Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from March 2012

What our readers are writing in..


Marvellous ! Enchanting ! Captivating ! Words fail to describe this Homeopathy Magazine, Volume 3, Issue # 3 of March 2012 ! It is like I am sitting with Sages & Wisemen and gaining from their invaluable experience and as if it is the Age of Sage when students would assemble in front of the modest hut of the great Rishi to learn the subtleties & nuances of Medicine ! Every part of this Issue is extremely interesting and fascinating ! The Paper by Keith Wilson : A Homeopathic Student’s Introduction to Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocketbookis indeedworth reading !

Thanks to all the persons who have assembled this Issue !

Mohammed Imdad Ali Shahid.


Dear Dr Manish Bhatia,

It was an interesting number of articles to read. I was impressed with the energy, interest and knowledge that Dr Samuel Flager and his wife gave us. Thank you all for sharing this with us.

Gun Stahl – Sweden


Dear Editor

Seeing the contents in your March issue, my eyes caught on to “A Homeopathic Student’s Introduction To Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book, by Keith Wilson. n my opinion KW has done a fine job in researching the TPB, where he also mentions Dr. Demitriardis who I consider the main man who resurrected the TPB and brought to fore its importance with many foot notes, clarifying many gray areas in the book.

I also give credit to Dr. Gary Weaver and his Partner Dr. Polony for giving a good software in the form of P&W Open Rep. In the article what attracted me was the great pain taken by Keith to lay out the importance of the elements ” Location, Sensation, Modalities” and the important factor of “Concomitants”. This was the genius of Boenninghausen to break symptoms into simple parts, and utilize them according to needs of the case.

His next important move was to compare case taking analysis done on RADAR, Synthesis, EH and by one on TPB method, which he explains in detail. I wonder why he did not use P&W software also which would show how well it works compared to the other popular software?

By doing this he has sort of confirmed that software if utilized intelligently and keeping the spirit of Boenninghausen’s method may be able to find the medicine subject to its confirmation by the Materia Medica. Congratulations to the Hpathy team for bringing such papers and to Keith for taking pains to research it. Looking forward to more from Keith.

Dr. Wequar

Miami Florida


Dear Editor,

Thank You for the wonderful learning /teaching system that Homeopathy 4Everyone provides.


Johanna Arnold Stevens


Dear Editor,

I had a great experience reading the articles. I hope this continues. I need it for help in becoming a future homeopath.

Tejal Sutar


Dear Editor,

Thank you for reporting how backwards the medical lobbyists here in Australia have been recently. The stark irony is that of 1st July 2012, according to the 2009 Australian Federal Legislation, traditional Aboriginal medicine men are expected to become regulated. Yet one aspect of our indigenous medicine methodology always has been a practice of prescribing minimum dose of the medicine most similar to the disease. The traditional Aboriginal medicine men (Nungkari) practice their skills (including similar skills to allopathic herbalism, as well as homeopathic use of herbs in finely processed doses, and also similar skills to osteopaths, nutritionists, and kinesiologists), by communicating in languages that have never been written down, except for linguists to study, and yet they now must prove their skills on paper, for a government which transacts all its evidence in English, and refuses to believe in homeopathy.

Among the Nungkari I have met, is an old man who told his story at a seminar of the 2009 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne, of beginning to learn his skills when only four years old, from his father and mother, after proving to his family that he sustained his own unique comprehension of the healing within one of the medicines. He had grown up before first contact with anybody of European ancestry at his land, and is now employed in a welfare position subsidised by the Australian government, at the local Aboriginal health service at Alice Springs.

Yet our government chose not to recognise homeopathy, and instead insists that he and other Nungkari might have to become regulated in a language they are not familiar with, (many Nungkari believe English words to hold more diseases than indigenous languages can), only so as to keep a job that government funding is paying for.

Thank you also for the recent issue covering “imponderables”. I followed up on my comment then, that the car exhaust fume proving shows it may prove useful in cases of addiction. I made a remedy and so far it is enabling a long term sufferer a faster rate of cure than he could previously experience. He now quite suddenly begs to be prevented from smoking, after 25 years of imagining he need not stop. The case is described in the Hpathy forums general discussions section.



Dear Sir
I am highly thankful to you for sending me your March 2012 Newsletter which like earlier is full of new information with beneficial articles of great value. Your services to homoeopathy are highly appreciated. God bless you for your mission for the services of homoeopathy, to spread it in every nook and corner of the world.

With best regards

Sincerely yours
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad


Good morning,

Thank you very much for bringing this layout back! It’s much more friendly to use.



Gentlemen – Good Morning.

The present issue as usual is thought provoking and offers a great help to understand and practice homeopathy. To go through the total issue no doubt is time consuming. The practical cases you presented are more educative and helpful. Please keep up your efforts to enjoin the blessings of Almighty and All powerful.


Asghar Ali


Dear Sir

I thank you very much for furnishing me valuable information. I have no problems with your new setup, which is really much quicker and faster. Your excellent services to all of us are highly appreciated.

Sayeed Ahmad


Dear Dr. Manish and all members at Hpathy,

Great job! You are doing a great service to humanity, God Bless all of you!




The site looks great!



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  • Dear sir Editor
    Thanks a lot for sending every month ‘Hpathy’. It’s an excellent way to learn about what is going on in the homeopathic world. I appreciate very much David Johnson’s article as well the interviw.
    The rest I’ll read slowly to taste every portion.

  • Dear Editor

    Articles are extremely interesant. I enjoy each one because it throws light on different items. Thanks a lot for giving me the opportunity of learning about so many esencial things


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