Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Clinical Cases

Homoeopathy Can Cure PCOD A Case of PCOD in a Woman of 35

Dr. Paramjot Saini presents a case of PCOD in a woman of 35. A straightforward case analyzed along the principles of classical homeopathy.

Patient – Ms. AB

Age- 35yrs

C/o -Patient suffering from PCOD for 10yrs. Presented with the following          symptoms:

-Menses late as they appear after 2-3 months.

-Sadness before menses.

– Pain in breast before menses.

C/o – Obesity since 2 years.

C/o –   Difficult and disturbed sleep since 4-5 months.

  • Insomnia until 1.30 a.m.

C/o – Leucorrhoea since 3-4 yrs.

-Discharge light brown

C/o- Increased and insatiable appetite since 2yrs.

C/o- Idiosyncrasy to eggs since 5-6 yrs.

– Patient had edema after eating eggs.

C/O- Hypotension since 2 yrs.

Past History – Jaundice in 1998.

H/o Urticaria in childhood for which she took ayurvedic treatment.

Family History-   Hypertension- Father.   Menorrhagia- Mother.

Obs. History –   G2 P1 A1 S0 L1

One delivery conducted by Caesarian section.

PERSONAL HISTORY– Patient is a housewife, non- vegetarian diet.

Appetite- Increased.

Desires- sweets, rice, chicken, paneer.

Aversion- milk.

Thirst – small quantities of water often.

Perspiration- scanty.

Thermals- Chilly patient.

Sleep- Insomnia until 1.30a.m.

Position during sleep- Sleeps on abdomen.

Dreams- N.P.


Communicative expansive.

Fear of accidents, darkness.

Sensitive to cruelties with others.

Anxiety about trifles.

Dwells on past unpleasant occurrences.

Aversion to company.

Aversion to sex.

H/O Domination by her in laws so had to suppress her emotions.

Hobbies- Travelling, cooking.

Love for nature.

Hurried in all activities and wants everybody to hurry.

Prescribing Symptoms-

  1. Dwells on past unpleasant occurrences.
  2. Aversion to sex
  3. Offended easily
  4. Chilly and Thirsty.
  5. Desires travelling
  6. Fear of dark.
  7. Fear of accidents.

Prescription- Calcarea carb 1m was prescribed on the basis of above mentioned symptoms on 30.6..11 . PCOD is a sycotic disorder, yet I took the syphilitic symptom (dwelling on past unpleasant occurrences ) as an eliminating symptom. Initially her appetite, sleep and anger improved. Gradually her menses started appearing at the proper time.

Calcarea carb 1m was repeated on 1.10.11 due to reappearance of insomnia, increased appetite and increased anger along with menstrual irregularity. Placebo was given until May, 2012. Calcarea carb 10m was given on 2.6.12 due to reappearance of original symptoms.

USG was done in OCTOBER, 2012 which showed no cysts in the ovaries where, as earlier she had polycystic ovaries.

About the author

Paramjot Saini

Dr. Paramjot Saini, B.H.M.S has been practicing classical Homeopathy in Chandigarh since 1996. She started her clinical practice in a charitable dispensary in Sector- 24, Chandigarh where she served as a Medical officer for 10 yrs. Later she worked as a Research Assistant in the Cancer Research Cell in Dr. Castro's Homeopathic Research Center in Chandigarh where she treated cancer patients for 5years. Dr. Paramjot has had her own practice for the last two and a half years in Mohali.

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