Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Case Quizes Clinical Cases

Revisiting: Tearing My Hair Out!

One-year-old gets furious when told “No” and tears her hair out! Did you guess the right remedy?

Mom, I think you’ll be glad to hear the announcement I have to make.

I sure hope so, Shana, because this is the Hpathy Quiz, and, believe it or not, when people come here, some of them expect to find a quiz!

I know that Mom, yeesh!

So if you could possibly move things along…

I was about to say, our favorite show ever, “Gilmore Girls”, has just turned 20.  See cast picture below:

Thrilling as that is….

And I can’t believe the show is that old!  I kinda wish I had known about it before.

Before what?

It would’ve been great to watch episodes as they originally aired.

But you wouldn’t have understood them!

It first premiered October 5, 2000 on a channel known as the WB (which no longer exists since it shutdown in 2006.  “Gilmore Girls” moved to what is now known as the CW for Season 7.)

No one liked Season 7.  And by “no one”, I mean me.

Anyway, we’ve talked about “Gilmore Girls” in the quiz before.  We did “What Remedy Is Emily Gilmore?”  And I believe there was an article about Jess Mariano’s remedy as well.

There was.

(who didn’t make his first appearance until Season 2.)

Shana, I have a suspicion that no one cares!

Anyway, I will now present a Gilmore Girls moment that is really hilarious!!!  Richard Gilmore’s mother dies and his semi-aristocratic wife, Emily, has to plan the funeral.  In doing so, she finds a letter from Richard’s mother to her son saying, “Emily isn’t good enough for you, you should marry Pennilyn Lott.”  In an overly dramatic fashion, Emily takes up drinking and smoking and refuses to plan the funeral, click below:

Oh, that was so funny!!  Maybe people will start watching this well-written “soap opera” now!

While I’m at it, I must acknowledge the 25th anniversary of “Wishbone”!

Another extremely well-written show, ostensibly for children but adults will like it more!

Turns out both shows premiered in October, only “Wishbone” started in 1995.

Shana, trivia!!!!

It aired its final episode December 4, 1997.

OK, I have it on good authority that there is only so much space on the internet; so, if there’s a salient point to be made here, please make it!

“Wishbone” was a show on “PBS Kids”.  It’s about a little dog with a big imagination!  He would always imagine himself as a character in classical literature.  The supporting cast was always top-notch, often having to act out scenes from Shakespeare, Mark Twain, etc. The producers really fussed over authenticity: period-costumes, appropriate dialect, etc. made it all very believable–including the fact that the actor in the starring role was Wishbone — a dog!  Now that I think about it, both shows did episodes acting out Romeo and Juliet.  I cannot believe this show is not in reruns!

Shana, wait a minute; all the Wishbone episodes are on Youtube!

They are?

You can copy them onto a DVD!  Better hurry up before they get tagged for copyright violations!  Do you have any more announcements?

We have quite a “Death Report” this time!  Sadly, last month we lost 92 year-old Tommy DeVito, a founding member of the 4 Seasons; we lost him to the dreaded COVID-19.

The 4 Seasons: Tommy DeVito, Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Nick Massi

The 4 Seasons were probably the biggest selling pop group of the ’60’s, known for lead singer, Frankie Valli’s, unmatched falsetto; all their hits were written by Bob Gaudio.  Here’s their biggest hit, their first and most endearing record, from which they never looked back, “Sherry”:

Last month we also lost a lady by the name of Edna Wright who was the lead singer of Honey Cone, famous for the song “Want Ads”.

Gonna put it in the want ads, I need somebody new, gonna put it in the want ads, my man and I are through…

Mom?  Could you stop singing for a minute?  Not only that but she sang backup for the Righteous Brothers and Ray Charles.  (Who knew that she was one of the Raelettes?)

Shana, after the original group (The Cookies, remember?) broke up, the Raelettes never had a stable line-up.

Well excuse me for not knowing things!  The other thing that blew my mind was that she was the younger sister of Darlene Love!

OMG!  I did not know that!  Here it is now, “Gonna Put It In The Want Ads”!

It’s just called “Want Ads”.

Well excuse me, Mrs. Know-It-All!

Extra! Extra!  Read all about it!  Wanted: young man single and free!


Experience in love preferred, but will accept a young trainee….

The song’s over now and we have to move on!  (My mother: America’s oldest teenager!)  It seems that last month we also lost a member of the Emotions, Pamela Hutchinson.  The Emotions were a group of sisters, Pamela was the youngest and because of that, she wasn’t on their earlier records but was there for ’70’s hits like “Boogie Wonderland”, which they performed with Earth Wind & Fire:


We also lost Marvelettes co-founder and writer of “Please Mr. Postman”, Georgia Dobbins.

The Marvelettes

“Please Mr. Postman” was Motown’s first #1 record!

Wait!  Oh yes, wait a minute Mr. Postman…..

Mom, it’s time to start the Quiz!

Really?  No more singing?

This is the Hpathy Quiz!

Well, when you put it that way…. We have another guest presenter this month!  Maria is back with another one of her nieces!  Take it away, Maria!


Hi Elaine!  My niece is 1.5 years old, and her parents called me for a remedy.  It seems that whenever she’s told “No”, she gets angry, cries, throws a tantrum and pulls her hair out!

I hate it when that happens!  What do her parents do when she has a melt-down like that?

They try to distract her. “Look, there’s a cat!”

She went for a month to a nursery school because her parents both had to work.

One day the kid actually pulled her own hair out because she wanted something and the teacher nicely said “no”.  The teacher was shocked seeing in the kid’s hand all that hair and immediately informed the parents.

Generally she is a very obstinate kid, if she wants something, you can’t change her mind.

She is warm blooded, thirsty and likes bananas a lot.

So I told them to give her ___________ 200C.  After 3 days the parents told me that she stopped pulling her hair, was cooperative and enjoyed being at nursery school.

3 months have passed and she is still doing great.  She is calm when refused something she wants.

I hope your family appreciates all you do for them, Maria, is all I gotta say!  What about “canine appetite”, does she have that?

Yes, she loves to eat and she wants her mother to carry her all the time.  I don’t know if this changed after the remedy, though.


OK, that’s it everybody!  Do you know the remedy?  Write to me at [email protected] and let me know.  The answer will be in next month’s ezine.







Hello everybody, a month has gone by and now it’s time to reveal the answer!  Who wants to go first?  How about Neil from the UK?

Hi Elaine ,

Hi Neil!

I’m going for Chamomilla for the tearing out hair in temper.  Usually, I think of pain as cause of Chamomilla temper but being refused may “feel” like pain to the child.

I don’t know….  I think you’re over-reaching here to justify a remedy choice.  The fact is, this symptom is actually in the Repertory!  Did you look for it?  “Mind: pull, desires to, hair, her own” and there’s only one remedy in bold–Cina!

What else do we know about her?  She can’t bear to be refused!  Anything she asks for, she must have it, won’t take “no” for an answer.  That’s in the Repertory too!  “Mind: anger, refused, when things he wants are”, and yes, Cina is there!

Suspecting Cina, I asked Maria, “Does the child have a canine appetite?  She said, “yes”.  So the rubric in Murphy’s Repertory is, “Food: appetite, ravenous, canine” and Cina is in BOLD/underlined for that.

hot blooded

Most one-year-olds and kids in general are warm-blooded, so, we can’t pay too much attention to that somewhat common symptom; but, it might possibly be useful as a confirmatory symptom.

and thirsty

The thirst rubric has over 350 remedies in it; so, not very helpful; however, Cina is in that rubric as a two.

not sure where bananas come in, though remedies listed for liking bananas are Tuberculinum and Theridian.

Sulphur too, which could also explain why she’s a “hot” child if Sulphur is her constitutional remedy (and by “constitutional”, I mean the remedy underneath whatever insane layer is on top, which might be caused by worms, because our most common worm remedy is Cina) but, as for bananas, it’s common for kids to like bananas, so we can’t give too much attention to that; but, if Maria had said she loved “green” bananas, it might have been a clue to Medorrhinum, a remedy that likes tart fruit.

So, there you have it, Cina!  Robin Murphy describes Cina as a “worse” Chamomilla!


HI Elaine,

Oh look, it’s Wayne from Australia!

I think the remedy required is Cina – it would seem the baby has worms.

A lot of this depends on the clue “canine hunger”.

Cina appears in most rubrics.

Best wishes, Wayne

Wayne, you are correct!



Oh look, it’s the gang from Slovakia!

Hello,  Elaine and Shana.

Hello Miroslav and Jitka!

We send our short answers to your short quiz and we are very curious where we made a mistake again…:))

I do believe that Miroslav was right last time!

Miroslav votes:

I think the remedy is Belladonna

But not this time.

– Mind: tearing hair out

DD: Tarantula, but she doesn’t want to be carried, while Belladonna yes.

Jitka votes:

In the rubric Mind: tearing hair out, there are three remedies, and of the two remedies that are in bold letters, the child’s mental symptoms are most similar to Belladonna.

OK, so, let’s find the elements of the case here:

  1. So, first of all, we have a child who throws tantrums; so, we can certainly find a rubric for that.

“Mind: anger, temper tantrums”.

  1. She can’t bear to be refused anything she asks for! So, we have a bunch of rubrics for that and they all have to be combined into one rubric.  So, we have:

Mind: anger, refused, when things he wants are.

Mind: anger, things do not go his way.

Mind: contradiction, intolerant of

  1. Maria says she is very stubborn, so,

“Mind: obstinate, stubborn”

  1. The child has a canine appetite, so, in Murphy’s Repertory, that would be in the Food chapter:

“Food: appetite, ravenous, canine”.

  1. She always wants to be carried by her mother; so,

“Mind: carried, desires to be”.

  1. And now, the most characteristic symptom of all–pulls her own hair out whenever she’s refused anything! So where are we going to find this?  Well, it’s not going to be easy finding this symptom unless you have Repertory software!  The reason is because the rubric is in the Mind chapter under the word, “Pull”.  I kid you not!  You have to go to:

“Mind, pull, desires to, hair, her own”. 

Yes, I know, very badly worded.  I’d have said, “Mind: hair, pull, her own, desires to” but like I said, invest in Repertory software, people, so all you have to do is type in the word “hair” and you’ll find it; all the entries pertaining to hair will come up in the chapter that you’re in; it makes repertorizing so much easier!  So, now, let’s repertorize the elements of the case and I think you will see that Cina is way out in front (though, to your credit, Belladonna did come up #3 but wasn’t strong for tantrums, big appetite or wanting to be carried; it does have hair-pulling as a 2, but, Cina has it as a 3).

Hey everybody, Vamsi’s in the house!!!!

Dear Elaine,

How are you doing?

Good, thanks!

Has the Election wave subsided?

Yes and no, there’s a very important election for the Senate in January in the state of Georgia that the Democrats MUST win or nothing meaningful or progressive will ever get done!

And welcome Joe Biden, a new chapter in USA History!!  We were also eagerly looking at the results as it was a tough fight and neck to neck.

Coming to the quiz , missed answering the last one though.

I know I am late for this quiz too, but never mind I would answer now.

Ok, the symptoms:

1) Obstinate Kid, Unyielding, Defiant

2) Pulling out Hair

3) Warm Blooded

OK, wait.  This symptom is not so important as most kids are warm.  If she was cold, we would really want a remedy to match that.  But, a symptom like this can be used to confirm a remedy if, for example, we were between two remedies and one was hot and the other was chilly.

4) Thirsty

5) Loved Cats

No, no, no, no.  You can’t make too much of that.  I said, “What do the parents do when the child has a melt-down?”  And Maria said, “They try to distract her: ‘look, there’s a cat!'”  It was just an example.  We actually know nothing about how she feels about animals; and, you know, a love of cats might be more reflective of her constitutional remedy, since we are quite sure that this behavior of hers is insane, and consequently, a layer, not who she really is.

The above symptoms really cornered many Obstinate Children’s remedies.  So I have gone through your “Tidbits 14 – Difficult Children” again, and this really helped me out.  Your write-up was simply amazing.

Oh geez, I don’t know if Maria’s remedy was in there!

Tarentula, Belladonna, Tuberculinum were a close match for this case.  But the clear winner ( I feel ) is Belladonna.  Tarentula is chilly, whereas this girl was warm blooded (so ruled it out).  Tuberculinum kids are afraid of cats, whereas this girl was pacified with cats.

Well, like I said, we’re really not sure if she has more than a passing interest in cats, just as most children seem to be fascinated by animals.

Belladonna is warm blooded, sudden and violent, very thirsty and the most important peculiar symptom which rules the case is “Pulling out hair”.


Belladonna was the popular choice for sure; but, my understanding of Belladonna is that they pull other people’s hair, not so much their own.  But, as a rabies remedy, Belladonna is more likely to be thirstless.  There’s a rubric which, if you had found it, would have narrowed down your choices considerably: “Mind, pull, desires to, hair, her own”.  And there’s only 1 remedy in BOLD for that–Cina!  And, as Robin Murphy always says, Cina is like Chamomilla, only worse!  And another clue in this case was “desire to be carried”, Cina’s in that rubric too.  Canine appetite was another clue.  So, if Cina’s not in my “Badly Behaved Children” article,  maybe I should add it!  Another important rubric is “Tantrums” (Mind: anger, temper tantrums).  So, there you have it, Cina!

Yes!!  Regarding Warm blooded, yes, kids are generally warm blooded. 
And regarding Cats too, maybe she was using them to distract the girl, but there 
was not much of an affinity for it. 
But the real part was to locate the rubric.  I looked back at Robin Murphy’s MM after your mail and I see yes, CINA is a clear winner.  And YES !!  CINA is pulling her own hair, 
Canine hunger and tantrums too….
Murphy states “Pulling OTHER’S Hair  goes for BELLADONNA.  How close I was. 😊
Yes Tidbits 14 – Difficult Children  has CINA , but pulling out Hair was not mentioned. But yes Belladonna had “pulling hair” symptom in your article.  But I guess you need to rephrase it saying pulling others hair, whereas CINA is pulling her OWN hair.
But WOW, great quiz as usual and what a slight variation “Pulling her own hair” and 
“Pulling others hair” … the remedy changes …
Thanks Elaine… 
You will be happy to know that I updated “Difficult Children” to clarify that Belladonna pulls other people’s hair and Cina pulls her own hair.

So, we have a new reader with us today: Lori.

My guess for the child that was tearing her hair out would be Belladonna.

Almost everyone thought it was Belladonna! 

Have a great day!

~Lori Doubek

Come back again, Lori.  I think we should congratulate our winner now.  Wayne from Australia, come on down!  You’re the big winner of the October Quiz!

Bye everybody!  See you again next time!!!


Elaine Lewis, DHom, CHom

Elaine takes online cases. Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website:

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


  • Good One Elaine !! Thanks for listing the rubrics explicitly. Short Quiz but lots of learning as usual. Thanks.

  • Elaine, Your quizzes are a great stimulant!
    I don’t see CINA in any other reps…it is only in Murphy.
    One may miss it if murphy is not used.

    • Really? You can only find Cina in Murphy’s? Well! One more reason to buy Murphy’s Repertory! And then there’s the fact that everything in it is in alphabetical order, instead of the inscrutable, frustrating order Kent’s Repertory is in! Listen, aren’t reference books generally in alphabetical order? I rest my case! Thanks, Val.

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