Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from June 2022

Letters to the Editor – Feedback from June 2022. Readers comment on the George Vithoulkas interview, the new veterinary law in Germany, articles by Richard Moskowitz, Sunil Anand and more.

From: Prof. George Vithoulkas shares his experiences with philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurthy – Dr. Manish Bhatia

Fascinating. Thanks for this, Manish. And thanks to Prof. Vithoulkas for assisting Krishnamurti with his health. I am glad to read that homeopathy was instrumental in helping him get well. I can appreciate the comment of a “brain that might only manifest in the general human race in the far distant future”. I read many of K’s books, including R. Mark Lee’s book on the ‘process’, and Mary Lutyens’ biographies containing descriptions of all sorts of unusual phenomena. In the last one Lutyens quoted K referring to himself as a “biological freak”. One can feel the acumen, wisdom, and plain brilliance in K’s talks, books and dialogues. I was fortunate to meeting him in Spring 1980 after one of this talks in Ojai.

Manfred Mueller

Wow. Great interview…I had heard about Vithoulkas’ treatment of Krishnamurty a long time ago, but I never knew all of these specifics…and am fascinated by them. I had the real pleasure of knowing Alain Naude after he moved to California…San Diego. He became the Editor of HOMEOTHERAPY, the journal of the California State Homeopathic Medical Society.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, this organization was quite small…and their annual convention usually had only 10 to 40 people in attendance, including Alain and me. I have a huuuuuge collection of antique homeopathic books and journals. And in fact, I have a large collection of the journal, HOMEOTHERAPY. I may even have some extra copies of certain issues that I am willing to sell. Anyone who is interested in knowing details should email me at: [email protected]

Alain was a tall and bald man who had immaculate posture…and his South African accent gave him an additional air of high distinction. Much to my surprise and disappointment, however, he initially expressed some disdain for me because I was the one who got arrested for “practicing medicine without a license” in 1976. He wanted homeopathy to be practiced by doctors.

Because he was the editor of an MD/homeopathic organization’s journal, I sympathized with his point of view (I too wanted more MDs to practice homeopathy…but I wasn’t going to hold my breath waiting for this to happen).

After a couple more years, Naude expressed great appreciation for me and other “professional homeopaths” who were becoming serious students and practitioners of homeopathy. And he also realized that there were very few MDs who were stepping forward to study classical homeopathy in the depth and breadth that it required. It was therefore very sweet for me to hear that Alain then moved to Texas where he was practicing homeopathy himself.  One other note about Alain Naude is that he was a professional concert pianist.

From Editorial:  Why Are They Sabotaging Veterinary Homeopathy? –     Alan V. Schmukler

After reading The Real Anthony Fauci, it is so clear why this is happening (as if we didn’t know before). GREED, pure and simple. The pharma industry is out of control, and the Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gates of this era are proving that money is power. The naive and uninformed are going about their lives as if it doesn’t affect them. I hope I don’t live to see the world crashing down around us.
RJ Herrmann

Well needless to say, I hope this law is never enforced. And it is outrageous that they claim Homeopathy is a placebo but by the way, you can’t prescribe it or use it personally or in your livestock, only a veterinarian can prescribe. That is draconian. In a progressive country like Germany too. Keep us updated and let us know what we can do.
Alex Katsanos

I wonder how the current minister of health in Germany could have issued a law banning homoeopathy in 2010 when he is on office only since fall of 2021. It’s not that ALL homoeopathic remedies are now forbidden for use in animals and livestock. Practitioners can still use homoeopathic remedies with the label “ad. us. vet.” and all human homoeopathic remedies that have been labelled by a veterinary for animal use.
Sabine Martini-Hansske

Alan V. Schmukler Replies to Sabine:
I stated that the Minister of health called for public health insurers to stop funding homeopathy in 2010. I didn’t state that he issued a law. He just showed where his sympathies were. They’re trying to destroy homeopathy by a thousand cuts. You may be comfortable with the idea that many remedies are forbidden, but not all. A healer needs to have ALL of the tools of the trade.

I can’t imagine this being practically enforced on animal owners of any stripe. In my mind, when things like this come up, it’s up to individuals who see through the smoke screen to continue as they always have, using whatever safe medicines they see fit. Thomas Jefferson famously said, “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.

Will Falconer, DVM

Exactly !! Plain and simple Truth! It goes beyond local/national politics and medical professional associations and practitioners not wanting to compete -This is part of the grand scheme to turn the whole globe into a civilization of obliviously-obedient- unquestioning- serfdom to the utopian visions of unelected- self-decreed-Philosopher-Kings who want us to live in sustainable-greened-city-center-highrise-shared-appartments and ‘own nothing and be happy’ while they surely will be happy to hold on to their jets and mansions and islands and yachts and access to nature and travel and to accumulating the fruits of our labour in their digital accounts.

From: Tidbits 91: After Robin Murphy, What Now? – Elaine Lewis

Thank you for sharing this Elaine. Many people, including myself have wondered what would happen to Robin Murphy’s school. He contributed so much, teaching in his very special way, and giving us the legacy of his groundbreaking repertory, his M.M. and so many articles and transcribed lectures. I’m glad he will live on through the school.
Alan V. Schmukler

From: Trauma and Triumph in the Pandemic – A Homeopathic Perspective -Sunil Anand

Very insightful assessment of Covid world situation, as well as the impact and response generated by medical communities. Great information as well on course of treatment. Thank you Sunil and looking forward to reading next month’s follow up.
Isabel King

A very interesting and extensive article on various aspects of Covid 19 pandemic. Looking forward to reading the next part of it.  A very interesting and extensive article on various aspects of Covid 19 pandemic. Looking forward to reading the next part of it. Have you written a book?

Hi Rachna,
Regarding the book, yes Writers Republic has published my book in North America. and B. Jain has been very forthcoming and supportive to publish the Indian edition which should be released soon.

Interesting comment about the case of Camphora. It confirms the validity of looking at each case individually and not be influenced by assumptions of Genus Epidemicus during an Epidemic.
Aryev Bhardwejj

From: On My Own (experiences starting a medical practice) -Richard Moskowitz

Great article! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your professional odyssey. How lucky are those women whose lives you have touched.

From: How Germany’s New Medicine Act Will Limit Homeopathy Jasmin-Martina Walker

Dear Jasmin-Martina,
Thank you so much for your essay pointing to a number of today’s problems in naturopathy. Since the 19th century, conventional pharma has been fighting homeopathy. Due to the non-medical professionals and due to their associations that homeopathy has survived all the unbased attacks in history.

Some years ago, the GREEN Party in Germany (green suggesting nature and sustainable development) began a new severe attack against homeopathy proclaiming Evidence Based Medicine as the only acceptable medicine. We know that the demand for evidence nowadays gets issued by the pharmaceutical industry.

Homeopathy is just one victim of their agenda. Their goal is to eliminate all medical modalities not under their wings. Integrative medicine, which would be the best offer for human and animal life is under their attack. It is war against the health of any life concerned.

To Pharma, medicine is not for health, it is for increasing dividends of shareholders and for more power. Patients are the needed cattle. We’ve got to stand up now! Our federal minister of health is the highest-ranking pharma lobbyist we ever had. He extends to humans what you, Jasmin-Martina describes for animals. More and more physician associations erase homeopathy from their curriculum.
We will resist! Our health and welfare is not for sale to big pharma! Let’s join hands! I hope that you are well, Jasmin-Martina. [Maybe you remember me ;-)]
Waiting for needed updates on the topic from you because we’ve got to stay alert,

From: Cartoon:  Breaking the Law – AlanV. Schmukler

Breaking the Law

In America that caption may soon read: “I’m sorry dear, but now I have to report you to the CDC, the AMA and the Department of Homeland Security since you are now breaking the law, spreading misinformation, and considered a domestic terrorist.”
Ronald D. Whitmont, MD

This is the same in UK. Us professional homeopaths are not allowed by law to give homeopathy for animals unless we are also a qualified Veterinary Surgeon so I love this cartoon!!
Rochelle Marsden

From: Dr. Soledad’s Yanhuitlan Clinic is now open! -by Bill Grannell, Barbara Grannell

Congratulations for making your dream come true and putting so much effort and heart into the clinic, Barb & Bill, Dr.Soledad, and all who have contributed!! Wish you all the best on earth, blessings and abrazos.
Katja Schuett

From:  Revisiting: Dry Mouth: Easy Quiz, Not-So-Easy Answer! -Elaine Lewis

Hummus is a culinary preparation with a base of chickpeas to which we add lemon juice, garlic, cumin and salt, but also tahini which is a cream of sesame seeds crushed with a little water. It is well known that sesame seeds often cause allergic reactions. I see also that sesame oil is proposed in preparations for dry skin, dry hair and dry nose. Maybe we see here a kind of homeopathic use of it.

From: Ankylosing Spondylitis and Homoeopathy –  Rajneesh Kumar Sharma

Ankylosing Spondylitis and Homoeopathy

I am a huge proponent of homeopathy. We need to spread the knowledge to as many people as possible. For this reason I don’t understand why this article does not have “Send to” symbols, either on top or bottom? It would make life so easy if it did. Thank you. This is an excellent article. I have AS of my spine
Dinyar M Dalal

From: Solar Dermatitis in a Woman of 45 – Petr Zacharias,

Thank you for this case. It is very well explained, and as I followed your thinking, it is very clear how you found the correct remedy.
Dana Campean

From: The Plant Doctor – Radko Tichavsky

The Plant Doctor – June 2022

Thank you for helping me with my Lilac bush. If the lilac tree’s problem is indeed Pseudomonas syringae, might homeopathic Pseudomonas help? I coincidently just bought it in 30c last month for a totally different problem (in a human)!
Linda S

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