Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia

Letters to the Editor November 2006

Letters to the Editor November 2006


I always read articles by David Little; he is an exceptional writer.
Others I speed read, but with David’s I read them through in depth, and save
them as well.

Thank you,

Laura Sholtz, PhD, RSHom, CCH, FBIH
Registrar, North American Society of Homeopaths


I am a new subscriber to your e-zine and am very much enjoying reading the articles.
My question relates to a remedy. In the materia medica section, the remedy Aloe socratina has a list of remedies that it is similar to…one of the listed is Gambogia I could not locate it your online materia medica list. Could you direct me to where I could learn more about it and it’s full name?

Thank you for your help.



Dear Dr. Bhatia, I am much impressed of the editorial of Oct issue of Hpathy Ezine. It has to be ‘cautios yes’ because, in my opinion, serious and complicated cases are not ventured by Homoeopaths. We get ever so many calls in papers for philonthropic financial help for chest and renal troubles. We can take those cases contactng papers for speedy and perfect cures without resorting tranwplanting or using knives.

Homoeopaths must recognize the difficulty in finding the correct constitutional remedy in a given situation and take the assistance of the almost mechanized system of Allopathy for easy, perfect and harmless cures. They do not behave anti each other because they work in different fields. While Homoeo remedies work deep into the vital forces i.e. the power of existence of life, the Allopathy remedies work only on the visible and examinable parts of the body. As such there is no comparison between Homoeopathy and Allopathy. At this point I shall say my mind. Actually both must be considered complementary to each other so that a better system may be found for the well being of humanity. They assist or complement each other. That is why many Allopathy doctors world over who have come to know of its efficacy, use homoeopathy medicines also together. It is a fact during my practice I have seen while Allopathy doctors prescribe medicine for a so called ‘infection’ to be taken for ten days the patient will get cured in 2 or 3 days when assisted by Homoeopathy. For cleaning a stain on the floor we use brush also with water. When water is homoeopathy Allopathy is brush.

Science of Allopathy has provided enormous amount of information about the body and also the mind as independent entities. This knowledge is the result of the painstaking labor of thousands of dedicated scientists. This accumulated treasure is humanity’s precious heritage and it would be the height of folly to ignore it or undervalue it. Further, physical curative medicines have attempted removing diseases from individuals. Specialisation and micro specialisation have made medical care very efficient. We must also appreciate maintenance of health through preventive medicines has helped human society to very nearly get rid of diseases like small-pox, blindness, goiter, plague, etc

No comparison between Homoeopathy and Allopathy.

There might have been some instances where I would have had to quote the ill effects or total inability of Allopathy system in my ile ‘CURE’. These are only presentation of practical difficulty, as it exists under that system which fact is being accepted by individual Doctors.
I shall venture to add, both the systems may be synchronized by two ways as follows. In one way the Allopathy world, having come to know of their limitations, must include the irrefutable principles of Homoeopathy in their medical curriculum. In another way, there are specialists in Allopathy for different types of diseases, parts of body or functioning of the organs. The Homoeopaths do not have to do anything for specialisation because they see body as a whole for any medicine including mind. Therefore they may be taken as specialists in daily medicination.
. William Boericke has prepared his repertory on the basis of generally understood pathological and physiological headings but suggested only homoeopathic remedies. He himself quotes in his Dr pocket size Materia Medica in 1927 the words of Dr. J. Compton Burnette as follows:
“The fact is we need any and every way of finding the right remedy; the simple simile, the simple symptomatic similimum and the farthest reach of all -the pathologic similimum and I maintain that we are all still well within the lines of Homoeopathy that is expansive, progressive, science fostered and science fostering.”

KV Natrajan


Dear Dr B,
I would just like to thankyou for your wonderful newsletters, I look forward to them!
I was especially interested to read about the History of homoeopathy in Victoria, as that is where I live and am currently doing post graduate studies in homoeopathy at VCHH.
Thanks again,
Keep up the great work!


Dear Dr. Navin Pavaskar, I went through every word of your interview done by Dr. Leela found in hpathy ezine Oct 2006 issue and was impressed your understanding oif Homoeopathy philosophy and practicing in its spirit. It was more difficult in my ear;ier stage o pracataice,
1963 onwards to convince public of Homoeopathy phylosophy even now people are not convinced of treatment by Homoeopathy. On the one hand they are attracted to mechanical level of our body as presented by Allopathy, on the other hand Homoeopaths are not ready to take complicated and terminal illmness. They get satisfied with whatever they are able to earn and settled in life.

I thank you for presenting my small matters of chest pains elaborated with clinical, pathologicaland medical phrases which I, as a layman, do not know ABC of them and a Homoeopath need not know actually as in my case all these definitions and explanations. however you have taken so much interest in such presentation for qualified Homoeopaths to

Of course convincing public for Homoeopathy treatment takes a little pains. But nowadays, in the south public are aware of Homoeopathy and at least they are convinced of its quality of ‘no after or ill effects’. I took only patients who were stopped any further treatment
due to the limitations of Allopathy or the persons’ inability to meet such high costs. Therefore I had no difficulty in convincing the patient for Homoeopathic treatment. But I had peculiar experience. Since I select remedies carefully to tally with the symptoms they get
cured in one or two doses in quick short period and they used get convinced that what they had vowed with a particular God effected the cure. The total absence of any paraphernalia and conditions advisedby other systems results as if it is not the remedy but their faith that
effected cure. It is not just passing remarks. Such people are very confident of their vow.

Your voice would be better heard that initially we must try only remedies to mitigate the suffering of the patient and constutional remedy later for a perfect and losting cure.

Dr. Leela: That’s very interesting! What were the remedies you used? Did you use constitutional remedies in tandem with the acutely indicated remedy?

Dr. Navin: Always we needed to start with acute simillimums as they would come to the hospital in acute distress. The remedies I used were Opium, Terebinth, Merc sol, Alumina, Lachesis, Ars Iod, to mention a few. Once the acute stage was relieved, we moved on to the
constitutionally indicated remedy to complete the cure for the long term

Yours Truly, K.V.Natarajan


Iam glad to see dr Luc,s crystal clear opinion on true homoeopath.Eventhough its heading is different it gives clear visiuals about a true homoeopath.Hope few “i did this &idid that” homoeopaths turn around ,open their eyes & then teach beginners systematically so as to overcome much repeated trivial but heartbreaking errors.

dr rekhasri


I very much appreciate your magazine – especially the articles about the hospitals in India and all the wonderful work being done there.

I was wondering if you had a direct email contact for Dr. Navin Pavaskar.
(I am aware of the contact for the course for foreigners).

thank you

J Jonas


dear Dr Lewis: ( do you mind if i call you that?)

I have been reading things you have written at for some time. I Have always enjoyed your readable, easy-to-understand style and your sense of humour.

I have a background which is a little bit like yours (as per interview by Kelly Young at June ’05)..I liked Carleton Fredericks, and Adele Davis also and they were my introductions to good health long ago..(sigh). I have continued my studies and practice
of nutrition and health and natural healing over the years, studying with an herbalist , and studying homeopathy a little on my own. I also took a correspondence course in homeopathy..but i know so little.. Still, have had some success with just helping people who i meet, homeopathically. I really would like to be able to do more.

My question is: do you have one place where you have articles written, either on the internet or elsewhere? Perhaps is the best place to find things.

I am particularly interested in your explanations of dosing in water, and using succussions.. but i have some questions about the fine points of using this method…which i truly believe may be the BEST way of dosing.. like how many ounces the bottle should be, and how best to succuss..

would you kindly direct me to where i can find the largest selection of your tips and helps in using homeopathic remedies?

i cannot begin to tell you how much i have enjoyed reading the things i have read which you have shared at so far.. !both articles, interviews and posts at the forum.

I guess one of the big parts of this e mail may be a big THANK YOU.!!

**THANK YOU ****

agnes kippen


just want to say that I absolutely love Elaine Lewis’s articles. They are so well written and explain so much.
I really enjoy reading them. They especially help simplify some of the confusing areas for a new student of homeopathy which is truly appreciated.

I hope Elaine continues to write more.
Carole castos


Aconite, Belladonna, &Arsenicumalb byDr. Ajitkulkarni

The above article is comparitive, comprehencive & useful in our practice.Congratulations to the author & Hpathy for publishing it.


Hi there,

I am a student of homeopathy in my second year of a degree in homeopathic medicine and I have just started reading your articles. I would just like to say that it is fantastic to read that there are so many other people who feel the way i do about homeopathy.

Keep up the great work, it’s deffinatley worth it.


Emma Green


Individualisation is the final concept in homeopathic treatment. In chronic cases individualisation is only the option for cure. Whereas in case of acutes individualisation in respect of available symptomats is necessary, but the treatment or drugs cannot be standardised or cannot be fixed in the name of therepautic approach which is against to the homeopathic principles and the results are also poor. Here, in case of Hospital set up, the standardisation is most important approach in respect of homeopathy treatment; that is – in councelling about homeopathic treatment, case taking, investigations, analysis of the case by using various technics as per standardisation, case management etc. Unless there is no standardisation in approach and management of the case the hospital concept would be a failure one. In this juncture I suggest the people in hospital concepts to draw – design and publish the Manual of the hospital in which standardisation approaches should be designed for the guidence of the physician and staff. A manual for the hospital is a must if it is to be run on professional level. thank you.
dr.kvv satyanarayana murthy


Apropos of the interview,Dr.Navin’s journey in the homeopathic field is interesting.His admission about the limitations of homeopathic practice in emergencies is realistic.Working side by side with Allopathic doctors is good for developing clinical confidence and removing the Allopathic indifference towards the gentle and effective homeopathic system.His experience,obstacles and success in serving poor tribal people is praiseworthy.Nodoubt,if there is good and selfless service,money flows in automatically.The interview kindles the hope that homeopathy can take the centre stage of medical services sooner or later.His institute ICR is a milestone in the development of homeopathic ‘protocol and clinical system’ in India.


Comments on Editorial Oct.06

Dear sir,
I agree with your view that it is time again for Homeopathic hospitals,where the patients can get reliable indoor services in emergencies.Thesedays
,patients are getting scared of allopathic hospitals,which are becoming centres of cheating patients.Your wish for a system of’Integrative Medicine’with homeopathy in a central place is noble,lofty and timely.But Homeopaths will have to work ceaselessly,tirelessly and selflessly for this objective.The interview of Dr. Navin Pavaskar is inspiring and his Institute ICR is a step in the right direction.His struggle and success against all odds is a great tribute to sincere efforts and greatness of Homeopathy.


The correct spelling of my name is Ernie, I truly enjoy your newsletter but it would make it even more better if my name was spelled correct.



Article on nosebleeds

hpathy,Ezine oct 2006 by dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma has many many remedies listed for Epistaxis(nosebleeds) but the one i have used more often is not on his list…………….ferrum phos…………….works all the time.

There is another method TCM Traditional Chinese medicine. Take a snippet of human hair,burn it (calcify to carbon ash) add a droplet of water to it and place this mixture directly on top the the bleeding nose (not in side the nose) The blood stop’s instantly!!!!!!!!!!!! try it and see for your self. I have done this many many times in the past 10yrs or so. Handy hint if you dont happen to have your remedy emergency box with you.

Thank you for the great efforts in the production of this forum and monthly magazine.

Gina Tyler


I just want to congratulate you & to your team on a wonderful job that you and your collegues have done to maintain this website.
More over I also congratulate to dr.Leela for the wonderfull interview with dr.Barvalia & dr Navin Pavaskar.The information given is very clear,accurate & concise.I appriciate the cases given by dr.Barvalia and dr Navin Pavaskar.
Really you are doing a great job i.e is not easy.Thank you for all of yoy in producing this excellent work . Please keep on . Keep well and abondon this journal.Thank you.
Dr.Ranjit Singh


A case of intoxication.

Dear Dr.,
The analysis and the rubric for the above case was very useful and it is interesting and it made as a guidance to me.
Thanking you
Yours truly,



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