Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Feedback from August 2018

Feedback withMartijn

Readers comment on Hpathy’s Online Library, Dr. Timothy Fior’s cardiomyopathy case, 60 Reasons to Choose Homeopathy, the cartoon,Is the Term “Vital Force” Correct? and more.

Re: Announcement that Hpathy now has the world’s largestOnline Homeopathy Libraryfor readers to explore for free.

Awesome, thanks.

Betty Torrence

Great job Dr Bhatia


Congratulations Dr Manish for taking Hpathy to great heights.


Dr. Chandra Shekhar Vaishya


From: Cartoon – FDA Ban  – Alan Schmukler


Yes, good question!!!!!!!

Elaine Lewis

Good one, Alan!

Marilyn Freedman


From:  Quiz answer:Revisiting: What Remedy Is Marie Barone? –  Elaine Lewis

Revisiting: What Remedy Is Marie Barone?

Elaine, you are simply fantastic! Just too much! Alan too.

Prof. Chima Oji


From:  What We’re Doing: The Washington State Homeopathy Association – Patricia Kay

What We’re Doing: The Washington State Homeopathy Association (WAHA)

American laws regarding health are often not just silly but dangerous. Synthetic chemicals are called “medicines” even though, taken as prescribed, they constitute the fourth leading cause of DEATH in the US. Meanwhile, zero people have been killed by homeopathy. Our lawmakers seem to be both clueless about real health as well as dependent upon “campaign contributions” (bribes) from Big Pharma for their re-election. I believe that’s why they are against allowing anything to compete with their donors’ products. I’m glad to see that homeopaths in Washington State are working together to have an association but, again, what a silly requirement for curing people.

Linda S.


From:  Is the Term “Vital Force” Correct?  -Dr. Konstantinos Pisios

Is The Term “Vital Force” Correct?

Thank you for this thought provoking article. However, I am not convinced that we should change the term ‘life force’ to ‘living potential’, on the basis of your argument. δυναμις in Greek, according to my Liddel’s and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon, has the meanings of strength, might, power, ability, force. To equate dynamis with ‘potential’ seems to me to highlight only one aspect of a range of meanings.

I always understood life force, vital force, life principle, dynamis, to be exchangeable terms for a concept which tries to capture the peculiar qualities we call ‘life’, and that for Hahnemann is the ability of the organism to feel, sense and function (and therefore disease is experienced by the individual as disagreeable sensations and abnormal functions), highlighting the immaterial nature of these processes. And this, of course, is Hahnemann’s phenomenological approach by stressing the importance of the individual’s experience of disease, rather than assuming some kind of objective and measurable existence of disease (separate from the affected individual).
In my understanding, Hahnemann never says that the Vital Force ’causes’ the disease, rather it ‘brings about’ the disagreeable sensations (in the Kuenzli translation the German original ‘verleihen’ is translated as ‘brings about’). The cause of these disagreeable sensations is a ‘hostile disease agent’ (a miasmatic infection, always the ultimate cause of disease for Hahnemann). The Vital Force is simply mistuned by these agents, and this mistunement is experienced by the individual as disagreeable sensations and abnormal functions.
‘Living potential’ seems to me rather a sub-category of the Vital Force, in the sense that the Vital Force has clearly also the potential to be affected in the direction of health or disease, but that this does not define the Vital Force, since the term seems to be an attempt to sum up life’s main characteristics in general. But I do find it useful to highlight this potential aspect of the Vital Force in practice, because this is of course the message we want to get across to patients, that they can aid or hinder health through their own behaviour, habits, thoughts, feelings, etc.

Thank you again for this article!

Ralf Jeutter, UK


Dr. Hahnemann in 1833 said that the cause/origin of disease could be due to dynamic morbid derangement of a non-material vital force. In paragraph 72 of Organon, Hahnemann he called vital force an ‘automatic life energy’. In the same 6th edition, he has also used the term ‘’vital principle’ instead of vital force. The term ‘vital principle’ was originally coined by Paul-Joseph Barthez (1734-1806).

Dr. Nancy Malik


From:  60 Reasons to Choose Homeopathy – Niloy Kumar Adhikary

60 Reasons to Choose Homeopathy

Dear Dr,
Your 60 reasons to choose homeopathy is excellent. I think they should be printed in bold letters and hung on the walls of the clinic of every homeopath.  Thanks!

Dr.Chander Shekhar Gupta


From: IACH NEWS  – The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy- Maria Chorianopoulou

IACH NEWS  – The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy


Firuzi Mehta



Gabriel Felipe Gerard


From:  from Stress: Case Report of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Treated with Homeopathy – Dr. Timothy Fior

Dying from Stress: Case Report of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Treated with Homeopathy

A very interesting case. I agree, many of my chronic cases have required a variety of deep acting remedies along with a few acutes. Ultimately, the fact that the patient is in a much better state of health at the other end of chronic treatment suggests that one remedy for life cannot be a norm. Given the fact the a majority are also on other allopathic chronic medication contributes to this scenario.

Leela Francisco


From: Obstructive Bronchitis Cured by Conium -ZaklinaDodig-Soklic

Obstructive Bronchitis Cured by Conium

A very nice case by which we shall enrich our perception about Homoeopathy.

Dr Bimal Kumar Barman

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