Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from May 2012

Feedback we have received from our valuable readers!

Dr. Corey Weinstein….his interview was a superb one. Makes me feel so proud to have chosen this profession.

Thank you.

Dimple Kirpalani (B.H.M.S)



This issue is excellent as all of the issues. You are a special gift to all interested in this field. Carry on and God bless you.

Slavko Panezic



It has been nice as ever going through the articles. One thing I would like to mention regarding the book review section is that I did not find any option where I can opt for purchasing the books. It would have been nice if you can provide some reliable online purchasing website along-with.

With thanks and regards,

Dr. Marylin Hazarika


Guwahati, Assam.

Editor’s note: Thanks for the suggestion Dr. Hazarika. In this case the publisher, B. Jain, can be accessed at For our book reviews we provide the name of the publisher, and sometimes the book can be purchased from Amazon or other booksellers.


Dear Hpathy,

Called up the May issue from the link just now and glad to see you again. Tips and Secrets is still my first go to in any issue.



Dear Sirs,

I like your new website, it has a lot of useful information. I think we should all support Dr. Kaviraj in his action against Monsanto. A Doctor told me last week about a trial on mice where some were fed on GM potatoes and some on natural grown potatoes, half the ones on GM potatoes were then fed the natural ones for several weeks. They were then dissected and they found that the ones on GM potatoes had shrinkage of their organs, the ones that were put back on natural potatoes also had organ shrinkage which shows that the effects of the GM foods is permanent. We had Dr. Kaviraj at last year’s Welsh conference of homoeopathy and everyone found him very interesting especially me as I was a dairy farmer for forty years. He told me about the forthcoming action against Monsanto.

Kind Regards,

Mervyn Evans


Tips & Secrets May 2012 is very useful. Thanks a lot.



Dear Homeopathy 4 everyone.

As always excellent issue in May. I read most of the articles.


Eugenio Aguilar


Dear Sir

I thank you very much for your most valuable and informative Newsletter of May 2012. Your great help to us for furnishing such articles is highly appreciated.

With best regards

Sincerely yours
Dr. Sayeed Ahmad



The May edition was excellent!



The issues are getting more and more informative with extensive and varying topics being covered, which is great work!

Francis Fernandes


Hpathy Editors,

The articles are educative and impart much learning of the SYSTEM. For better reading I am obliged to copy the articles and take out prints since reading on the computer screen becomes tiring. I do not know how can I get a hard copy. You are doing a great service to the ailing human beings, animals and plants. Please keep it up.




As always, some excellent articles.



Dear Editor,

This is my first issue that I am receiving from you. I must say that your info is amazingly extensive and diverse. I like it! Most sites have the same language but with yours, you can spend an entire day and not get bored.

Thanks for this. I have been a banker for the past 15 years and left that job to get involved in vitamins and supplements, helping people have better lives with less pain and suffering. I am thinking of signing up with GCNM to do BSHH. Homeopathy is new to me but I find it rather interesting. How can I incorporate this in my current field? (starting from scratch for a beginner like myself) Your site is offering quite a lot.

Thanks again,




The magazine for the month of May contained very informative articles that are useful in daily homoeopathic practice.



Dear Editor,

Following your editorial, I wrote to my local Member of Parliament expressing my concern about the future of homoeopathic medicine availability – here is his reply – all seems well – or have I missed something?


John Shaw

Editor’s note:

Dear John,

Thank you for writing to your MP. In response to your question:

In writing to their MP’s many members have received standard replies stating that no changes are being made to the law, including Section 10.

These responses are correct in so much as the MHRA’s consolidation process is a routine exercise designed to simplify the law without changing it. However, these standard MP responses are misleading because they infer that because the law is not being changed, access to unlicensed homeopathic medicines will continue.

This is not the case. Once this review of the Medicines Act has been concluded, if Section 10 remains unchanged, it will clearly state that it is unlawful to supply unlicensed homeopathic medicines (i.e. most remedies) by phone, mail order or via the internet.

As homeopathic medicines are at high dilution they do not pose the same dangers as conventional drugs, carrying no risk of toxicity. For this reason, the homeopathy profession is asking for an amendment to be made to Section 10, exempting homeopathic medicines from this part of the Actea

This is the only way to ensure that we maintain access to homeopathic medicines


Hpathy web site is very nice and I study every day. Many thanks to the hpathy team for a great contribution.


Jahangir Alam Khandakar


Dear Editor,

As usual, good stuff, especially clinical cases (Best was Dr. Alan’s), the usual Tips and Secrets and the research articles.

Francis Fernandes



I liked  the article “Homeopathic Remedies for Summertime Ailments & Injuries – Faythe Goldman” presented in the journal of May very much. It can become very useful for younger homoeopaths.




Dear Editor,

Great job yet again.

Vatsala Sperling


Hello good morning Hpathy 4 everyone. First of all I am very thankful to all concerned members of E-JOURNAL HOMEOPATHY4EVERYONE to consider me as your member. I have gone through all the articles in the journal, all those are very impressive, enthusiastic, very useful and informative. Once again I feel proud to be a member of this organization.



Dear Editor

Kindly include some papers, tips etc., on Diabetes in your esteemed journal.
Thank you.

Prof. P. Guha

Editor’s note: Dear Dr. Guha,

You can find numerous articles and cases on Diabetes in the homeopathy archives here:



I really liked Mike Bridger’s article…he does have a point, but I don’t totally agree that there truly are too many Homeopaths calling on their Native American guides to help them prescribe…!!

In peace


Dear Editor,

I have not been able to read all the articles, but found the ones on research very informative. I was looking for space to raise a question but did not find it, and hence I am raising it here. My mother has been diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis. She is 85 years old, and has no co-morbidities ( no blood pressure problem, no diabetes, and is not asthmatic). Right now she is also asymptomatic, and her diagnosis arose because of the echocardiogram done when she was taken to emergency for a chest infection. Valve replacement has been recommended, but this surgery is not without risk. Does homeopathy have evidence of successful treatment of aortic stenosis ?




Hello dear Hpathy,

I just came across your website as a fantastic source of articles, trying to get my head around the different “courants” of Homeopathy, and ensure I make the right decision to choose a tuition in NYC. I’m not sure whether you could point me out in the right direction, I sat through a class with Susan Sonz at NYH and love her personality but I am concerned about a “unilateral” approach (it seems she relies mainly on the Sensation/ Sankaran approach). I haven’t been to CHE yet but it has come recommended, as a more rounded way of teaching – but it seems still new so again, any input would be invaluable!

All my best,
Natalie Bertaux

[email protected]


Dear Sir,
The most interesting and useful information the article ‘The Influence Of Miasmatic Theory And The Revitalisation’. The next best article is Introductory Lecture on Homeopathic Materia Medica and Therapeutics.

Thank you,


Excellent presentations. Keep it up!

Sankara Subramanian



This is one of my favourites. I get a lot of help from this site.

Pat Morris



Worthy articles. Thanks to all authors for sharing their experience and knowledge.

Seema Pillai


As this was the first time I have received your publication, I just enjoyed browsing through all of it. I read the article on The Second Prescription and found myself agreeing with the writer.

Lyn Wilson


I must appreciate your services providing valuable information for our guidance. I find these very valuable and timely. Timely, in the sense that I have started my practice recently and I am hungry for our masters’ experience. I am getting all I want in your articles. Maybe, in future I will participate and share my experience.

Many thanks

Dr. Akhtiar


Informative and very interesting articles.



Dear Editor,

The May issue of homeopathy was indeed fascinating and replete with very valuable information. As for me, Tips and Secrets are indeed very handy and useful and I invariably make it a point to add them to my little health diary. The other day I sprained my right foot slightly, but Arnica came to my immediate rescue and my pain was gone in a matter of minutes.

Best wishes,

R R Dash


Dear Editor,

I did not read all issues in the ezine yet but for those I read – they are very informative and approach different kinds of case-approach. I am a general physician studying homeopathy and I am trying to integrate it in my daily clinical practice. I still need to learn how to pick out reliable symptoms to differentiate remedies in case solving.

Mona Anisa


Dear Sir,
We find the journal useful.
Thanks & regards



Dear Editor,

Great articles and great cartoons. The quizzes….. they are OK and we need them. I must admit I get annoyed with the “decoration”. I would like them to go straight to the point without adding irrelevant stuff.


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