Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Ureterolithiasis in a Man of 52

Drs. Gaur Shruti and Sharma Bhawani Shankar present a case of ureterolithiasis in a man of 52. This thirstless, anxious, hot patient with painful micturition was relieved by Hydrangea.

The patient is a 52 year-old male who came to our clinic (Drops of Health, Bikaner) with the complaint of severe pain in the right iliac region since last night. He also complained of severe backache (right side), painful micturition and vomiting since last night. He would vomit immediately after eating and drinking. He took allopathic treatment (injection of Dynapar once a day) but could not get relief from it. There was no sign of fever.


On examination – no abnormal findings

An ultrasound (whole abdomen) on 27 July 2019– revealed 13.5 mm calculus noted in VUJ with moderate hydronephrosis (right side).


Past history –   Jaundice at age of 12 years. He took allopathic treatment for it.


Family history –

Mother – diabetic

Father – nil

Grandmother – nil

Grandfather – nil


Physical generals –

Appetite – decreased

Thirst – thirstless

Aversion – nothing specific

Desire – nothing specific

Urine – scanty, painful micturition

Stool –regular and normal

Perspiration – scanty

Thermal –hot patient

Sleep –sound

Dreams – can’t remember


Mentals –

Patient was restless, anxious, and constantly repeating that he will die.


Physical examination –

Weight – 87 kg

Pulse – 84/min

Temperature – 980F

Blood pressure – 140/90mmHg


Systemic examination –



Skin –NAD

Respi.- NAD

G.I.T. – NAD


Analysis and evaluation of symptoms

Mental generals –



3.Fear of death


Physical generals –

4.Appetite – decreased

5.Thirst – thirstless

6.Urine – scanty

7.Urine – painful micturition

  1. Hot patient


Particulars –

  1. Severe pain in right. iliac region
  2. Backache (right side)

11.Vomiting < food or drink


Totality of symptoms –



3.Fear of death

4.Appetite – decreased

5.Thirst – thirstless

6.Urine – scanty

7.Urine – painful micturition

8.Hot patient

9.Severe pain in right. iliac region

10.Backache (right side)

11.Vomiting < food or drink

Remedy selected: Hydrangea   It was prescribed based on the presenting complaints. Since it is an acute case and on the basis of clinical experience, we  prescribed Hydrangea as the simillimum.  Hydrangea acts on the ureter and the patient had severe pain with painful micturition.


First Prescription – (27/7/19)

Hydrangea 200/ 1 dose

Rubrum 30/B.D. for 7 days

30/7/19 morning – patient came to the clinic with his stone in his hand.

Note:  See Labs below

Discussion and Conclusion: Based on the presenting symptoms, Hydrangea was prescribed. This case brings to light the efficacy of the single homoeopathic medicine, in expulsion of a stone.


1.Shenoy K. Rajgopal, Manipal Manual of Surgery, CBS Publishers and Distributors(Pvt.)Ltd., 2009

2.Nan A.K., Undergraduate Surgery, Academic Publishers(P) Ltd., 2007

3.Murphy Robin., Lotus Materia Medica, B. Jain Publishers(P) Ltd.,2014

4.RADAR software version 10

About the author

Shruti Gaur

Dr. Shruti Gaur, MD Scholar Part II, M.N. Homeopathic Medical College and Research Institute, Bikaner.

About the author

Bhawani Shankar Sharma

Dr. Sharma Bhawani Shankar MD(Hom) -Asst.Professor (Dept. of Pathology) Drops of Health Homoeo Clinic - Shree Sardar Patel Mahila Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Rajkot,Gujarat.

1 Comment

  • Congratulations on such a good result. What is Rubrum 30?
    Could you explain how you arrived at the remedy? When I do a repertorisation in Radar Opus, Hydrangea comes number 359. When I read the mat med of Hydrangea, there isn’t that much to support it. It is not obvious to me how you got the simillimum.

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