hit his high note at the end of “With a Little Help From My Friends” by virtue of the key being lowered on play-back, but that’s only because Daddy did the same thing when he recorded my cousin Jon.  I had no idea that technique went back as far as Sgt. Pepper!

Maybe everyone knows it!

Here’s a video of Scott Freiman explaining the chord progression in “Penny Lane”.



Thanks, Shana, that was great!  And now….

it’s time for the Quiz!

This is a 1 yr. old baby who landed in the hospital with an upper respiratory infection.  I gave Phosphorus 6C because I thought it matched his personality.  At first, it looked like he was gonna be alright.  Then, the next day, or actually, later that night, the case went bad, then I changed the remedy to the one that matched the new presentation in which he was very sick.  He was taken to the hospital, that’s when the remedy was given.  The mother writes:


Elaine, he ate.  Coughed and threw up a little but not as much as before.  He was instantly smiling and talking after throwing up.  He fell asleep about 10 minutes later and he’s peacefully sleeping now.  I can hear a rattle in his breathing but it’s not labored.  It seems to be coming from his chest.  I’m sure he will wake up to eat tonight.  Hopefully he will keep it all down.
Thanks!  Have a good night!

(Next morning):

Elaine, he never threw up again and he ate well over night.  It was a rough night sleep-wise.  He was up crying a lot.  He seems gassy and like he’s trying to poop, thick yellowish-cream mucus in his nose, clear discharge.  He’s pretty emotional this morning but not as lethargic as he’s been in the past.  He will still show a slight smile.  His eyes are a little watery but he’s still pretty bright eyed.  He’s tired but he was up a lot last night and he wants to snuggle.  He’s still coughing, it’s loose and productive.  We can hear a rattle/crackle in his chest and kind of wheezy/congested nasal breathing.
I gave him another dose of Phos this morning.  Anything else I should do?

(Later in the afternoon):

He’s tired, more lethargic but not completely.  He’s not really showing any emotion other than discomfort and sadness.  No talking or smiling.  If I walk around holding him, he just lays on my shoulder.  He’s awake but not moving a ton.  If I sit down, he whimpers.  If I lay him down, he cries.  He’s “complaining”.  I believe he did throw up again when he was napping.  The towel I laid under him on was pretty wet.  No diarrhea.  Coughing a little bit.  It’s definitely difficult though loose and productive.

The remedy is _____________________.

I gave him a dose.  His really high liver enzymes went down to 100!!  The other one stayed at 1200.  His clotting/anticoagulant factors did double.  He has a very slow drip IV with 5% glucose.  They haven’t mentioned anything else.  I think he’s slightly improving.  I just gave him the dose so I’ll let you know how he does.

(One hour later):
He’s talking and reaching for toys and things again!!  He had a major coughing spell about 20 mins after I gave the remedy and threw up a bunch of mucus but it didn’t seem to bother him.  After that is when he started talking again.


OK everybody, if you know the remedy, write to me at [email protected].  The answer will be in next month’s ezine.



Antimonium tart-4



So let me begin by explaining why this case is an example of Hering’s Law.  Once the baby took a turn for the worse, his vomiting no longer ameliorated as it once appeared to in the beginning.  But 20 minutes after the correct remedy was given, he started coughing and immediately threw up “a bunch of mucus” (Hering’s Law) and was instantly better and reaching for toys and “talking” once again!  What was the discharging of mucus after the remedy an example of?  “Center to the Periphery”:  “Healing takes place from the center to the periphery”– Hering  

In homeopathy, our symbol for healing is the ripple-effect of a stone tossed in a pond:

This is an illustration of Hering’s Law of Cure.  The remedy first hits the center of the case which is your mental/emotional state and pushes the disturbance out–to the periphery, to the outside; in other words, forces you to get rid of it!  So, translated into English, you take a remedy, you feel great, and then–wham!–there’s a sudden discharge!  It could be vomiting, diarrhea, crying, a skin eruption, coughing something up….and then it’s all over!!!!  And you’re fine, just like with this baby!

Can we equate the “vomiting” at the end with the vomiting during the illness?  No!  The vomiting during the illness was not a curative event, it cured nothing.  It was just a symptom we would want to match to a remedy; but, notice what the mother said at the end: “He had a major coughing spell, threw up a bunch of mucus, but it didn’t seem to bother him!”  Those are the key words right there, they’re “Hering’s Law words”: Didn’t seem to bother him.  That’s because it was not a part of the illness, it was part of the cure!  The discharge caused by a remedy, it’s true, “doesn’t bother…”, it’s not distressing, it’s not part of the illness, it’s the END of the illness!  

Now, sometimes, the “disturbance” will make “stops” on its way to the periphery; so, for example, you might take a remedy, feel better at your “core” but have an unexplained back pain or joint pain or leg pain, etc. out of nowhere; but again, the patient, if asked, will say, “It doesn’t bother me!”  This lets you know that everything is going to be alright.  Always ask, “But how do you feel mentally/emotionally?”  “Oh fine,” they’ll say, “and my leg pain doesn’t really bother me.”  That’s how you know it’s “Hering’s Law” and not a symptom you need to prescribe on, not part of the case per se but part of the case being over!

So what was the remedy?  Oh look, it’s Maria to solve the case for us!

Hi Maria!

Hi Elaine and Shana!
For this month’s quiz I vote for Antimonium tartaricum.

Yes, it was Antimonium tart!

I know its a long shot, but here are the rubrics that made me think of it.

Form Vithoulkas’ keynotes:






LOUD RATTLING deep in chest.




Sleepiness. Comatose state.


In Murphy’s repertory is grade-1 under Carried, desires to be.

Well, Maria, he’s a baby!  But still, you make a good point.  I do think it’s instructive that the baby in this case just lay lifelessly on the mother’s shoulder.  “Weak, drowsy, lack of reaction”, to quote Robin Murphy for Antimonium tart.  So, if we have a baby who just wants to be carried, with no further information, I don’t think we have much to go on, but if you observe that when carried, the baby is lying lifelessly and stuporously, that helps lead us to Antimonium tart.

Anyway if I am wrong I will try again!

You are not wrong, so do not try again!

Wow I didnt expect it to be right.  Thank you.

Did you see my Tidbits article?  I wrote it just for you!

Yes I read Tidbits and I loved it!!!!  “Repertory Round-up, part 3”.

Thanks, Maria!  Who else is here?


Hi Elaine,

I think the answer is Antimonium tart.  It covers the desire to be carried, the wheezing and amel. from vomiting.



Dr. Choudhary, you are right, it is Antimonium tart!  But be careful about the “amel. from vomiting”; actually, this is why I called the case “Baby Demonstrates Hering’s Law”, because the vomiting that came at the end, after which he was better, was what Hering called “Healing Takes Place From the Center to the Periphery”; in other words, “The disturbance moves OUTWARD after the correct remedy is given, it moves to the periphery; some sort of Discharge occurs–it could be vomiting, or diarrhea, or crying, or a skin eruption; but the important thing to remember is, that this is NOT part of the case, this is how the case ENDS!  Because as soon as it happens, the patient is better!

Now, BEFORE the remedy was given, the baby had been vomiting off and on and though it seemed to ameliorate early on in the illness, later it did not!

Here, in a nutshell, is the sentence in the case that reveals the remedy is Antimonium tart: The mother says the baby’s cough “is difficult, though loose and productive.”  In other words, we have a loose cough that is difficult to raise.  There you have it, the essence of Antimonium tart–lots of mucus, can’t cough it out!  Or, the mucus just keeps coming!  You’re never done!

A key word for Antimonium tart in this case was the word “rattling”.  When you hear people say “rattling respiration” or “rattling cough” or “rattling breathing”, think of Antimonium tart right away.

Of course, Antimonium tart might confuse you with Gelsemium with its dullness and irresistible desire to sleep.  But Gelsemium is thirstless and Antimonium tart is actually thirsty for sips like Arsenicum.  Also, I doubt that Gelsemium would want to be carried, it’s a remedy noted for its “indifference”, apathy.  They just want to lie down and sleep.  It may want something, but is too apathetic and indifferent to ask for it.

Elaine thank you for your reply and your detailed information about the remedy.  I learned something new today.


Thanks Dr. Choudhary!  Who else is here today?  I think I see Wayne all the way in Australia!  (These glasses are terrific!)

Hi Elaine, I think the remedy is Pulsatilla.

According to Murphy, there can be, Cough with retching and desire to vomit; loose cough with vomiting of mucous.

There is a yellow mucous discharge from the nose – yellow is a Pulsatilla clue.

Yes but yellow mucus is a bit too common to hang your hat on.

The child is now sad and desires comforting.  There is groaning and rattling in the breath.

Yes, and “rattling” right away should make you think of….what remedy?  Antimonium tart!  And then you look back at the case and say, does anything else here go for Antimonium tart?  Well, we have the mucus that’s difficult to raise, we have the stupor, the lifelessness, the sparkle gone from the eyes, the dullness; so, yes, it was Antimonium tart.  Pulsatilla generally has no trouble expectorating.  They have a loose cough that’s easy to raise.  They are sad and weepy.  Pitiful.  You feel sorry for them.  They melt in your arms.  This baby is just kind of lifeless, just laying there on the mother’s shoulder like a sack of flour.

Better for sitting up – does not like lying down.

Yes, but you know what?  That goes for Antimonium tart too!

Best Regards,




Hi Elaine,

Oh look!  It’s Maryam from Pakistan!  You all remember Maryam, right?  She named her cat after me.  For as long as Maryam’s cat, Little Elaine Lewis, is in this world, I will not be forgotten!

Hope you are fine.  My guess for this month’s quiz is Antimonium tart.

You are correct!

He was rattling, and was sleepy too.

You got it!

He wanted to be carried on mother’s shoulder so I first thought it could be Chamomilla but he was not so problematic like Chamomilla.

Yes, Chamomilla is screaming and angry…they are no fun to be around, even as babies!

So I think it’s ant. tart.

Good job!


Maryam from Pakistan.


Oh, look-a yonder, what is this I see?  (Funny how I just broke into a song by Hank Ballard and the Midnighters):

It’s the gang from Slovakia: Miroslav and Jitka!!!!!  Standin’ on the corner and they sure look fine!

Hello Elaine and Shana!

Hello Miroslav and Jitka!

Here are our answers to the February quiz.

OK, I’m ready!

Miroslav votes Pulsatilla.


A key symptom in this case is:

Mind: he wants to be carried, slowly: PULS ( a single remedy).

But wait a minute, how do we know the baby wants to be carried slowly?  We have no information for that.  We only know that he was worse lying down and better for being carried.

Murphy’s MM: “Child continuously wishes to be carried erect”.  Guess what remedy? Antimonium tart!

Decompensated Pulsatilla child is always “clinging” to the mother, he wants to snuggle.

That’s very common for a baby, wanting to snuggle.  But …

“Child clings to those around” (Allen’s Keynotes) Guess what remedy?  Antimonium tart!

Aggravation at night,

Night time aggravation is a huge rubric, roughly 250 remedies, meaning you can probably find almost any remedy there, including, guess what remedy?  Antimonium tart!

Thick yellow mucus, mucus refuted after administration of remedy (what is common in a Pulsatila case).

What is the key word in this case?  Rattling.  What remedy is the only “4” under “rattling breathing”?  Antimonium tart!

Next, the cough is described by the mother as “definitely difficult though loose and productive”.  What does that mean?  Cough is loose but hard to raise (“difficult”)!  What does that remind you of?  Does Pulsatilla have a cough that’s hard to raise?  No.  What remedy famously has a loose cough that’s hard to raise?  Antimonium tart!

Jitka votes Pulsatila:

Pulsatila: wants to be carried slowly.

But we have no information for that.  We only know the child is very dull and is worse lying down, better carried.

Piteous cry.

There’s no information for piteous crying.  In fact the mother describes his crying as “complaining”.

“Peevish whining and moaning” (Murphy)–Antimonium tart!


I’m not seeing any “changeability” here.  If the mucus changed colors, if every stool was different in color and consistency, that would be changeability.  But if you mean the case was “changing” because it was getting worse?  That’s not “changeability”.


He’s not so much “soft” as he is non-responsive, dull and lifeless.

Murphy’s MM: “Patient becomes increasingly weak, sweats, becomes drowsy and relaxed with lack of reaction”. — Antimonium tart.

Weeps easily.

No, he’s really only crying when you lay him down (“Aggravations: lying down at night” [Allen]–Antimonium tart.)

Yellow discharges.

The case seemed quite clear to us, that will be an awful shame if we answered incorrectly…:)

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news………but, maybe you learned something important about Antimonium tart today: They’re clingy, they want to be carried, they have a loose cough, they’re worse lying down–all the things one might associate with Pulsatilla alone.

Kind regards. Jitka


I think we may have time for one more answer.

Hi Elaine,

thank you for your teaching.

My answer is antimonium tartaricum.

You are correct sir!

MM — Murphy

“Its therapeutic application has been confined largely to the treatment of respiratory diseases, rattling of mucus with little expectoration has been a guiding symptom.  Great accumulation of mucus with coarse rattling,…… Child continuously wishes to be carried erect,…….. Patient becomes increasingly weak, sweats, becomes drowsy and relaxed with lack of reaction.

Modalities: Better from sitting erect from belching and expectoration.  Better from motion, vomiting, eructation, lying on right side. Worse from warmth, warm room, wraps, warm weather, from anger, lying, morning. Worse from overheating, cold dampness, on sitting down, when seated from rising from a seat or motion.  Worse from sour things and milk.

Best Regards

Sebastiano Di Salvo, M.D., Italy


OK, it’s time for us to congratulate our winners now.  On the honor roll today we have:

Maryam from Pakistan

Maria from Greece

Dr. Sebastiano Di Salvo from Italy


Dr. Abhishek Choudhary from India

Let’s give them all a big hand!

See ya again next time!

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:

About the author

Shana Lewis

Shana spices up the Hpathy Quiz with her timely announcements and reviews on the latest in pop culture. Her vast knowledge of music before her time has inspired the nickname: "Shanapedia"!

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


  • Elaine, great quiz as usual. Dealing with babies is the toughest part in homeopathy as the baby does not describe its ailments. It entirely depends on the doc to evaluate the symptoms clearly. Great job done Elaine. Thanks for explaining Hering’s Law. You are a perfect Doc !!!

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