Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

EDITORIAL – Keep the Flame Burning

EDITORIAL August 2019

Think of and its journal Homeopathy for Everyone as the community’s website, the people’s website. It serves the community, and its contents, all those articles and cases, are created by you. When I’m asked what kind of cases to send, I usually answer, “whatever resonates with you.”  If you’re proud of your work, readers will appreciate it and learn from it. Another thing, cases don’t have to be sensational. They only need to demonstrate the basic methods homeopaths use to take, analyze and manage a case. There’s plenty of magic in that! Some cases will be straightforward where the remedy was correctly chosen and the suffering relieved. Most cases will require some trial and error, and these provide even more opportunity for learning. Readers want to understand your effort, the kind of decisions you made, your moments of uncertainty and your successes.

Articles can be on any topic. They can be an objective discussion of some aspect of homeopathy, a sharing of personal experience, or an opinion piece. Every time you share a case, article, research paper, book review, interview or a personal story, it keeps the flame of homeopathy burning.  Your contribution stays in Hpathy’s archives, so people around the world can read it next month, next year, and in years to come.

Here are some highlights from this issue:

This month we have Part 2 of David Nortman’s interview with Dr. Harry van der Zee, who discusses his experience with Peter Chappell’s PC Resonances in the treatment of AIDS and malaria epidemics in Africa. If you’ve wondered about the PC remedies, this will make very interesting reading.

Homeopath Martin Costigan presents an Argentum nitricum case that included obsessive-compulsive traits, a history of abuse and multiple fears. His article “Wet Split Dosing” uses the Argentum case to illustrate the benefits of this dosing method.

Dr. Seema Mahesh et. al. shares a detailed case report of “Individualised Homeopathic Therapy in ANCA Negative Rapidly Progressive Necrotising Crescentic Glomerulonephritis with Severe Renal Insufficiency”, a marvelous example of what homeopathy can accomplish in such a critical acute.

Homeopath Susan Houghton shares her account of “Helping a Client Thrive After Breast Cancer.” This is another aspect of homeopathy that needs more attention.

In “Too Occupied by Religion” homeopath Maja Letić discusses the way various remedies express their religiosity.

Dr. Frances Bloomington shares his knowledge and personal tips in his article “Homoeopathic Nosodes.”

There are numerous other fine cases and articles (see below). Be sure to visit the Plant Doctor column where Radko Tichavsky offers advice that is light years ahead of anything in conventional agriculture.  Also, check out Dr. Deva Khalsa’s “Ask the Holistic Vet” column. Dr. Khalsa has a vast repertoire of holistic treatments that include homeopathy, NAET, stem cell therapy, preventive nutrition and much more.  For the Plant Doctor and Holistic Vet, send your questions by the 6th of the month to [email protected]

Don’t miss this month’s homeopathy crossword puzzle, Elaine Lewis’ “Questions Patients Ask” and her QUIZ and the Quiz answer from last month; the “Tips & Secrets” column and the Cartoon.

At the bottom of each case or article is a space to leave comments or ask questions. The authors will appreciate your feedback!


––  Keep the Flame Burning  – Alan V. Schmukler

–– Feedback Letters from June 2019 –


–– Dr. Harry van der Zee is interviewed by David Nortman – Part 2.  Harry van der Zee describes his experience with Peter Chappell’s PC Resonances in the treatment of AIDS and malaria epidemics in Africa.


–– Online Homeopathy Course by George Vithoulkas

–– Lectures on Organon of Medicine VOL 2 by Dr. Bhatia – AVAILABLE NOW!


––  Wet Split Dosing – Martin Costigan

–– Helping a Client Thrive After Breast Cancer  – Susan Houghton

––  Too Occupied by Religion  – Maja Letić

–– A Tribute to James Tyler Kent – Dr. Julia C. Loos

––  Soul of Remedies – Anacardium orientale – Dr. Rajan Sankaran

–– Homoeopathic Nosodes – Dr. Frances D. Bloomington

––  Antalis Pretiosum Trituration – Dr. Paul Theriault

–– On Suppression with Cases to Illustrate – Dr. Stens, of Bonn

––  A Brief Look at Hair Pathology  – Drs. Chirag Mishra / Ankita Upadhyay

––  How to Save Homeopathy – Peter Adams

–– Cold Sores – Keynotes of Remedies  – Avghi Constantinides

–– TIDBITS– Elaine Lewis

–– TIPS & SECRETS – Alan V. Schmukler 


––  Individualised Homeopathic Therapy in ANCA Negative Rapidly Progressive Necrotising Crescentic Glomerulonephritis with Severe Renal Insufficiency – A Case Report – Drs. Seema Mahesh, Latika Jaggi, Atul Jaggi,  Dionysios Tsintzas, Prof. George Vithoulkas

–– An Argentum Nitricum Case – Martin Costigan

––  Ulcerative Colitis in a Girl of 12 –  Dr. Swapna Potdar

––  Two Brief Teaching Cases: Ganglioma / Cystitis – Petr Zacharias

––  Appendicitis in a Child of Six – Dr. Surabhi Chitre

–– A Case of Non- Healing Wound – Dr. Aparna Joshi

––  A Case of Empty Nest Syndrome – Dr. Erzebet Turos

–– Large Bilocular Cyst – Dr. Ankita Gupta

–– Psoriasis in a Woman of 54 – Dr. Prachi Thole

––  A Case of Gingival Cyst – Drs. Keerti Pathak / Devendra Nana


–– The Elements of Homoeopathic Theory, Practice. Materia

Medica Dosage and Pharmacy. – Drs. F. A. Boericke &

  1. P. Anshutz

–– Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics, 4th edition -E. B. Nash, M. D.


–– ASK THE HOLISTIC VET – August 2019 – Dr. Deva Khalsa


–– CROSSWORD August 2019 – Alan V. Schmukler


–– Miscommunication


––  Panic Attack – Elaine Lewis, Shana Lewis

–– Revisiting: What Remedy is Emily Gilmore?  Elaine Lewis, Shana Lewis


–– THE PLANT DOCTOR – August 2019 – Radko Tichavsky

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • My thinking about Homeopathy

    When a substance, in liquid form, is diluted exponentially, a stage is reached when it is converted into energy.
    E=mc2 (Einstein).

    When this energy, having the same vibration energy as that of the ailing organ is administered, a resonance effect is created. Acquiring this additional energy, the ailing organ feels energized and the person feel better and in time is cured.


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