Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

A Light at the End of the Tunnel


Oct 2017 Editorial

In the last several years, three critical events have occurred that ultimately harmed homeopathy.  First was the 2009 UK Science and Technology Committee report on homeopathy. It was the result of sham hearings in which no practicing homeopath testified, but testimony was taken from a journalist who had ridiculed homeopathy, and representatives and shills for the drug companies. The hundreds of pages of evidence submitted by homeopaths was never considered. Only 3 out of the 14  members of the committee voted, recommending that the NHS stop funding homeopathy.  Although Parliament rejected their recommendation, the homeopathic community did not succeed in discrediting that report, which was later used as propaganda to close homeopathic hospitals and restrict advertising for homeopathy.

A few years later, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) , emboldened by the UK report, contrived a fraudulent study of homeopathic research, which concluded in 2015, that homeopathy was not effective for any of the ailments tested. Although that study and the UK study were totally based on lies, they were widely quoted around the world and further used to suppress homeopathy.

Recently, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), building upon the false UK and NHMRC studies, declared that there was no scientific evidence to support homeopathy and they ordered that all homeopathic remedies must be labeled stating that they are not supported by scientific evidence.

Now these three lies are being used as consensus to suppress homeopathy. The UK and Australia are planning to defund homeopathy from the National Healthcare and homeopaths are forbidden to make any health claims. In the U.S. and Canada homeopathic pharmacies have been the target of nuisance law suits, which indirectly resulted in the closing of the only homeopathic medical school in the U.S.

There is a light at the end of this tunnel.  The Australian Homeopathic Association (AHA) after months of pouring through the documents, discovered the lies and distortions in the NHMRC report and have requested that an ombudsman investigate it. If that report can be officially repudiated and withdrawn, the web of lies propagated against homeopathy can begin to disintegrate.

The Australian Homeopathy Association (AHA) is attempting to expose the fraudulent NHMRC study and the people who perpetrated it. When they succeed, it will reveal the propaganda campaign that has been conducted against homeopathy.  The AHA is fighting very hard and they need the help of everyone in the community. There are two things you can do to help.

  1. Go to and sign up for AHA’s

‘Your Health Your Choice’ campaign.   If you are from outside Australia, just click the box that states: “I live outside of Australia”. This campaign is drawing public attention to the NHMRC’s misconduct and a Senate inquiry into it. With sufficient signatures, the media and the government will have to respond.

  1. Donations: Even if people donate just $10 each, that will give the campaign the resources it needs to go the distance it needs into next year.

This is a chance to reverse the negative momentum and to protect the future of homeopathy.  In our interview this month, Gerry Dendrinos, Vice President of the Australian Homoeopathic Association gives the incredible details of how the NHMRC contrived their false report.

In this issue:

Editorial   — A Light at the End of the Tunnel  –  Alan V. Schmukler

Interview:  We interview Gerry Dendrinos, Vice President of the Australian Homoeopathic Association, who explains how the NHMRC contrived their false report against homeopathy.

In addition to our other articles:

The Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine (CCHM) presents articles and cases.   

The School of Homeopathy (SOH) also presents articles and cases.


Tidbits   –  Elaine Lewis

Tips & Secrets – Oct 2017 – Alan V. Schmukler

A modern Concept of Miasms  – Dr. Mir Zahed

The Soul of Remedies –Lycopodium –  Dr. Rajan Sankaran

Auto Immune Disorders with Cases to Illustrate – Dr. Ajit Kulkarni

Studying the Plant Kingdom – Rajan Sankaran

Snake Remedies for Coagulopathies – Dr. Kavita Chandak

Evolution of Hahnemannian Posology – Dr. Vikas Kumar Verma

Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine Presentation

The Roots of Homeopathy’s Image Problems –David Malcolm Shine

Volunteering with Homeopathy Without B orders – Thera Ipis

Aconite in the Birth Bag  – Piper Martin

Causation in Sleep Apnea – Fatima Ho

Bridging the Gap – Debbie Allen

Why We Do What We Do – Andrea Gallant Deal

Two Cases – Chronic Cough and Diabetes – Joseph Kellerstein

A Case of  Bornholm’s Disease – Jude Cockburn

School of Homeopathy Presentation

Son of a Homeopath –  Mani Norland

Miasms and Mythology  – Luke Norland

 Lyme Disease in a Boy of 8  – Beth Goodwin

Atypical Rosacea – Carmel Searson

Clinical Cases

Anemia and allergies in a young woman – Katherina Riedner

Asthma in a boy of 16 –  Dr. Aradhana Chitra

PCOS in a woman of 27  – Dr. Shekhar Algundgi

Vitiligo in a man of 45 – Dr. Vitan Gosain

Psoriasis in a woman of 28  – Dr. Arshi Tank

The World is a Dangerous Place – 3 Cases – Irina Firuți

 Vitiligo in a man of 31  –   Dr. Shashikant Jagdale

Genital Herpes in a woman of 32 – Rachel Levine

Gestational Hypertension –  Dr. Rohit  Gupta


Ask the Holistic Vet Deva Khalsa, holistic veterinarian answers veterinary questions from readers. Send your questions to [email protected]

Book Reviews

Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica –by Dr. P.I. Tarkas and Dr. Ajit Kulkarni – reviewed by: Dr. Prashant Gangwal

Sankaran’s Plant Sensations in Pictures – by Dr. Rajan Sankaran and Sandra Petri is reviewed by Dr. Prem Bharati Devkota

CARTOON  –  ‘Who’s Baby Are You!’  –  Alan V. Schmukler

Ask the Plant Doctor  – Agrohomeopath Radko Tichavsky answers readers’ questions about houseplants and crops. Send your questions to: [email protected]

Crossword Sept 2017– Alan V. Schmukler

Solve the Case Quiz -– Elaine Lewis, Shana Lewis

Revisiting (Answer to last month’s quiz)  – Elaine Lewis

There’s more! Remember to see the new Cartoon and Crossword puzzle. Get Involved! Send your questions and comments, cases, articles, book reviews and interviews to: [email protected]

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.

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