Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Maria’s Nightmare

Did you guess Maria’s scary remedy?

Hello everybody, and welcome to the Hpathy Quiz! Permit me to introduce my sidekick, Shana, who is here, as usual, with her important announcements.

Mom!  I think everybody knows who I am!

They do?  Wow!  You must be famous!  Can I have your autograph?

Shouldn’t you be watching the Impeachment Hearings?  I think everybody wants to hear about the big event from last Saturday night, the Elton John Farewell Concert at The Wells Fargo Center!

If you say so; just try to keep it moving, alright?  We have a very special guest in the Quiz this month, and she’s waiting patiently backstage but I doubt that we can keep her waiting much longer!

Mom, I have a feeling Maria wants to hear my announcements too!  So as I was saying… this is Elton John’s last tour as he is getting ready to retire!  So it was my last chance to see him.  The tour is called the “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” tour after his big hit, “Good-bye Yellow Brick Road”.  In fact, I think I’ll be playing that by him and his surprise guest, Billy Joel.

Could you possibly play it now?

I will Mom!  First, I just wanted to add, I got an Elton John t-shirt for 20 dollars in the parking lot.

You make it sound like a drug deal.

I also bought his book from Target (It was 30% off) and I think I’m on chapter 5.

Fascinating as this is…

And I also have to mention this amazing coincidence:  Remember you were driving me to work on Monday, and the radio was in the middle of “Benny and the Jets” when we turned the car on?  (Elton’s opening song.)  Then, on the way home, when we stopped at the post office, WMGK started playing “Tiny Dancer” just as we pulled into the parking lot!  How is it even possible to hear an Elton John song twice in the same day?  What are the odds of that?

About 1 in 1.

I should also mention that this year, “Sesame Street” turned 50, and “Wallace and Gromit” turned 30.

Though admittedly Earth-shattering, we have to start the Quiz now!

If we can possibly bring out our special guest, Maria from Greece, who will tell us about her horrifying experience in Dreamland… I give you now, on the Hpathy stage, the one and only… Maria!  (Pay attention because you will have to guess the remedy!)


Hi Elaine, and thanks for letting me be in the Quiz this month!  I wanted to tell you about my very vivid nightmare.

Sounds scary!

I was dreaming these kind of dreams when I was 23 and it was awful.  It seems
it is the same pattern again.

I saw ordinary *people* trying to convince me to go with them for a

Ha!  A likely story!  Don’t go, Maria, it’s a trick!!!

…and when I did, they trapped me in a very narrow room, like a
cave and when the door of this room was beginning to close, these
people took the face of scary devil/vampires!

I hate it when people do that!

And wanted to eat me with their sharp teeth.

You can’t trust anyone.

The sharp teeth is the scariest part for me.  I was shouting prayers in my dream to make them go away, and it worked.


Their goal is to make me to go with them, to become evil or something like that.
At first those people were old women, then ordinary men and at some point the Pope!

I knew it!  I’ve always been suspicious of the Pope.  Why does he dress like that?  And that stupid hat?

I was very scared and couldn’t sleep afterwards, I was afraid to go to the other room in the dark.  These kind of dreams drove me crazy in the past but with homeopathy they went away.  Now it is here again, not as scary as before, but they make me very upset.
I always have been afraid of Saint’s paintings, that they will come alive as vampires or demons at night.

I hope I am making sense.  What do you think?

I’m thinking _______________30C in water.

Wait a minute.  Are you still afraid now?  I hope so, otherwise, how will we know if the remedy is working?

I’m still afraid!



Next day:

Elaine, ___________________30C worked!  I slept like a baby! 🙂

Just call me Saint Elaine… or not.

So, listen, everybody, what do you think the remedy was?  Write to me at [email protected] and let me know!  The answer will be in the next ezine.  Bye, Maria!







 OK, how well did we do this month?  Who wants to go first?

 Hi Elaine,

I think the most important (Strange/Rare/Peculiar) symptom is her fear of pointed objects.  So I think the remedy is Alumina.

 Linda 🙂

 Linda, I thought you would know this, cuz the remedy is Stramonium!!!!  I didn’t even remember that she had a fear of pointy objects, I’ll have to go back and re-read the case.  OH!  You mean what she said about the sharp teeth?  But, when you see an SRP in a case?  And it’s a keynote of a remedy?  You then have to ask yourself, “Does this remedy fit anything else in the case?”  And I really don’t think it does.  What is this case all about?  The Super-natural:  Monsters, nightmares, vampires, being pursued by them, being followed…just like “Cindy” thought she was “followed” and stalked by strange men who weren’t really there in last month’s quiz.  So, yeah, this has Stramonium written all over it!

 Oh look, it’s Wayne from Australia!

 Hi, Elaine, I think the remedy is Stramonium.

 You’re right!!!

 I say this, because in “Synthesis” , there is one remedy for the rubric “eaten: fear of being,”  and that is Stramonium.

 In Murphy’s–

 Mind: delusions, murdered, that he would be, that everyone around him is a murderer, he was killed, roasted and eaten—Stramonium (only remedy).

 Delusions, bitten, will be—Belladonna, Hyos., Stramonium

 Then there’s Mind: dreams, bitten by animals, being—Stramonium (among 10 others)

 Stramonium is in play in rubrics like Mind: claustrophobia, Mind: fear of the dark, Mind: delusions sees demons, Mind: fear of being devoured by an animal?

 Yes, I’ve got that one too.  Mind: fear, animals, of, devoured him or her—Hyos., Stram.

 and Mind: fear of being murdered.

Nice to talk with you again.

 Yes, I’m glad you’re back!

 Regards, Wayne


Oh look!  It’s Dr. Salma Afroz!

Hello Elaine and Shana.  Hope you are doing fine.  Is Maria Belladonna?

 You know, Salma, even though Belladonna is listed under “delusions, visions of monsters”… we tend to prescribe Belladonna more on the vast array of physical symptoms it’s known for.  For example, high fevers with dry heat; high fevers with cold hands and feet; sun headaches; throbbing right-sided headaches; congestions with heat, redness and throbbing; sharp pains, worse a “jar”; think of it in something like appendicitis where all the blood has rushed to the area and there is heat, throbbing, redness, any jar results in a sharp pain, patient is screaming.  It’s a rabies remedy, so, you can imagine there can be violent delirium, aversion to water, delusions about dogs, animals ready to strike, patient wants to escape, run away.  You’d be looking for an insane patient to give this remedy to or someone with rabies if you were going to prescribe this on the mentals; though I have to say, I’ve noticed that whenever I have a fever (not too often) and I start to become delirious–even mildly, as in muttering to myself—I go for Belladonna right away.

 Now Salma, the remedy for this month’s quiz is the same as the remedy from last month–Stramonium!  To see last month’s quiz, click below:

 Here’s what I said in last month’s quiz answer that I think bears repeating:

 [Stramonium] is the spooky, scary remedy; the remedy for nightmares and night terrors.  There’s either a fear of the color black or anything dark and somber, or conversely, the person dresses all in black (and in the grandmother’s case, watches horror movies all day!)

 I have a Stramonium Quiz you might like to see where all the children in the house were Stramonium, but each one had a different piece of the remedy:

 Oh!  And I just found another one:

 Thank you very much Elaine.  I still was not able to pick or choose the right rubric, the most saddest thing.  I will surely read both cases.

Salma, rather than trying to find a rubric, it’s enough to know that night terrors = Stramonium, just like “accidents” = Arnica, and acute grief = Ignatia.  We don’t have to think about these things, we just know them.

 Oh look, it’s the gang from Slovakia!

 Hello Elaine and Shana,

 Hi Miroslav and Jitka!

 We are sending short answers to this year’s last quiz.

 Miroslav thinks about the case as follows:

 First of all I was convinced that it was Calc-c.:

 Dreams: horrible, monsters

 Dreams: Monsters

 Well, the description of the horrible scenes, fear of  the dark and the whole intensity of fear led me to a rubric:

 Dreams, Monsters – Stramonium (even though it is only in a small font, I think Mary took this remedy).

 Summary: Miroslav votes for Stramonium

 Jitka says:

 I searched in rubrics Dreams and Nightmares and I expected that the winner would be one of the nightshades remedies.  To my surprise, Calcarea Carb occured more than anything else.  So I vote for this remedy.

 DREAMS: nightmares, monsters about:                    CALC, CARC

 DREAMS: horrible dreams; monsters about ;           CALC,

 Summary : Jitka votes for Calcarea carb.

 Well, Jitka, Miroslav is right!  In general, the remedy for “Night Terrors” is Stramonium.


 I think we need to congratulate our winners.  A big shout-out goes to….




Bye, see you again next…year!

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases and animal cases too!

Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and

About the author

Shana Lewis

Shana spices up the Hpathy Quiz with her timely announcements and reviews on the latest in pop culture. Her vast knowledge of music before her time has inspired the nickname: "Shanapedia"!

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