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Clinical Cases

Severe Burn-Out in a Woman of 40

Homeopath Jan Bot shares a case of burn-out in a woman of 40. Ailments from domination, cannot support injustice and desire to please others were among the symptoms that led to the simillimum.

This is a case of a woman of 40, “C”., mother of two daughters, who came to me with complaints of a severe burn-out.

Intake September 15th 2018.

She came to me with complaints of a severe burnout. The lady was worn out and she had a lot of tension, both physically and emotionally. Tight shoulders and neck. She simply could not unwind.

Her thoughts kept racing through her mind. Furthermore, she was very emotional, but her feelings seemed to be locked in. C. could not let her emotions flow. Also, she had a cramped feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She had trouble sleeping and was completely exhausted. I asked her about her job and she said she is an ICT technician in a hospital. So, I asked her how she enjoyed her work. C. replied that it was a dreadful time right now, because of a reintegration project. It means that a lot of people will lose their jobs and others have to work more hours than is reasonable. In others words there is a lot of tension and strain at work and fear amongst colleagues of losing their job.

I asked her what kind of feeling she got from this work situation. C. replied that it felt like a hostile place to be. Before she had a lot of fun with her colleagues, but now there was stress at work. Everybody was tense and reserved. It felt like injustice for her.

I asked C. how she coped with the situation. C. replied I was brought up in a strict and religious family. There was no place for emotions and we had to shut up and get on with it. She does not have good contact with her parents and brother, only with a younger sister.

Her father was very dominant. She had to take care for her family because her mother was sick and could not get out of bed for 3 years. She was 15 years old and cleaned the house and cooked for the family. She started to rebel and fled the house when she just turned 19.

She moved in with her boyfriend who turned out to be also very domineering.

After 7 years she could finally move away from him. Later she met her current husband with whom she has a good relationship.

Other symptoms C. had in earlier life where; she frequently had laryngitis, inflammation of the ear and sinusitis. At the age of eight she suffered from meningitis. Also, she suffered from asthma. When she was 17 she had an acute appendectomy with complications. She had also an infection of her peritoneum.

She hates the cold damp, weather but loves the sun and loves the seaside.

Her character is a willing woman, always ready to help others. She has trouble setting her boundaries and therefor overstrains herself both in her professional life as domestic life. She is a very precise and a hard worker, fastidious. She has a strong sense of responsibility and duties, but she lacks of self-confidence.

Her fears are: afraid of not being liked by others and (ear)worms.

Her main symptoms were:

Generals -weakness

Mind-responsibility-taking responsibility too seriously


Mind- cannot support injustice

Mind-ailments from domination



Mind-delusions she is not appreciated

Mind-desire to please others

Mind-yielding disposition

She has a history of domination. Her emotional borders were violated many times. She had a history of (severe) symptoms of inflammation when she was younger. She grew up in a religious family with a dominant father. She had to take care for the family when she was young and had no time for herself. Others came first.

She cannot support injustice (Causticum). And typically, she gave everything she had at work and in her family and that is why she had a burn out. She had really pushed herself over her limits.  A saying about Carcinosin is  ‘the disease to please’

Remedy Selected:  Carcinosin C200, once every 10 days.

Second consult December 15th:

I feel much stronger. I have a lot more energy. And yes, I stopped my work. In the beginning it was very difficult for me, because I felt sort of guilty not to work. After a week it felt great and I would sleep so much.

I sleep like a baby and do not wake up in the middle of the night. I feel like I am much more grounded. I tell people more about my limits, what I can and cannot do. Or what I like and do not like. People react differently to me. I get more respect. My neck tension is gone and I feel much more relaxed all together.

I feel happy.

Third consult 2019 February 4th:

I feel even better. Still more energy.  I feel stronger and happier.

I started working again for 2 days per week. And I started cycling again.

I gave her Carcinosin M: to use once a week

She said: “I feel that I can shield myself off much better. I do not take issues with me back home. I really feel good!”

I spoke to her on March 2019 and she said: “I feel recovered. I have not felt so good in many years. I work fulltime again. And I feel happy. Everything seems to go easier!”

About the author

Jan Bot

Jan Bot is studying at The Academie voor Klassieke Homeopathie in the city of Zwolle, The Netherlands. He is in the final stage of the program. His current profession is artist-painter. He hopes to combine homeopathy and painting in the near future. His interests include gardening and the outdoors.


  • Interesting case. I’m glad she finally got the help she needed to live a better life. I have many of the same symptoms and also been helped by Carcinosin. It lowered my blood pressure and made me feel a little stronger, better able to stand up for myself. Thanks for writing about this case.

  • A nice case, Jan. It illustrates the beauty of how Carcinosin can release someone from their prison of obligation and duty. It’s very gratifying to read this case. Thank you for sharing. Good luck in your continuing studies and future career as a homoeopath!

    • Dear Carolyn,

      Thank you for your comment and your kind words.
      Homeopathy is simply a wonderfull way of curing people.
      All the best to you.
      Warm greetings,
      Jan Bot

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